This Week at RBE – May 17, 2024

Posted: May 20, 2024


Upcoming Construction

The modules are coming! The modules are coming! We have an extraordinary opportunity coming on May 29. The first 9 components of our modular expansion are coming that day. That’s the whole ground floor! This means we will have significant disruption to the driveways that day. While we will be able to have traffic flow during drop-off and pick-up times, there will be limited space available, and we will ask you not to park along the curb or center at any time that day. There will be numerous flaggers, district staff, and school staff on hand to help with traffic flow. If ever there was a day to park away and walk a block, that’s the day. Work will begin at 7am, and will continue until all modules are placed.

Cops for Cancer

Last fall, we had an uplifting and exciting visit on the opening day of the Cops for Cancer fundraising ride. Air1 did a flyover, and the team of cyclists and support vehicles rolled into our driveway to be greeted by hordes of excited kids. And we (well, you) raised funds for childhood cancer research to make it happen. We’ll be hoping for the same visit again next year, but to make it happen, we need to do our fundraising now. As a kickoff to that, we will have a toonie drive on Monday, May 27. Please, if you can, send a toonie (or whatever you want) next Monday to help us get off to a great start. If every kid did that, we’d already be at over $1200. In one day! That’s making an impact.

PAC Treasurer needed

Does your child love coming to PAC events like the dance, movie nights, or Spring Fling? How about field trips? And Fun Lunch? Or maybe they like to play with the recess equipment the PAC provides each year. All of these things could be in jeopardy if we don’t get a candidate for PAC Treasurer in time for the June 10 meeting. Please consider signing up. A PAC cannot operate without a treasurer, so the government gaming grant and more could be lost to us.

Oh, and…

PAC News

Spring Fling is coming on Friday June 7th – We need volunteers!

We cannot pull off this huge event without volunteers! Please keep an eye out for the sign up genius link this week. It will have a list of all the time slots and volunteer roles we need filled! 

Ticket presale will start on Tuesday May 21st on MunchaLunch.

You can get more information about the event here:

Spring Fling Classroom Baskets

For this year’s Spring Fling we will be having a silent auction to help with our fundraising efforts towards field trip buses!

In addition to our community donations, we are asking our classrooms to help us build gift baskets of varying themes.

Classrooms have been paired up, and themes have been assigned! The links to the Google Sheet Sign Ups have been posted in a PDF on our PAC Facebook page.

The deadline to bring in donations to your classroom is this Wednesday, May 22nd!

If you have any questions please email the Spring Fling Committee at

Subway & Booster Juice Fun Lunch is this Friday, May 24th

Please look for the lunch reminder email from MunchaLunch on Thursday May 23rd. If you do not receive it, it means you did NOT pay for your order, and your child(ren) will NOT be receiving their order on Friday May 24th. Please make sure you pack a lunch if this is the case.

If you did receive the email, don’t forget to pack a snack and water bottle for Fun Lunch day.

If your child is absent on Fun Lunch Day, please email and we will prepare it for pick up. If you cannot pick it up, please consider it as a donation as there are no refunds. Fun Lunch must be picked up between 12:00-12:30pm on Friday at the PAC kitchen.

If you’re able to volunteer for Fun Lunch day please email
You can also view the full list of upcoming fun lunches and general information about fun lunches on our website here.

RBE PAC Executive Nominations are open for the 2024/25 School Year

Are you interested in joining the PAC EXEC next year?

We are looking to fill the following positions for the 2024/25 school year:

    • Hot Lunch Co-coordinator 
    • Treasurer
      • Brianna, the current treasurer, has reached the end of her term, but will still be part of the PAC EXEC next year. She will be able to guide and support whoever takes on this role. Our PAC cannot exist without a treasurer, so please consider taking on this role.
    • Member at Large (two positions available)

The election for these roles will happen at our PAC Annual General Meeting on June 10th. You can find more information about the roles and the nomination form at the link below:

Please email our president, Allison Senften, at with any questions.

Stay in the Know

Follow thRichard Bulpitt PAC Facebook page, our Instagram ( and now visit our website to stay up-to-date with all the details!

Quote(s) of the week

Something to read (or watch)…



Things to Remember from the Calendar

Monday, May 20

  • Victoria Day Holiday

Tuesday, May 21

  • Feels like Monday
  • Spring Fling ticket pre-sales start today

Wednesday, May 22

  • Last day for Spring Fling basket donations

Thursday, May 23

  • Check for Munchalunch reminder email

Friday, May 24

  • PAC Fun Lunch
  • Kindergarten Welcome Event
    • Current Kindergarten Students dismissed at 12:33 pm

Richard Bulpitt Elementary

20965 - 77A Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Y 2E6
Phone: 604-888-5393
Fax: 604-888-5356