This Week at RBE – May 26, 2024

Posted: May 26, 2024


Upcoming Construction

Road Closed – Western Safety Sign

The modules are coming! The modules are coming! We have an extraordinary opportunity coming on May 29. The first 9 components of our modular expansion are coming that day. That’s the whole ground floor! This means we will have significant disruption to the driveways that day. While we will be able to have some traffic flow during drop-off and pick-up times, there will be limited parking space available, and we will ask you not to park along the curb or center at any time that day. Instead, please drop and go. There will be numerous flaggers, district staff, and school staff on hand to help with traffic flow and with student supervision. At pick-up time, there will be very limited parking. Consider arranging a meeting spot away from the driveways with your older children (and communicate it to your teachers), or park away and walk in to collect your child. If ever there was a day to park away and walk a block, Wednesday’s the day. Work will begin at 7am, and will continue until all modules are placed. There will be periodic full closures of the driveways throughout the day, so please plan accordingly.

Jump Rope for Heart

Before we forget, please wear your Team colours on Wednesday!

Our Jump Rope for Heart event is this Thursday. Students will be jumping rope at some point so that we are jumping all day as a team. Part of this event is a fundraiser for the Heart & Stroke Foundation, and a learning opportunity for our kids about healthy living and spotting and responding to stroke in their adults.

To help with our fundraising for Heart & Stroke, you can click here.

RCMP Open House

Agenda Cover Winners

Congratulations to our three winners of the 2024-25 Agenda Cover design competition. And a competition it was, with many fantastic entries, and some very difficult judging decisions.

PAC Treasurer needed (repeat)

Does your child love coming to PAC events like the dance, movie nights, or Spring Fling? How about field trips? And Fun Lunch? Or maybe they like to play with the recess equipment the PAC provides each year. All of these things could be in jeopardy if we don’t get a candidate for PAC Treasurer in time for the June 10 meeting. Please consider signing up. A PAC cannot operate without a treasurer, so the government gaming grant and more could be lost to us.

Langley Children’s Choir

PAC News

Spring Fling is on Friday June 7th 

We need volunteers!

If you can spare any time on Friday June 7th, we would greatly appreciate it!

Volunteers will be given 10 free tickets for Spring Fling that can be used towards concession (popcorn and drinks), or activities at the event. Middle school and high school students can earn volunteer hours as well.

This year we will have a volunteer information session, on Wednesday June 5th, at 6:30 PM at the RBE Library. Pizza dinner will be provided. This meeting is to ensure that volunteers know where to report, what their duties are, and expectations for the event. Attendance is not mandatory, but encouraged!

Thank you for your support!

Cake Walk – We know Richard Bulpitt has some amazing bakers!

    • We are accepting: cakes, cupcakes, cookies, pies, brownies, or doughnuts (homemade or store bought).
    • Please no items that require refrigeration.
    • Items containing nuts must be clearly labelled and securely packaged.
    • Please use this form link to sign up:

Please drop off your donations to the RBE Music Room no later than 4:45 PM on Friday June 7th.

Email us at if you have any questions.

Ticket presale is live on MunchaLunch. until Monday June 3rd. 

    • Admission is free, but tickets are required for most activities, carnival games and concession. 
    • A list of activities and their ticket costs is available on Munchalunch.
    • Food trucks do not accept tickets.

You can get more information about the event here:

Chopped Leaf & Fuel Fun Lunch Order Deadline – Tuesday, June 4th

Please make sure you submit your Chopped Leaf & Fuel Fun Lunch Order and PAY IT IN FULL by 11:59pm Tuesday, June 4th  here:

If you do not, your child will not receive their Fun Lunch on Friday June 14th.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, we had to change one of our vendors for the June 14th Fun Lunch day. 

If you ordered fun lunches for June 14th from Wheatella:

    • their hot dogs will be replaced with Hot Dogs from Fuel Catering. 
    • their treats will be substituted where possible from Tracy Cakes Bakery.
    • Unfortunately, we are unable to substitute the Mini Pizzas. If you ordered those, they have been cancelled and credited to your account, and you will need to login to Munchalunch and choose from the other options. 

Please verify that you have complete lunches ordered for your child(ren) on Munchalunch. 

If you have any questions please email Zoe at

You can view the full list of upcoming fun lunches and general information about fun lunches on our website here.

RBE PAC Executive Nominations are open for the 2024/25 School Year

Are you interested in joining the PAC EXEC next year?

We are looking to fill the following positions for the 2024/25 school year:

    • Hot Lunch Co-coordinator 
    • Treasurer
      • Brianna, the current treasurer, has reached the end of her term, but will still be part of the PAC EXEC next year. She will be able to guide and support whoever takes on this role. Our PAC cannot exist without a treasurer, so please consider taking on this role.
    • Member at Large (two positions available)

The election for these roles will happen at our PAC Annual General Meeting on June 10th. You can find more information about the roles and the nomination form at the link below:

Please email our president, Allison Senften, at with any questions.

Stay in the Know

Follow thRichard Bulpitt PAC Facebook page, our Instagram ( and now visit our website to stay up-to-date with all the details!

Quote(s) of the week

Something to read (or watch)…

  • I’ve read and heard lots about AI lately (as have you, I’m sure), including that maybe it wrote the script for a very popular Netflix series. On a more practical note, it helps with routing for navigation apps. But how does it do such a complex job? I mean, it predicted my best route home on the long weekend 5 hours before I even got to where the traffic would be bad. This article shares some of the how behind that navigational ‘magic.’


Things to Remember from the Calendar

Monday, May 27

  • Cops for Cancer Toonie Drive

Wednesday, May 29

  • Expansion Module Placement

Thursday, May 30

  • Jump Rope for Heart – Wear your team colours.

Richard Bulpitt Elementary

20965 - 77A Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Y 2E6
Phone: 604-888-5393
Fax: 604-888-5356