Posted: June 5, 2022
Everything old is new again…
It’s amazing to me how, over two years of not doing things we’ve ‘always done,’ we have managed to forget some of the timings, procedures, and details that go into some of our school-wide events. Thanks for bearing with us as we all remember the stuff we used to know.
Spring Fling
We want to share a huge congratulations and thanks to everyone who attended the Spring Fling on Friday evening. It was so much fun connecting with current and previous students and their families. The turnout was far bigger than we could have hoped for, especially given the questionable weather to start. If you had asked me on the crosswalk at 2:45, I’d have predicted a total rain-out.
We offer a big thank you to the vendors who braved the weather to provide their wares and services, despite weather that could have resulted in a pretty empty courtyard.
Thanks to the performers who came to dazzle us in the gym. Your performances and demonstrations were amazing!
Thanks to the parents who volunteered at the event, who donated for the raffle baskets, and who lent us rain tents, tables, and more.
Thanks to all of the staff (and their families) who attended and connected with the community.
Thanks, too, to the North Langley Community Church who lent us their stage for the event, and are lending it to us this week as well. Big thanks to all the neighbourhood businesses that donated prizes, funds, services, or otherwise supported our event!
Thanks to every student and parent who volunteered to go in the dunk tank. Even when you’re ready for it, going in is a shock! And you all probably are still trying to get water out of your noses and ears!
Huge thanks to the volunteer students from R.E. Mountain Secondary, and to Ms. Costopoulos for organizing them. They arrived early and stayed late! They took initiative; set things up one way, and then another; solved their own technical problems; and cleaned up a bunch of the equipment twice! And they did everything with friendly smiles and great spirits.
Thanks to our fantastic custodial team who rearranged their work and cleaned around us as well as after us. This sort of event definitely does NOT make their jobs easier.
Thanks to the key group of parents (and a couple of students) who stayed to help with the final cleanup. They got out of the school at about 10:00, after helping get things ready for today’s rental groups, and for classes on Monday. It was a big job done by a small team, and we are grateful for their cheerful work.
The biggest, most special thanks goes to the core organizing team of Rahima, Sandra & Zoe, who seemed to be everywhere all at once, and who rearranged their whole plan at the last minute to keep things dry. I don’t know how they managed to arrange the perfect window of decent weather too, but they did it! And they did this with a fresh team of volunteers who, like all of us, can barely remember the last Spring Fling and what went into organizing it. They rolled with a lot of ‘oh, yeah, what about…’ moments, and did it with smiles and grace. You all did a fantastic job and put on a wonderful event.
Summer PHE Program
We have an exciting new opportunity for a summer Physical & Health Education program. The program is focused on PHE: Fundamental Movement Skill development, with a specific focus on basketball. The program will run July 4th – 15th from 9:00am-1:00pm at Walnut Grove Secondary. This Summer Session opportunity is open to all Langley students in grades 4-7.
The goals of the program are to:
- increase the level of confidence and competence of students in their fundamental movement skills
- use physical activity to support student mental well-being
- identify basketball skills that students can improve upon
- learn new skills
- have fun
Speaking of Summer Session
Some elementary Summer Session classes are in danger of being cancelled due to low enrolment. If you’re thinking about registering, now is definitely the time!
Langley City Community Day
Our community partner, the City of Langley, will be hosting a Community Day on June 18th at Douglas Park. The event features a variety of family-oriented attractions and activities that are free for everyone to participate. Read more info here.

Term 3 Report Cards
In anticipation of our publishing students’ Term 3 report cards on June 29, 2022, please log into your MyEd Parent Portal account and make sure you are able to access your account before June 29, 2022.
For information on how to access the parent portal and help to navigate the site please visit the MYEDBC –Family/Student Portal Help Page
- For first-time users: you must use a laptop or desktop computer to initialize your Login account or reset a password. Some work computers and most smartphones may have a server firewall or popup blockers that prevent access to the website. Once your Login account is activated, you will be able to use a smartphone to access all info in the system. After you’ve dealt with the password/security question click on the Set Preferences link in the top right. Set the Locale to Canada to get the date format in Day / Month / Year. In the security tab of the preferences pop up you can change your password and your security question.
- Report cards are only posted for a short period of time, it is recommended that you save a copy of your student’s report card. (Term 1 reports cards will not be visible once term 2 is posted in March and term 2 is not visible once term 3 is posted in June.)
- Passwords are reset every 90 days
- If you need assistance with your Parent Portal, please click here
- If you need your password reset, please email with the following information;
- Parent/Guardian Name
- Parent/Guardian Email
- Student(s) full name
- Division/teacher.
Please be advised that the Langley School District receives a high number of requests regarding the MyEd Family Portal around the Final Report Card date and therefore the response time will be longer than usual, due to the high volume of requests.
Thank you for your understanding.
PAC News
Hot Lunch
Get your orders in!
June 10 – Taco Del Mar
June 24 – Froyo & Popcorn
Next General Meeting
Don’t forget our AGM and PAC Elections will be held, Monday, June 13 at 7:30pm in the Library. If you are interested in becoming a member of our PAC, please email to
Quote(s) of the week

Something to Read or Watch…
- Here’s an interesting article on how to make the most of reading time with kids. Screen? Book? Audio? It puts forth three sides to reading with children: Linguistic/Cognitive, Social, and Engagement. And different modes of reading don’t address all three sides the same way or amount.
- This isn’t the first time I’ve shared something like this, and, sadly, I fear it won’t be the last. When the news is scary, and our kids manage to hear it, we find ourselves sometimes struggling to talk to them about it. We know that not talking about it is a much worse choice, though. This article has some helpful ideas.
- On Tuesday last week, the district raised the flags back to full staff, after an honouring ceremony with representatives from Kwantlen and Semiahmoo First Nations. Here are some highlights of the words from Semiahmoo Chief, Harley Chappell.
Things to Remember from the Calendar
- We run the whole month calendar starting this week, just so you have a picture of what’s to come! Keep an eye on it all month, though, as sometimes we get new additions or have to make minor adjustments.
Monday June 6
- Last week for library book exchanges
Wednesday June 8
- Spring Performance Matinee (1:00)
Thursday June 9
- Spring Performance Matinee (1:00)
- Spring Performance Evening Show (6:00 Curtain, Kids to classes at 5:45)
Monday June 13
- PAC AGM – 7:30 pm in the library
Friday June 10
- PAC Fun Lunch – Taco del Mar
Friday June 17
- Sports Day!
Tuesday June 21
- National Indigenous Peoples’ Day
Friday June 24
- PAC Fun Lunch – Froyo and popcorn
Monday June 27
- Grade 5 Farewell 1pm
Wednesday June 29
- Last Day of School – Please note change – All students dismissed at 11:30 am
- Report Cards Published
Thursday June 30
- Administrative Day – Students do not attend
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