This Week at RBE – January 30, 2022

Posted: January 31, 2022


Families Supporting Families – Help in the Hard Times (click poster to go to the registration site)

Daily Health Checks

As the province continues to update its online K-12 Health Checker, the Ministry of Education is sharing a new document with the school community to help guide families and keep everyone healthy and safe. Please review the Daily Health Check and What to Do When Sick guide as needed here. You will notice an update on symptoms and protocols to help manage illness. Families are encouraged to continue using the Thrive BC COVID-19 Assessment Tool only to check symptoms and determine if you need a COVID-19 test. 

Please Update Parent/Guardian Contacts

Have you changed your email address or phone number? As the District continues preparing procedures and communications for potential school closures, we kindly ask families to ensure their contact information is up to date. If there are any changes, please be sure to inform your school office. If you want to receive SchoolMessenger notification text messages in the event of emergencies or urgent communications, you can opt-in by following these instructions here.

Daily Health Check

A friendly reminder to everyone to conduct the daily health check before coming to school or boarding a bus. Please note, the Ministry is currently updating the K-12 Health Check App, to reflect the current COVID-19 landscape. Students, staff, and visitors are asked to use the Thrive BC COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool until further notice. The District will provide an update as soon as information is made available.

PAC News

  • Easter Purdy’s orders will open soon!
  • Hot Lunch is unfortunately still on hold.
  • The next Spring Fling planning meeting is January 31 at 7pm via zoom
  • The next general meeting is February 7 at 7pm via zoom.

Quote(s) of the week

Something to read (or watch)

  • I heard about this free program on the radio Sunday afternoon. Wild Outside is built for kids 15-18, not elementary students like our Bulldogs, but I know some of our families have kids of the right age, and I’d hate to think that any student who might love this program didn’t do it out of not knowing it even existed. WILD Outside. 
  • Here’s a quick read on how to know if you’re doing too much. Is Your Engine Warning Light On? 
  • Some of your kids probably play the game called Set. It baffles me, I must confess, but it’s a pretty good game. Here’s an online version: of a free daily puzzle.

Things to remember from the calendar

Monday, January 31

  • Girls’ basketball practice after school
  • Spring Fling meeting @7 pm via Zoom

Tuesday, February 1

  • Lunar New Year
  • Boys’ basketball practice after school 2:45-4

Wednesday, February 2

  • Girls’ basketball practice after school


  • Boys’ basketball practice after school 2:45-4 

Richard Bulpitt Elementary

20965 - 77A Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Y 2E6
Phone: 604-888-5393
Fax: 604-888-5356