Posted: January 7, 2024
Happy New Year
Happy new year, Bulldogs! We hope your vacation was fun, and that you got do try at least one new thing (that wasn’t a video game, even though those can be lots of fun). We’re excited to have you back and ready to learn.
Kindergarten Registration is coming…
Kindergarten registration across the Langley School District runs January 15, 2024 – March 1, 2024. If your child will be five years old by December 31, 2024, you will be able to register your child online. Information about required documents and instructions is available online and will also be posted on catchment school websites in January. Detailed information about the 2024-25 Registration process can be found here. To learn more about Kindergarten in the Langley School District, read our brochure here.
What about Middle School Registration?
For families of our current (wonderful) grade 5s, all students will be automatically transitioned to the appropriate school for next year based on their home address. There is no need for you to do anything.
Information About School Status During Inclement Weather
Snow closures and power outages are an annual occurrence in Langley School District. So, where do you go to get information about the status of schools during periods of inclement weather? If you are able to access the internet via computer or smartphone, current information about Langley schools can be accessed on all school websites or Updates are also posted to X (formerly Twitter) @LangleySchools and Facebook at If you don’t have internet connectivity but your phone is working, call a relative or friend in an area that has not been affected by the storm and ask them to check the district website for you. Local radio stations are also informed of school status in Langley. Tune in to CKWX 1130AM, CKNW 980AM, Country Radio 107.1FM, Pulse 107.7 or CBC 690AM or 88.1FM for updates.
Please note that Langley District schools are all considered ‘open’ until a decision to close is required. Decisions on school closures are usually made by 6:30am. As always, it is a parent’s decision whether to send their child to school based on safety and individual circumstances. If you feel it is unsafe for you or your child to travel to or attend an open school for any reason, please keep your child home and report an absence to the school.
Dress for the weather…
The weather forecast for the coming week starts out a bit chilly, and drifts towards being actually cold. Please make sure that your child is dressed for the conditions each day. We will be playing outside, even if the temperatures are below zero. In fact, once there’s snow on the ground (did you know that the snow that falls on an elementary school is magically caffeinated?), there’s nothing we could do to keep the kids in, so please make sure they have warm clothes, proper footwear, hats & gloves.
It’s Flu Season
It’s that time of year when we see a rise in illnesses impacting students and staff in our school. We are hearing from families about colds, respiratory illnesses, and stomach bugs circulating in our community. As a reminder to help keep our school community healthy and well, we are sharing this online resource from our community partner Fraser Health. Here you will find information about protecting your child from communicable diseases and managing their illnesses:
PAC News
Good Taco Fun Lunch is this Friday, January 12th
If you don’t receive a lunch reminder email from MunchaLunch on Thursday January 11th, you did NOT pay for your order, and your child(ren) will not be receiving their order on Friday January 12th.
Don’t forget to pack a snack and water bottle for Fun Lunch day.
If your child is absent on Fun Lunch Day, please email and we will prepare it for pick up. If you cannot pick it up, please consider it as a donation as there are no refunds. Fun Lunch must be picked up between 12:00-12:30pm on Friday at the PAC kitchen.
If you’re able to volunteer for Fun Lunch day please email
You can view the full list of upcoming fun lunches and general information about fun lunches on our website here.
General PAC Meeting – Monday, January 15th
Please join us for the January General PAC Meeting on Monday January 15th at 7 PM in the Richard Bulpitt Elementary School Library.
You can enter through the main entry doors at the front of the school.
This is open to all parents of the RBE school community.
Hope to see you there!
Stay in the Know
Follow the Richard Bulpitt PAC Facebook page, our Instagram ( and now visit our website to stay up-to-date with all the details!
Quote(s) of the week

Things to Remember from the Calendar
Monday, January 8
- Back to school!
- Possible snow in the morning
Thursday, January 1
- Here comes the snow & cold
Friday, January 12
- PAC Fun Lunch
Monday, January 15
- Registration for 2024 School Year begins
- PAC General Meeting – 7pm @Library
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