Posted: April 3, 2022
Daily Health Check and What to Do When Sick
A friendly reminder to our students and visitors to complete a daily health check prior to boarding a bus or entering a school or District site such as the School Board Office. To help support families in doing their part to keep everyone safe, please review the Daily Health Check and What to Do When Sick guide here. This contains a list of COVID-19 symptoms and guidance on what to do if you become ill. As always, the District is encouraging everyone to continue practice proper handwashing and staying home when sick.

Thank you, PAC!
We want to thank the PAC for generously purchasing a range of new playground equipment for us this spring. The cart of equipment is out every day, with kids excitedly getting something to play with, the wheelchair gate on the Gaga Ball pit is already installed, and the tetherball standard should be here any day now. Thank you to all parents and community members who have supported any PAC fundraising initiative.
We also have grade 3 and 4 students learning Ukulele in music now, thanks to the generous support of the PAC. Their excitement to share their original songs with me on Friday was clear!
Ramadan Mubarak
I remember coaching a basketball player during my practicum, 28 years ago, who was fasting for Ramadan during the February part of our basketball season. This year, Ramadan began on the evening of April 1st. It wasn’t until last Friday, when one of Mr. Arthurs’ students taught me why the month of Ramadan moves through the Gregorian calendar. I clearly have much still to learn about the cultures that make up our community.
Ramadan is the Muslim commemoration of Muhammad’s first revelation, and is a month of fasting, prayer, reflection and community. During the fasting period, from sunrise to sunset each day for a lunar month, Muslims observing Ramadan may not eat or drink anything (source: Wikipedia). We have many students at RBE who will be observing Ramadan (people of the Muslim faith make up nearly a quarter of the world’s population), so your children may notice a friend who is not eating at school. If they are concerned, please reassure them, and remind them to wish their friend a blessed Ramadan.

Lessons Learned from COVID-19: Survey
The province has launched an independent review and public consultation on the government’s operational response to the COVID-19 pandemic to improve future preparations and responses to emergencies. The goal is to learn about how government agencies worked together to address the effects of COVID-19 that affected everyone and changed rapidly. To provide feedback, you are encouraged to complete an online survey here which is available in multiple languages versions. This survey will remain open until April 20, 2022 at 4:00pm. You can find more information here.
PAC News
Spirit Wear
We have had some interest in placing a spring order for Spirit Wear. Please email to, or message us through our Facebook page if you are interested. We require a minimum number of items before we can submit an order.
Easter Purdys
Ordering is now open! Orders are due March 28, with delivery by April 10. Customer #28445
Next General Meeting
Don’t forget – our next meeting will be Monday, April 4 at 7pm. – all parents are welcome to attend!
Quote(s) of the week



Something to read (or watch)

Things to remember from the calendar
Monday, April 4
- PAC Meeting – 7pm
Wednesday, April 6
- Student vs. Staff Basketball Game (Grade 5 Boys Team) – Parent refs welcome!
Friday, April 8
- Hot Lunch (Subway)
- Students vs Staff Basketball Game (Grade 5 Girls’ Team) – Parent refs welcome!
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