Posted: March 3, 2024
Thank you for Multicultural Day
Thank you to all of the family members and students who volunteered to share their knowledge to help us grow our cultural understanding and appreciation. Our students all had a wonderful time, and could talk to me about something they learned during the day. I cannot say strongly enough what a great experience this sort of event is for kids. Thank you all for your support!

Student Inclusive Conferences Music Experience:
When you come for Student Inclusive Conferences, please be sure to stop by the Music Room to try some Music assessment tasks. There will be a different task for each grade level to showcase their skills to their adult(s). The Music Room will be open Wednesday, March 6 from 12:33-6:30 and Thursday, March 7 from 8:50-4:00.
Please let us know if you are moving away
Parents are asked to inform the school as soon as possible if/when they know that their children will be leaving our school or not returning in the fall. Please complete our withdraw form and email it to
Are you going to be away for an extended period?
Please complete the Student Missing School Time Form, if your student(s) are going to be away from school due to an extended vacation, or a family leave, and email it to
Lost and Found
Check out the lost and found. There is lots to see there, and there will be more each day the weather is warm enough for jackets to become a burden that must be dropped on the playground in the middle of recess. Unclaimed items will be donated on the last day of school before spring break.
SD35 Budget Consultation 2024-25
Do you want to have your say on the District’s budget for 2024-2025? The Langley School District is inviting students, staff, parents/guardians, and all members of the public to take part in its Budget Consultation 2024-2025 by completing this 5-minute survey here or providing feedback by email to All survey and email submissions will be accepted until March 31, 2024.
The data gathered will help provide our District Leadership staff and Board of Education with information needed to make decisions impacting education. The District is sharing videos and an infographic located on our webpage which may be helpful to you. For more information as well as translated versions of the survey, please visit our District webpage here.

PAC News
Gourmet Donut Pink Shirt Day Fundraiser Update
Thank you to everyone who purchased donuts for our Pink Shirt Day Fundraiser!
We are proud to say that with your support, we donated $300 to the CKNW Kids’ Fund! They offer support and hope to kids with physical, social, and emotional disabilities.
More information here:
Spring Fling Meeting – Tuesday, March 5th
Join us virtually on Tuesday at 7pm via Google Meets for our upcoming Spring Fling planning meeting. We would love input on our biggest event of the year! You can find the link on our PAC Facebook page.
If you would like to be involved in the planning please join our Facebook planning group.
Hi Five Fun Lunch is this Friday, March 8th
If you don’t receive a lunch reminder email from MunchaLunch on Thursday March 7th, you did NOT pay for your order, and your child(ren) will not be receiving their order on Friday March 8th.
Don’t forget to pack a snack and water bottle for Fun Lunch day.
If your child is absent on Fun Lunch Day, please email and we will prepare it for pick up. If you cannot pick it up, please consider it as a donation as there are no refunds. Fun Lunch must be picked up between 12:00-12:30pm on Friday at the PAC kitchen.
If you’re able to volunteer for Fun Lunch day please email
Upcoming Fun Lunches

The Next Session of Fun Lunch is open on MunchaLunch, here.
If you have any questions or need assistance with ordering, please email Zoe at
You can also view the full list of upcoming fun lunches and general information about fun lunches on our website here.
Spring Fling Vendor Market – Looking for Vendors
We are now accepting applications for vendors at our Vendor Market at our annual Spring Fling Carnival!
It will be on Friday, June 7th from 5-9 PM. More information is available on the registration form.
This year the market will be held outside rain or shine. No exceptions will be made. You will have to walk through grass to get to your vendor spot, so please keep that in mind when deciding whether to register. Volunteers will be available to help you access your vendor spot from the parking lot.
Fill out the application form here:
You can email with “Vendor Market” in the Subject line with any questions.
Flip Give Fundraiser
This year, fundraising for RBE PAC is going to be so much easier with FlipGive, a free team funding app.
We can earn cash back on every purchase we make all year long! All you have to do is shop anytime with the brands you already love, like Home Depot, Walmart, Sport Chek, Indigo, Old Navy, Apple, Esso, and Loblaws. No more going door-to-door selling chocolate bars – it’s completely virtual and contactless.
Join our team now and you’ll get a $5 bonus the first time you shop:
Or enter this code: WYW49S
Want to learn more? Check out this 2 minute video:
Email with any questions.
Stay in the Know
Follow the Richard Bulpitt PAC Facebook page, our Instagram ( and now visit our website to stay up-to-date with all the details!
Quote(s) of the week

Something to watch…
- So this has nothing at all to do with school. But I came across a TED Education video on how microwave ovens work, why metal sparks in them, and how they came to be in the first place. I thought it made for an easily digestible learning experience. Cooking with Radar.
- And again, this has nothing to do with school, but this video goes back to the beginnings of Smokey the Bear, the US Forest Service Wildfire Education mascot. And those beginnings are waaaay back before Mr. Oliver (or even his dad, in fact) was even born.
Things to Remember from the Calendar (2 weeks at a go, this time)
Monday, March 4
- Grade 5 Girls’ & Boys’ Open Gym Practice 2:45-4:00 (optional)
Tuesday, March 5
- Grade 8 Students from YCMS visit our Grade 5s (afternoon)
- Grade 5 Boys Basketball Game @ RBE vs. Lynn Fripps
- Grade 5 Girls’ Basketball Game @ Lynn Fripps
Wednesday, March 6
- Early Dismissal for Student Inclusive Conferences – All students dismissed at 12:33
Thursday, March 7
- SIC Day – Students do not attend except by SIC appointment
Friday, March 8
- PAC Fun Lunch
- Drama Club Auditions – 2:33-3:30
Monday, March 11
- Ramadan begins
- Grade 4 Entrepreneur Fair Setup – end of day
Tuesday, March 12
- Grade 4 Entrepreneur Fair in the gym
Wednesday, March 13
- Grade 4 Entrepreneur Fair in the gym
- Drama Club Rehearsal – 2:33- 3:30 in music room
Thursday, March 14
- Staff/Student Basketball Game
Friday, March 15
- Spirit Day – Jersey Day
- Last day before Spring Break
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