This Week at RBE – September 25, 2022

Posted: September 25, 2022


To our community members of the Jewish faith,

Online Consent Forms

On or around September 8, you should have received an email asking you to fill in a number of consent forms for your child – walking field trips, media release, and that sort of thing. That system will send you reminders, too, and now we’re doing the same. If you missed it, perhaps it ended up in your junk mail folder. This message comes centrally, and not from Mr. Oliver.

Don’t forget to Vote!

Programs of Choice

Programs of Choice – Deadline to register is Monday, October 17

Langley School District offers a rich diversity of programs that are designed to meet the specific needs and interests of students. Programs include Fine Arts, French Immersion, Fundamental, Langley Environmental Awareness Program (outdoor education), Montessori, and U-Connect. Registration for Kindergarten entry (for most programs) begins on Monday, October 3 at 12noon, and closes on Monday, October 17 at 12noon. For U-Connect, please contact the school directly. For more information and instructions to register your child, visit our District website here and review our FAQ choice programs resource here.

French Immersion

Do you want to prepare your child to meet the challenges of our changing world? Are they interested in learning and communicating in French, one of Canada’s official languages? Families are invited to attend our French Immersion Parent Information Session online on Tuesday, September 27 at 7:00 p.m. to learn more about one of the District’s Choice Programs. Entry into this high-demand program is offered at two levels for student entry, including Early Immersion and Late Immersion, with both programs continuing in Secondary Immersion. In this session, you will learn more about the program, its benefits for students and their families, expectations inside and outside the classroom, and the registration process. Our District’s French Immersion and Modern Languages staff will be able to provide you with additional information and resources, as well as help answer any questions you may have. For more info and to register, please go to the link on our District webpage.Click on the QR Code in the graphic above to register for the Information Session.

LEAP (Outdoor Education) – Parent Information Session on Monday, October 3

Imagine your child’s classroom in the open air! Join us on Monday, October 3 at 5:00pm at Fort Langley Elementary for our LEAP (Langley Environmental Awareness Program) Information Session. This meeting is for families interested in Kindergarten enrolment for the 2023-2024 school year. For more about the District’s outdoor education program and to attend: 

Statement from Minister of Education & Childcare and Partner Groups regarding SOGI

“We know that each child expresses themselves in their own unique way and some have been bullied and ostracized in the past. All of B.C.’s provincial education partners for K-12 schools – public and independent – are standing together in solidarity to ensure every school is a place where all students deserve to be welcomed, included and respected in a safe learning environment, while being fully and completely themselves. No student should be excluded or bullied because of their sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.”

“In 2016, the B.C. Human Rights Code was amended to ensure that gender identity and expression are protected under the code. There is no room for any type of discrimination in our schools. As provincial education partners, we stand together in this commitment. All 60 school districts, independent and First Nations schools have SOGI-inclusive codes of conduct and policies in place and many are participants in the B.C. SOGI Educator Network. We have joined collaboratively with ARC Foundation and 11 education and community partner groups to form the Provincial K-12 SOGI Collaborative, officially committing to creating learning environments that are safe, respectful and welcoming for all B.C. students.”

“B.C.’s K-12 curriculum includes a focus on valuing diversity and respecting differences, as well as human rights and responses to discrimination. Students deserve to have the complete support of teachers, administrators, support staff, trustees, p

arents, guardians, caregivers and their community, as we work together to create learning environments where all students are free from discrimination 

so they can thrive and succeed in their school years and beyond.”

Strong Start

StrongStart is back for the 2022-2023 school year. StrongStart is a program that provides rich learning environments designed for early learning development – language, physical, cognitive, social, and emotional. The District welcomes all our early learners and their families to our sites. Find more info about this no-cost, pre-K program, available at 8 locations by visiting our District website here:

PAC Update

Hot Lunch

Ordering is now available through Munch-a-Lunch. Go to the website here:

If you have any questions or would like to volunteer to help distribute lunches on hot lunch days, please email Zoe at

October 14 – Pita Pit

October 28 – Panago Pizza & Wheatella Treats

November 10 – Subway

November 25 – Noodle Box & Wheatella

December 9 – Cobs

Community Values Coupon Book

We’ve sent home the Community Values Coupon Book home with your child(ren). This is not a free book; if you choose to not buy or sell it, please return it ASAP.

Each book costs $30 and features 6 coupons from Dairy Queen that are no purchase necessary, which pays for the book! You also get over $5,500 in Savings at businesses in Langley, Cloverdale and Aldergrove.

Sale dates are September 22nd to October 6th, 2022

There are three ways to buy a book:
1 – Cash – Put the money in an envelope or Ziplock with child’s name and division on it
2 – Cheque – Payable to: RBE PAC (put child’s name and div in the memo line)
3 – Munch-a-Lunch –

If you have any questions, please email

Spring Fling – First Meeting

Did you attend Spring Fling last year? Did you have fun? Come help plan the next one! Attend our first Spring Fling planning meeting and have your say. Check out our Facebook page (see below) for a link to the Google Teams online meeting this Monday, September 26 at 7pm.

RBE Spring Fling –

NEW Payment Options – Fresh to You Fundraiser

You can now order through Munch-a-Lunch! Payments are also accepted by cash or cheque (please make cheques payable to BCAITC).

Our school is making a healthy choice in fundraising by selling top quality, local fruits and vegetables from BC, while making a 40% profit that will go towards PAC initiatives.

Bundle 1 – $25 = 3lb Onions, 3lb Carrots, 5lb Gala Apples, 5lb Pacific Sunset Potatoes
Bundle 2 – $30 = 5lb Carrots, 0.5lb Shallots, 1lb Parsnips, 5lb Pacific Sunset Potatoes, 5lb Red Beets

To place an order, find the order form on the PAC Facebook page, or email

Spirit Wear

Spirit Wear orders are now open through Munch-a-Lunch (see link below). Let your child show off their RBE pride with these colorful, fun shirts and hoodies; wear them anytime!

T-shirts and Hoodies will be available in White, Green, Orange, Grey, Blue and Pink. Hoodies are $35 and t-shirts are $20.

Order deadline is October 14th! Orders will be delivered to your student’s classroom upon arrival.

Stay in the Know

Follow the Richard Bulpitt PAC Facebook page or our Instagram (@rbepac) to stay up-to-date with all the details!


Quote(s) of the week

Something to Read or Watch…

  • As we approach the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, I was struck by this article at CTV News about how Musqueam artists and imagery have been included in the upcoming FIFIA23 video game, and how this sort of inclusion is, according to Musqueam Chief Wayne Sparrow, ‘…it’s a big step in reconciliation.’

Things to Remember from the Calendar

Monday, September 26

  • Cross Country Practice after school

Tuesday, September 27

  • Cross Country Meet after school

Wednesday, September 28

  • Evacuation/Fire Drill (Soft – no alarms)

Thursday, September 29

  • Truth & Reconciliation Assembly – 9:00
  • Cross Country Practice after school

Friday, September 30

  • National Day for Truth & Reconciliation – School closed

Friday, October 7

  • Individual Picture Day

Monday, October 10

  • Thanksgiving holiday


Richard Bulpitt Elementary

20965 - 77A Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Y 2E6
Phone: 604-888-5393
Fax: 604-888-5356