Summer Homework 2023!

Posted: July 6, 2023

Summer Homework 2023

Learning isn’t all about letters or numbers or paper. It’s also about experiences and experiments. We’ve put together some summer ‘homework’ for all our Bulldogs, to inspire some adventures and some summer learning! Get out there, Bulldogs! See our website for a link-enabled version of this document.

  • Fly a kite.
  • Try a new recipe.
  • Paddle something! Anything! A floatie, a canoe, a kayak! And wear your life jacket! Bonus points for paddling a homemade raft. Safely.
  • Two words: Bike ride.
    • OK, 3 more: Wear your helmet.
  • Fix your own bike.
  • Go to at least one of the museums in Langley (a different one from last year).
  • Go for a hike at a ski hill, just to see what they’re like in summer.
  • Go fishing.
  • Pick some blackberries. Eat at least one while it is warm from the sun. Pick enough to make jam. Make it. Enjoy it. Share it.
  • Fix or repair something (ex. mend a hole, tighten some screws, etc.)
  • Read outside.
  • Build a blanket/pillow fort.
  • Go cloud-watching or star-gazing.
  • Go to the (ocean) beach and find some things. Crabs under rocks. Fucus. Limpets. A Sand Dollar (if you’re lucky). Examine them and leave them where you found them. Find litter. Pick it up and get rid of it properly.
  • Learn to say good morning in another language. BONUS: learn it in an indigenous language.
  • Go for a walk, and make a point of saying ‘Hi’ (or good morning) to the people you meet. Keep track of their response.
  • Sleep outside.
  • Take a picture of something close, something far, something big, and something small.
  • Have a family picnic dinner at Crescent Beach in Surrey. Watch the sun set.
  • Go to a water park.
  • Go 3 consecutive days with no screens at all. None.
  • Pick up 5 pieces of litter that other people have stepped over.
  • Identify 5 different birds accurately (‘little brown bird’ doesn’t count!).
  • Play monopoly or Yahtzee with your family. If you lose, do it gracefully; if you win, do it even more gracefully.
  • Go to 4 kinds of park or historic site: Municipal (Township), Regional (MetroVan or FVRD), Provincial, and National. There are some of each within minutes of our school, and lots in BC)
  • Go swimming or wading in each of: stream, lake, ocean. Tell your adult about the differences you notice. Bonus: do all three in a day.
  • Tell yourself every day that you’re awesome (because you are)!

Richard Bulpitt Elementary

20965 - 77A Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Y 2E6
Phone: 604-888-5393
Fax: 604-888-5356