Next Week at RBE – August 29, 2024

Posted: August 28, 2024


Welcome back!

Well, it’s looking a bit different around here these days! Our expansion is ready for occupancy, even if there are a few finishing touches still being done. We are excited to be moving 6 classes into these fantastic new spaces.

Hopefully, your summer gave you that ideal combination of rest and excitement. Of learning and of not having to think about anything at all. Of adventure and routine. And of new and familiar. While all your Bulldogs adults love their summer activities, we’re also very excited to be back. Teachers are in the school already, preparing activities, decorating, and getting their A-games ready for you. The countdown is on, and we’re eager to be back.

First Day & Week of School

Grades 1-5

Students in grades 1-5 return to us on Tuesday, September 3, attending from 8:48 to 10:10. If you are a returning student, you will go to your lineup spot from last year, and will dismiss from that spot also. Three classes will be lining up Tuesday in new places, of course, since their portables are gone. If you were with Ms. Nahal, Ms. Moore, or Ms. Wells, you’ll be lining up outside the east side of the new building (the Annex, we will call it), as you will be starting the year upstairs. See the map below, and we will put signs out for you. Ms. Lowry’s class will line up Tuesday morning in their old place, but they’ll be going to the Annex as well.

If you are new to the school in grades 1-5, please meet us at the front doors on Tuesday, September 3. We will gather in the gym to meet, and then will disperse. As we determine the best groupings to work with in the first week, we will provide new instructions for drop-off and pick-up. On Day 1, pick-up will be in the gym. Parents, please meet us inside at 10:10.

Starting Wednesday, September 4, students in grades 1-5 will attend full days (8:48 to 2:33). At the end of the week, once we are confident of our final configuration, we will finalize the class-building work that began in June, and should move students to their new classes mid-morning on Monday, September 9.


Kindergarten students begin their gradual entry to school on Wednesday, September 6, and will be in full-time attendance beginning Monday, September 16. You can line up according to this map.You are going to LOVE Kindergarten, and we are going to LOVE having you!

We are growing…

Like those amazing water-absorbing sponge animals, we just seem to keep growing, and growing, and growing. As of this writing, we have  642 students on the books, and quite a few new registrations to process. We expect to be very near 700 students once all is said and done. Welcome, all of you! We know you’re going to love being an RBE Bulldog!

Communication from the school

Communication from the school can come through a number of channels. We will send information through the school webpage, our Facebook page, and direct emails or phone calls, as well as through your child’s planner and the occasional paper sent home. This document, This Week at RBE, is a weekly newsletter that conveys most, if not all, of the information you might need. You can subscribe to TWARBE, but you should also get an email every Sunday evening with a link to that week’s edition. If you do not, it can be found on the News link on the school webpage.

SchoolMessenger in the Langley School District 

The Langley School District uses a notification system called SchoolMessenger to communicate information to families. As we welcome our new families to our schools, some parents/guardians may receive a text message notifying them about SchoolMessenger. For more information about the system and how to opt-in to receive text messages, visit the District webpage here.  At the school level, only the most urgent communications would come by text. Routine communication will come via email and the website.

Traffic is terrible

With more students, unfortunately, come more cars. Our driveways are, as many of you know, not well-designed for drop-off and pick-up. And our catchment is quite small. In fact, all but about 30 homes that could have RBE students are within 1km. Whenever you can, please do not drive to school. Walking (or scooting, or riding) is so much healthier for young learners, provides a wake-up and perk-up for the day, and protects both the environment and the tempers of drivers. If you absolutely must drive, please try to park a block or two away and walk the last little bit. It will almost certainly get you back on the road faster than waiting in the driveway.

We are looking at how other large schools manage traffic, so you can expect to see some new ideas being tested out. One will likely be a zone for the drop & go kids, who can be holding their backpacks and let themselves out of the car. No parking will be allowed in that zone. If you are going to be doing a drop and go, though, we’d still suggest that the front curb, or the curb by the soccer fields is better, as that keeps you out of the driveways altogether.

Wet Coast Recess

While it has been plenty hot and dry this summer, it will be no time before we’re reminiscing fondly about days without rain. Please remember that we follow the West Coast Recess philosophy, and will be outside pretty much all the time for recess and lunch. Please make sure that your child has proper outerwear and footwear for the weather, and that there is a spare set of clothes at school (covering everything, top to bottom). While older kids don’t have the kind of bathroom accidents younger ones might, they still are prone to hitting that one, unfortunately slippery spot and crash-landing in a puddle. A spare set of clothes here can save a parent phone call in December.

If conditions are truly horrendous, or present a legitimate threat to student health or safety, we might stay in, but mostly we’ll be outside. The kids, frankly, love it. It’s only us adults who don’t.

Welcome, new staff! (and welcome back, returning staff)

We are excited to welcome (or welcome back) a number of new staff to the school for this year and beyond. Please join us in welcoming (in no particular order) the following new members of the team:

    • Mr. Lukin (grade 5)
    • Ms. Kim (grade 4)
    • Ms. Semeschuk (grade 3)
    • Ms. Sidhu (grade 1)
    • Ms. Hufsmith (PE)
    • Mr. Graber (library)
    • Ms. Voth (EA)
    • Ms. Arnold (EA)
    • Ms. Podkorytova (EA)
    • Ms. Leclerc (EA)
    • Ms. Valle (EA)
    • Ms. Martin (Office)

And welcome back to:

    • Mr. Nam
    • Ms. Burns (in October)
    • Ms. Sidhu (in January)
    • Mrs. Sutherland
    • Ms. Jo
    • Ms. Dhillon
    • Mr. Navarro
    • Ms. Edgrin
    • Ms. Shalev
    • Ms. Bechtel (in November)

Parent Consent Request

Each year, Langley Schools asks families to complete a set of parent consent forms for their child. These consent forms are required by our schools to ensure the health, safety, and security of all students. Langley Schools uses a secure web form to collect this information. Beginning mid-September, please watch for an email request (subject Parent Consent Request) that contains one link for you to submit consents for all children in your family attending any Langley School. If your email address or contact information has changed, please call your school to correct it in our files. If you have not received an email regarding Parent Consent Request by the end of the month or have any questions/concerns, please contact Mr., Oliver.  

Thanks, facilities team, custodians, and builders

You have had a whole summer to watch the buzz of activity around our expansion, and the departure of four of our portables. Inside, comparable work has been happening, and our gym floor is gleaming, the halls glistening, and the classrooms glowing. Everything is clean and working properly, and we’re ready to go! We are so thankful to the hard work of all those members of the team who have made sure all is ready for the kids’ return!

Accidents Happen

In the event you require accident or critical illness insurance, this plan, or something similar has been offered to families for as long as I have been an educator or student (that’s pretty long). Click here for details.

Quote(s) of the week

Something to read

  • I know I talk about excitement for back to school, but sometimes there’s some anxiety too. Here’s a resource to help with back to school anxiety in kids (and perhaps in adults, too).

Things to Remember from the Calendar

Monday, September 2

  • Labour Day Holiday

Tuesday, September 3

  • First Day of School for grades 1-5 – Students attend 8:45-10:10.
  • Meet the PAC Coffee 8:30-10:30 am in the courtyard

Wednesday, September 4

  • First Day of Kindergarten Gradual Entry
  • Full Day for grades 1-5

Monday, September 9

  • Move to permanent classes (predicted)

Richard Bulpitt Elementary

20965 - 77A Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Y 2E6
Phone: 604-888-5393
Fax: 604-888-5356