Posted: February 12, 2023
News and Information
Lockdown Drill – This Wednesday
We will be holding a Lockdown Drill this Thursday at around 1:30. The RCMP attend to help us practice being so well-hidden that we are invisible, and so quiet that you’d think it was the middle of the night in our school. If you come by the school that day to find it looking empty, please be patient. We take these important drills seriously and will not be able to interrupt it to call kids out of class. If your children are expressing worry about the drill, please reassure them that we practice so we know what to do, and not because we are worried something bad might happen. They often ask what happens if they are in the hallway or the bathroom when I call the drill. The answers are:
- If you are in the hallway, adults will be checking before they close doors, and someone will pull you into a room to hide with them. You’ll be safe there.
- If you are in the bathroom, go into a stall and hide quietly. Remember it is just a practice. When Mr. Oliver calls the ‘All Clear’ you can come out and return to class.
Basketball this week
This week, our Bulldogs basketball teams play against teams from R.C. Garnett. The boys will travel, and the girls will host. Please feel free to come out and support our teams from sidelines!
Diversity and Respect Week is February 21-24
During Diversity and Respect Week, please note that we will have a Rainbow Day on Tuesday February 21 and Pink Shirt Day is Wednesday February 22. And of course, Multicultural Day is Friday February 24.
Multicultural Day 2023 Assembly – Last Call for Demonstrations
Attention Students (or families)! We have a traditional Korean Dance demonstration planned for our Multicultural Day Assembly, but we need more! Do you have a culturally relevant skill you can share with the school? Music? Dance? Sport? If you do, please make sure Mr. Oliver knows ASAP! In the past we have had Chinese dance, Karate, Persian Dance, and more that predate Mr. Oliver’s time at the school.
Also, we need a few more drummers, so we are opening up the Korean Drumming experience to boys or girls in grades 4 or 5, though space is limited to 15 total. Talk to Mr. Oliver on Tuesday if you are interested.
Multicultural Day 2023 Organization Meeting
We will have a quick meeting of Multicultural Day presenters on Tuesday at 2:00. Please meet in the front foyer and Mr. Oliver will find us a space to meet in.
Parent/Guardian Information Meeting – AP356
The District is sharing information from the recent Parent/Guardian Information Meeting held to discuss Administrative Procedure 356. The District appreciates everyone who attended the meeting and engaged with our staff. It was an opportunity for attendees to hear from District staff about the procedure and next steps, as well as have their questions answered. To report back to the community, the District is sharing the meeting minutes, presentation slides, as well as questions and answers from the meeting. You can find all this information and instructions to provide further feedback on the District website here.
Substance Use Decriminalization Information for Parents
The Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions, in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Child Care, has developed an information sheet on substance use decriminalization for parents, guardians, and caregivers. Talking to Children and Youth about Decriminalization and Substance Use: Resources for Parents/Guardians and Caregivers is now available on the erase website.
PAC Update
Fun Lunch Deadline – Friday, February 17
Don’t forget to order your kids fun lunch from Boston Pizza. Reminder that you order first, then need to pay. You will receive two emails from Munch a Lunch confirming your order and that you have paid. If you don’t receive two messages, something is amiss.
Purdy’s ordering for Easter is now open
Use the link below to order your favourites. Order deadline is Wednesday, March 15. (Parent pickup is tentatively scheduled for March 30)
Please use customer #28445 when ordering.
Stay in the Know
Follow the Richard Bulpitt PAC Facebook page or our Instagram (@rbepac) to stay up-to-date with all the details!
Quote(s) of the week

Something to Read or Watch…
- There are days I walk out of the office, and can’t remember why. Perhaps I need to spend some time and effort on these strategies for improving memory. Granted, this is the most pop of pop psychology, but there might be something here, and there’s nothing harmful on the list. I found it linked in another article about an old Harvard study that claimed to have found the key to long, happy life.

Thanks for sharing this with us, Arielle.
Things to Remember from the Calendar
Monday, February 13
- Design & Assessment Day – Students do not attend
Tuesday February 14
- Multicultural Day Meeting 2:00
- Korean Fan Dance – Grade 5 Girls – Lunch in Gym
- Basketball Practice after school – Grade 5 Boys AND girls
Wednesday, February 15
- Korean Drum Group (grade 5 boys) at lunch
- Lockdown Drill – ~1:30
- Basketball Game – Girls @RBE vs. R.C. Garnett
- Basketball Game – Boys @ R.C. Garnett
Thursday, February 16
- Korean Fan Dance Practice – Grade 5 Girls – Lunch in Gym
Monday, February 20
- Family Day Holiday
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