This Week at RBE – June 19, 2022

Posted: June 19, 2022


Happy Father’s Day

To the Bulldogs Dads, Step-dads, Granddads, Uncles and other important men, and to the Moms who fill both Mom and Dad roles,  Happy Father’s Day.

From Vader & Son by Jeffrey Brown.

Lost & Found

Time is running out for the Lost & Found at the back courtyard doors, so we asked a special guest to help raise awareness of the plight of these poor, lost clothes. Please check, or have your child check, for any of their items. We have many, many jackets and hoodies. All leftover items will be donated at the end of the month, but we’re out of hangers and places to keep all the things we have accumulated, and there are more added every single day. We need the collection to be thinned. It is helpful to put your child’s name or initials on tag, as sometimes that lets us reunite child and jacket quite quickly.

Congratulations, Langley Grads

While we don’t have a ton of families with kids at RBE and also kids graduating from high school, we do have a few. We congratulate all of them, and their families for supporting them throughout their educations. The District celebrates all our graduates and congratulates you on your accomplishments. Collectively we hope for your continued success in the future. To support and honour our graduates, we are sharing this grad feature from the Langley Advance Times and Aldergrove Star. Thank you to our community partners for working with our schools to highlight our graduates. View the Langley Advance Times grad feature here. View the Aldergrove Star grad feature beginning on page 12 here.

U-Connect Information Session

In recent years, the District has seen growth in programming at U-Connect. U-Connect is our K-12 school offering a distributed learning program which focuses on blended learning. Students in the program attend in person two days per week and learn online at home for the rest of the week. At the grade 10-12 level, there is also a full online option available for those students that thrive in a remote learning environment. The school takes pride in its ability to offer flexibility, connection, and a sense of community. Our staff work diligently with students and families on helping meet the needs of all learners. To learn more about student successes, opportunities and how you can meet your child’s education goals, visit the U-Connect website here. To express interest in an information session, please fill out the online form here.

PAC News

Hot Lunch

Get your orders in!

June 24 – Froyo & Popcorn

Thanks to all PAC Executive members for serving this year. And even more thanks as they all are continuing in their roles for 2022-23.

  • President: Allison Senften
  • Vice-President: Sandra Borger
  • Treasurer: Brianna Giles
  • Secretary: Jane Clark
  • DPAC: Vacant
  • Member at Large: Rahima Rana
  • Member at Large: Daljit Dial
  • Member at Large: Kanika Manaktala

Next General Meeting


Quote(s) of the week

Something to Read or Watch…

  • Today is Juneteenth, the commemoration of June 19, 1865 when the 250000+ people still enslaved in Texas were freed, more than two years after the Emancipation Proclamation took effect in the rest of the USA. Since 2021, June 19 is a national holiday in the US, though it has been recognized by African Americans ever since 1895. Source: The National Museum of African American History and Culture at the Smithsonian.
  • Then and now… These hit a bit close to home for me, perhaps, but I’ll wear the title of ‘Dad’ (and occasionally ‘School Dad’) with pride. I hope they give you a chuckle, though you Bulldogs dads seem much less like these guys than I do.

Things to Remember from the Calendar

  • We run the whole month calendar starting this week, just so you have a picture of what’s to come! Keep an eye on it all month, though, as sometimes we get new additions or have to make minor adjustments.

Sunday June 21

  • Juneteenth
  • Father’s Day

Tuesday June 21 

  • National Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Friday June 24

  • PAC Fun Lunch – Froyo and popcorn

Monday June 27 

  • Grade 5 Farewell 1pm (parents/family welcome)

Wednesday June 29 

  • Last Day of School – All students dismissed at 11:30 am
  • Report Cards Published

Thursday June 30 

  • Administrative Day – Students do not attend

Richard Bulpitt Elementary

20965 - 77A Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Y 2E6
Phone: 604-888-5393
Fax: 604-888-5356