Posted: February 6, 2022
Valentines Day
With Valentine’s Day coming, we are getting questions about Valentine’s Treats and Cards. We would ask that edible treats, even wrapped, NOT be included with Valentines handed out by students. Hopefully this is the last time we’ll be having to say this. Cards are fine, and non-edible attachments (we’ve seen lots of those cards with pencils, stickers and such over the years) are also fine. Food treats should not be sent with cards, please. Thank you for working with us to respect the guidelines designed to keep us all healthy.
If you have plans to move during the current school year and you will be registering your child at another school, please contact the office and advise us of the expected date of withdrawal. Please make sure all library books have been returned and classroom materials have been collected.
Not Returning for September 2022?
In order to assist us in determining our projected enrolments for the upcoming 2022-2023 school year, parents are asked to inform the school as soon as possible if/when they know that their children will be leaving our school or not returning in the fall. Please email with your students’ names, the new school name, if known, and the city/province/country of your new home.
Resource for Families with Pre-K learners
The District continue to improve early learning transitions for pre-K children. The District’s early learning community partner, the BC Children’s Kelty Centre runs a podcast called Where You Are. The latest podcast episode focuses on Social and Emotional Development in the Early Years which parents and caregivers may find helpful. The District is sharing this resource with families with pre-K learners. See episode description and link below.
Benefits for Life: Social and Emotional Development in the Early Years
Between ages 0-6, a child’s social and emotional health is every bit as important as their physical health. It affects how they express emotions, deal with stress, develop friendships, and more. Join podcast hosts Bryn and Michelle as they take a closer look at social and emotional development (SED) in the early years, including what it is, how you can support your child’s SED, and how these skills will benefit them for life. In this episode you’ll hear from Joelle, a busy mom to a five-year-old, and Dr. Angela Low, a researcher and educator whose work focuses on social and emotional competence in children. You’ll even hear from some little ones who share their experiences too. Listen to the 26-minute episode here. For all episodes, go here.
Lost & Found
The Lost & Found is filling up! Please take a minute to check the Lost & Found inside the courtyard doors for any of your child’s possessions. We are approaching our next ‘Wash & Donate’ deadline for items left behind.
Please Update Parent/Guardian Contacts
Have you changed your email address or phone number? As the District continues preparing procedures and communications for potential school closures, we kindly ask families to ensure their contact information is up to date. If there are any changes, please be sure to inform your school office. If you want to receive SchoolMessenger notification text messages in the event of emergencies or urgent communications, you can opt-in by following these instructions here.
Daily Health Check
A friendly reminder to everyone to conduct the daily health check before coming to school or boarding a bus. Please note, the Ministry is currently updating the K-12 Health Check App, to reflect the current COVID-19 landscape. Students, staff, and visitors are asked to use the Thrive BC COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool until further notice. The District will provide an update as soon as information is made available.
PAC News
- Easter Purdy’s orders will open soon!
- Hot Lunch is unfortunately still on hold.
- The next general meeting is February 7 at 7pm via zoom.
- Meeting link: ID: 442 619 0634
Quote(s) of the week

Something to read (or watch)
- Did you know bat populations across North America are being decimated by a fungus? Did you know that in BC that fungus hasn’t arrived? Researchers are investigating whether probiotics can help bat populations resist the fungus that otherwise wakes them up from hibernation, thus wasting their precious energy and often killing them. I thought that bats eat many mosquitoes each day (apparently this is a myth), and I love watching them dart around above my backyard in spring and summer evenings.
- The Canadian Men’s Health Foundation has a website with tips around managing stress and anxiety. Think is, I don’t think these are gender-specific. The soundscapes section is interesting, and puts a different spin on some of the more conventional ambient noise approaches I’ve seen. Pickle jar pops?

Things to remember from the calendar
Monday, February 7
- Girls’ basketball practice after school 2:45-4
- PAC Meeting – 7pm via Zoom
Tuesday, February 8
- Boys’ basketball practice after school 2:45-4
Wednesday, February 9
- Girls’ basketball GAME after school 2:45-4
Thursday, February 10
- Boys’ basketball GAME after school 2:45-4
Friday, February 11
- Pro-D Day – Students do not attend
Friday, February 18
- Design & Assessment Day – Students do not attend
Monday, February 21
- Family Day Holiday
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