Posted: October 31, 2021
Happy Halloween!

Remembrance Day Poppies
It is a long-standing tradition for schools to support our veterans and the efforts of the Royal Canadian Legion. Due to our COVID-19 health and safety guidelines, the distribution and collection of funds for poppies will be different again this year. Please note that our school will be receiving a poppy for every student. We will be distributing them to classes in a safe manner. We will continue to collect funds this year in support of the Legion’s Poppy Campaign but kindly ask students and their families to donate online via School Cash Online.
Please do not send any cash or cheques with your child to school. We appreciate your generosity. As always, our school is committed to educating our community about the meaning of the poppy and Remembrance Day.
Welcome Centre at Donna Gabriel Robins Elementary
The District is opening a new Welcome Centre at Donna Gabriel Robins Elementary. The Welcome Centre will provide interactive, informative sessions for families and their young children aged from birth to four years and will support families in celebrating their child’s development. It is a safe and welcoming space that is reflective of Indigenous culture and values, highlighting the First Nations principle that every child is a gift. Programs, which are at no cost, include Story Time and Toddler Time. For more info, visit our webpage here.
Month to Remember

Langley Education Heroes – Langley Advance Times
The Langley Advance Times is highlighting the efforts of seven local educators who go “Above and Beyond” in an upcoming special publication. The paper is looking for anyone involved in education in Langley – Teachers, Administrators, Education Assistants, Aboriginal Support Workers, Coaches, Club Leaders, Custodial Staff, Bus Drivers – who have made a big difference for Langley students in the last year or over the course of a long career. Each person selected will be the subject of a feature article and photo in an upcoming publication.
To nominate someone, email and submit up to 250 words explaining why the person you are nominating deserves to be featured. Please include your contact information so staff at the paper can follow up with you and reach out to your nominee. A small committee at the Langley Advance Times will be making decisions, so there is a November 10th (4 pm) deadline for nominations.
Photo Day Proofs…
…have arrived and will be going home with students this week.
Retake day is Monday November 22.
- Please do not send the proofs back to the school, those are yours to keep.
- To limit the amount of paper handling we encourage families to please purchase online –
- Find your Portait ID and Access Code, which is unique to each student, on your proofs or order sheet.
- For up to 9 months after your Picture Day you can use your Portrait ID and Access Code for a first-time order or to reorder additional portraits and portrait gifts.
Pay for Portraits with Cash or Cheque – Due in the office no later that Nov 8, 2021.
To limit the amount a paper handling we encourage families to purchase online
Complete your paper order form or flyer and place your cash or cheque in the payment envelope. Then send your order and payment to school with your child.
Any Questions? Call Lifetouch at 1-866-457-8212
All verification forms that were returned, have been updated in the MyEducationBC system.
Parent/Guardians should log into your MyEd Parent Portal account and make sure all information is correct. If any For information on how to access the parent portal and help to navigate the site please visit the MYEDBC – Family/Student Portal Help Page
Information About School Status During Inclement Weather
Snow closures and power outages are an annual occurrence in Langley School District. So, where do you go to get information about the status of schools during periods of inclement weather? If you are able to access the internet via computer or smartphone, current information about Langley schools can be accessed on all school websites or Updates are also posted to Twitter @LangleySchools and Facebook at If you don’t have internet connectivity but your phone is working, call a relative or friend in an area that has not been affected by the storm and ask them to check the district website for you. Local radio stations are also informed of school status in Langley. Tune in to CKWX 1130AM, CKNW 980AM, Country Radio 107.1FM, Pulse 107.7 or CBC 690AM or 88.1FM for updates.
Please note that Langley District schools are all considered ‘open’ until a decision to close is required. Decisions on school closures are usually made by 6:30am. As always, it is a parent’s decision whether to send their child to school based on safety and individual circumstances. If you feel it is unsafe for you or your child to travel to or attend an open school for any reason, please keep your child home and report an absence to the school.
Winter Clothing Drive
A group of leadership students from R.E. Mountain Secondary, where all our Bulldogs are eventually bound, are running a winter clothing drive to provide warm clothing to kids in Alkavik, NWT. Before you lost track of those outgrown winter essentials, please consider donating them. We have donation bags in the office, and will accept donations there.

International Students’ Program – Homestay Families Needed
Click on the poster to go to the ISP Homestay Section.

Quote(s) of the week

PAC News
Something to read (or watch)

- Here’s a list of ‘family friendly’ Halloween movies on the three big streaming services in Canada. There are also some cool recipe ideas at the bottom. Lots of the movies are PG, though some seemed pretty innocent to me when I saw them.
- Of course, it’s way too nice a day for movies inside, I think, so maybe you should start with a walk to see some salmon. The rivers are down a bit now, but many of the local hatcheries are probably open today. The Nicomekl Hatchery is in Langley, and has an amazing facility, but I am not positive the general public is able to visit yet. They do indicate a need for masks and vaccinations on their website. Tynehead Park offers nice walking trails outside the hatchery, a hatchery staffed by friendly volunteers, and lots of places to see the fish in the river. Across the Fraser, Kanaka Creek Regional Park has a fish ladder at 240th St. & 109th Ave., and my favourite, a beautiful fall walk from Cliff Falls to the Bell Irving Hatchery. It’s a bit of a hike, to be sure, but with lovely scenery, and multiple access points.
- What could be worse than having a ghost in your house? Have you ever heard a really convincing ghost story? This one takes a turn that I didn’t expect. Carrie Poppy’s TEDx talk shares her insights on hauntings, science, respect, and inner and outer truths. This isn’t spooky, or anything, but it might make for an interesting watch and thought for parents.
Things to remember from the calendar
Friday, November 5
- Neufelds Pickup @4:30
Wednesday, November 10
- Remembrance Day Assemblies (K-2 and 3-5)
Thursday, November 11
- Remembrance Day – Schools closed
Friday, November 12
- Design & Assessment Day – Students do not attend
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