This Week at RBE – September 24, 2023

Posted: September 24, 2023


Congratulations, Mrs. Cline!

It is with mixed emotions that I tell you that this Mrs. Cline has been appointed as principal of Dorothy Peacock Elementary School in Walnut Grove. She has mad a mark on our school community, leading staff and students in learning and in life. I have appreciated being able to work with her for the last three years, and have known that this day was coming. While I am incredibly excited for her, I am also very sad to have her leaving our school. Mrs. Cline’s last day at our school will be this Friday, September 29. In case you missed it, you can see her goodbye letter to the community here.

On Tuesday, October 3, we will welcome Ms. Jennifer Espin as our new Vice Principal. Ms. Espin joins us from R.C. Garnett Elementary. She is a brilliant educator who will quickly make her mark here at Richard Bulpitt Elementary, and we are incredibly lucky to have her joining us. I know she must be fantastic, because my friends at R.C. Garnett aren’t speaking to me right now.

Terry Fox Run

We send a huge thank you out to all of our community members who supported Friday’s Terry Fox Run by donating, participating or encouraging the runners. It was great to have such a wide community turnout for the event. 

I also want to thank SJ, our grade 5 student, who took on the responsibility of leading the runners around the course, and Ella, a kindergarten student, who ran 2.5 laps with me (with no breaks) to make sure I was OK because we had the same shirt and I looked tired. My heart nearly exploded!

While we haven’t yet counted in our Toonies for Terry donations, we are still well short of our donation goal. If you are interested in donating, you can do so here.

Reunification Forms

Emergencies are unpredictable.  We usually have little warning that an event may cause a massive disruption in our lives and our communities. As one of the major areas in which people gather, schools are places where emergency preparedness is critically important to the well-being of students and employees and to the confidence that parents/guardians feel in entrusting their children to the care of educators in BC schools.  

Richard Bulpitt conducts regular practice drills for fire, earthquake and lockdown.  By definition, an emergency is an event or circumstance that is caused by accident, fire explosion, technical failure, human action, or force of nature that requires a coordinated effort of a team to protect the health, safety or welfare of students, staff, and visitors or to limit damage to property.

One step in our coordinated efforts involves releasing students in a safe manner.  Please fill out the information for our Student Reunification Release Form, (link is below) for your children’s safety in the case of a school emergency.  These would be used in the event of a major disaster, where we needed to conduct a controlled and tracked release of students. The people you identify for pickup should be trusted individuals who are likely to be nearby or able to get to the school despite infrastructure disruptions. These contacts are not used for routine pick-up like children becoming ill during the school day.

Please have this information complete by Monday September 25th.

Verification forms have gone home

We require a signed verification form at the start of each school year for every student.  Please carefully read through the information we have and update any changes. 

Lost & Found

It’s fall, which means hoodies in the morning and (often) toasty warm temperatures by lunch. As a result, we have many hoodies and jackets students forget on the field. If you are missing any warm layers, check the lost and found, just inside the courtyard back doors.

Communicating With Your School

Schools and families continue to work together to ensure success for students. If you have an issue or concern but don’t know who to speak with, the District encourages you to read these helpful Communicating with your School guidelines for parents/guardians found on our District website here. As an additional reference, review this one-page resource here.

BC Demographic Survey Helping Identify Systemic Racism

The District is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion and creating compassionate learning communities. We support our community partners in helping promote anti-racism and implementing strategies to help eradicate racism. The province has launched the BC Demographic Survey to help identify systemic racism in government services. The survey is available in 15 languages and takes 15 minutes. We encourage members of our community to complete the survey which closes on October 15th. Fill out the survey here. For more information, read more here.

Kindergarten Hearing Screening Info
Kindergarten families, please have a look at this information regarding hearing screening provided for all K students in Langley.

PAC News

Spring Fling Meeting – Monday, September 25th

Join us virtually on Monday at 7pm via Google Meets for our upcoming Spring Fling planning meeting. We would love input on our biggest event of the year! You can find the link on our PAC Facebook page.

Community Values Coupon Book Fundraiser 

The Community Values Coupon Books have been distributed through your child(ren)’s classes, and will be sold until Friday, October 6th. 

These books are NOT free, they are $35 each. If you do not want to purchase it please return the book back to your teacher ASAP.

If you would like to purchase it you can pay by:

1) CASH- Put the money in an envelope or Ziplock with child’s name and Div on it

2) CHEQUE – Payable to: RBE PAC (put child’s name and div in the memo line)

3) MUNCH A LUNCH- = Don’t return the order form

Please email if you have any questions. 

Fun lunch and Spirit Wear Ordering is Open on MunchaLunch

Our first Fun Lunch will be Fuel Hot Dogs & Gourmet Donuts on October 13th. Please make sure to submit your order and payment for it on  by Tuesday October 3.

If you didn’t receive an email with the subject “Your MunchaLunch receipt” from MunchaLunch, you did NOT pay for your order, and your child(ren) will not be receiving their order on Friday October 13th.

You can view the full list of upcoming fun lunches and general information about fun lunches on our website here.

Spirit Wear will be available for sale starting on Monday at under Fundraisers. 


General PAC Meeting – Monday, October 16th

Please join us for the 1st General PAC Meeting of the year on Monday October 16th at 7 PM in the Richard Bulpitt Elementary School Library.

You can enter through the main entry doors at the front of the school.

This is open to all parents of the RBE school community. Hope to see you there!

Stay in the Know

Follow the Richard Bulpitt PAC Facebook page, our Instagram ( and now visit our website to stay up-to-date with all the details!

Quote(s) of the week

Listening is always important, but I feel it is even more important this Saturday.

Things to Remember from the Calendar

Monday, September 25

  • First full day of Kindergarten

Tuesday, September 26

  • Cross Country Race 1 (for registered athletes)

Thursday, September 28

  • Individual Student Photos

Friday, September 29

  • Truth & Reconciliation Assembly
  • Orange Shirt Day

Saturday, September 30

Monday, October 2

  • School closed for Truth & Reconciliation Day



Richard Bulpitt Elementary

20965 - 77A Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Y 2E6
Phone: 604-888-5393
Fax: 604-888-5356