Posted: January 2, 2023
News and Information
Happy New Year!
We wish all our Bulldogs families a happy, healthy New Year. To quote Mrs. Oliver’s grandfather, ‘May your worst day in 2023 be better than your best day in 2022!’ And if any of you Bulldogs participated in a Polar Bear Swim yesterday, kudos to you!
Bee the change…
Mrs. Gaudreault’s class visited the Honeybee Centre this year, and as part of their visit, decorated a bee box. Many classes from the lower mainland did the same, and the boxes were then put out for visitors to the centre to vote on. Mrs. Gaudreault’s kids won by a landslide! Congratulations to all of those creative and dedicated grade 2s.

Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten registration is scheduled to begin on January 16 this year, and will end just after Spring Break. As schools in the Willoughby area are very crowded, we would advise you to register any incoming K students inside the first week or two of the registration period. Please note that younger siblings must be registered individually; they are not automatically registered just because they have an older brother or sister in the school. We will send out specific information and requirements in the week leading up to the 16th.
PAC Update
Vancouver Giants Fundraiser
We are selling tickets for the game on January 20 at 7:30pm, vs Kelowna Rockets.
Stay in the Know
Follow the Richard Bulpitt PAC Facebook page ( or our Instagram (@rbepac) to stay up-to-date with all the details!
Quote(s) of the week

Something to Read or Watch…
- There’s lots one can read about New Year’s Resolutions, and whether they have value or not. I’ve read lists of suggestions (this one has some nice ideas), arguments for making resolutions, and arguments against (both in Forbes), and then I read a tweet by someone who is making monthly resolutions based on full moons. This will allow resets and revisions, but doesn’t let go of the goal mindset that resolutions imply.
- I also found a list of ‘smart resolutions’ for kids, though mostly these seem like a list of good things to do, and healthy habits. that said, if kids are listening to adults make resolutions, maybe they’d feel good making their own.
Things to Remember from the Calendar
January 3
- Basketball after school – Grade 5 Boys
January 4
- Basketball after school – Grade 5 Girls
January 13
- Black Excellence Day
January 16
- Kindergarten registration opens
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