This Week at RBE – May 15, 2022

Posted: May 15, 2022


From the Office

The Jackets are Multiplying

Please check the lost and found.  Its overflowing with items.  Unclaimed items will be donated at the end of the school year.

Early Start to Summer Holidays???

If your student(s) are going to be starting summer holidays sooner than the last day of school (June 29)  It is very important to let the office and your student(s) teachers know.

Please make sure you take all your student’s cloakroom items and materials .  Any items not picked up they will be donated or recycled.

Information about the upcoming Spring Performance

The students and staff are very busy preparing for our Spring Concert to be held on June 8 1:00pm, June 9, 1:00pm and 6:30pm.   In order to ensure that all of of our families are able to enjoy the students’ hard work, admission to each of our performances will be by PRE-ISSUED TICKETS ONLY on School Cash Online.

There is no cost for the tickets

*****If you have more than one student you will only see tickets under one child’s account.*****

Because we have almost 600 students, tickets per family will be limited.

Ticket Limits – 2 tickets per family at the 6:00 pm performance, and 4 tickets per family for the 1:00pm performances. This is to ensure all families receive tickets to the performances.

Please bring your receipt as proof of purchase for entry.

Tickets are reserved/issued on a first come first serve basis, whether it is the night or afternoon concert.

Other Stuff

Parking lot after school

We’re asking once more that parents at pick-up time NOT leave vehicles straddling the yellow lines. We will be asking Langley Bylaws Enforcement to assist us with this challenge. It is not fair for people who arrive early enough to park their cars to be blocked in when their kids are dismissed. The only other approach that seems likely to work is closing the gates at 1:45, and we’d prefer not to have to do that.

Spring Fling

Scholastic Book Fair

Kids Helping Kids

On May 27th Langley Firefighters will be picking up clothing donations from participating Langley schools to help fund the School Snack Program, one of their charitable causes. In partnership with the Langley School District Foundation, the Kids Helping Kids Clothing Drive is helping to support a much needed food program for students in Langley. Richard Bulpitt Elementary is signed up and ready to go! Start scouring those closets, Bulldogs!

PAC News

Annual General Meeting & Executive Elections

 Our AGM and PAC Elections will be held on Monday, June 6 at 7pm in the Library.  If you are interested in becoming a member of our PAC, please email to

Hot Lunches Upcoming…

Get your orders in!

May 27 – Pita Pit

June 10 – Taco Del Mar

June 24 – Froyo & Popcorn

Spring Fling

The Spring Fling is coming up on Friday, June 3! Planning is ramping up and we’re looking for volunteers to help lead efforts in marketing, carnival games, food, volunteers, handmade and homegrown market, ticketing, raffles and logistics.  Please join the group so we can put on a great event for the community!

Quote(s) of the week

Things to remember from the calendar…

May 19

  • Last day for Spring Fling Basket Donations

May 20

  • Pro-D Day

May 23

  • Victoria Day Holiday

May 27

  • Kids Helping Kids Clothing Drive – bring in those donations to the front foyer.
  • Regional track meet (participating grade 4 & 5 students)

June 8 & 9

  • Spring Concert

June 17

  • Sports Day


Richard Bulpitt Elementary

20965 - 77A Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Y 2E6
Phone: 604-888-5393
Fax: 604-888-5356