This Week at RBE – January 19, 2025

Posted: January 19, 2025


Welcome, new Bulldogs!

We are excited to welcome lots of new Bulldogs in lots of new roles this week. In addition to the 15 new students since the break, we also welcome 3 more (as of Sunday morning) new students and their families this week. We are also delighted to welcome Ms. Morzo, who will be teaching grade three in Division 3 for the next several weeks, and Mrs. Bullock, who is taking over from Ms. Balakrishnan in Division 8.

Out of catchment students – IMPORTANT action required

If you live outside our catchment (there are quite a few of you), you should have received a letter from the board office via email, and again from the school on paper, detailing steps for school placement in 2025-26. I’m excited to see that some of you (25, to be exact) are slated to attend Josette Dandurand Elementary School, so I won’t be surrounded by strangers. If you did not receive the letters, please contact Mr. Oliver or Ms. Davies as soon as possible, as they contain important and time-sensitive action items if your preference is to stay at RBE.

Multicultural Day (part of Diversity and Respect Week)

We would like to hold Multicultural Day again in 2025, extending our school tradition another year. The date for this year’s event, provided we have enough participants, will be Friday, February 28. If you are interested and willing to host a sharing table, please complete the form here, and Mr. Oliver will work to connect people representing the same culture. For information on what Multicultural Day is all about, click here.

Take Care of Each Other

We are seeing a significant number of students home sick these days, and are sending home several a day feeling unwell, and who say that they’ve felt that way since waking. Whatever the current virus is, it is clearly having an impact. If your child is sick, please keep them home. We can take care of each other (that’s one of our school rules) by working to ensure that kids who might infect others aren’t here to do so. 

From the District and Fraser Health: It’s that time of year when we see a rise in illnesses impacting students and staff in our school. We are hearing from families about colds, respiratory illnesses, and stomach bugs circulating in our community. As a reminder to help keep our school community healthy and well, we are sharing this online resource from our community partner Fraser Health. Here you will find information about protecting your child from communicable diseases and managing their illness:

Generation Health Program- Healthy Lifestyle Program for Kids Ages 8-12

Generation Health is a FREE 10-week healthy lifestyle program for children and their families, delivered through YMCA BC and in partnership with the Childhood Healthy Living Foundation. Program participants will meet virtually or in person to learn about healthy eating, physical activity, goal setting, body image, self-esteem and more!

We have 4 program days to choose from: Starting in February on Tuesdays (In Person at the Tong Louie YMCA) or Wednesdays, Thursdays, or Fridays virtually from 6:30-8:30pm. This program requires prior registration through these details: phone 1-888-650-3141 or send an e-mail to

Families who join this program receive a complimentary membership to the YMCA. 

Going on a vacation?

We have been receiving a number of requests lately for packages of work to do on extended vacations. Please note that we do not provide comprehensive work for those discretionary trips. Students are encouraged to read (a far better way to pass time on a plane ride than a screen would be) and to keep a travel journal to practice writing. Students can keep numeracy skills fresh by practising the day-to-day math you might encounter on the trip, whether it’s counting, playing games with math in them like Yahtzee! or helping figure out the costs of purchases, tips or taxes and the like. Because much of our learning is embedded in the classroom activities and conversations, it is not possible to send ‘everything’ we are going to be doing. Thank you.

Hot Lunch Sponsorship

The PAC Hot Lunch program is a great fundraising opportunity, a break from making lunch, and a time you can help some of our Bulldogs families who are struggling with the rising cost of living. One of the options available to families is to Sponsor a Lunch. For $3, you can help us provide PAC Fun Lunches for some of those kids so they can feel like, and blend in with, everyone else.


Basketball season is here!

Our grade 5 basketball teams are forming up. We will have permission forms ready for Monday for the coming season. Both boys and girls have a practice after school on Monday this week. Girls practise again on Wednesday, and boys on Thursday. All practises are scheduled to end at 4 pm.

LEAP (Outdoor Education) – Parent Information Session

Imagine your child’s classroom in the open air! Join us on Thursday, January 23rd at 5pm at Fort Langley Elementary for our LEAP (Langley Environmental Awareness Program) Information Session. This meeting is for families interested in kindergarten enrolment for the 2026-2027 school year, as well as any current grade 1-6 students that might want a change and an opportunity to learn in the great outdoors. For more about the outdoor education program and to watch our new stunning promotional video please visit:

Kindergarten Registration 2025 (repeat)

Kindergarten registration across the Langley School District runs January 6, 2025 – February 18, 2025. If your child will be five years old by December 31, 2025, you will be able to register your child online. Information about required documents and instructions is available online and will also be posted on catchment school websites in January. For information, please visit the District webpage here. To learn more about Kindergarten in the Langley School District, read our brochure here.

Quote(s) of the week

From the PAC

Thank You to Qualico for the $1000 Donation

One of our RBE parents, Esther Kim, nominated the Richard Bulpitt Elementary PAC for Qualico’s Acts of Kindness campaign before the winter break. We would like to say thank you to Esther for advocating for the work we do for the students and school community at RBE. We look forward to using the donation to benefit our students and school this year!

Wok Box & Gourmet Donut Fun Lunch Order Deadline – Tuesday, January 21st

Please make sure you submit your Wok Box & Gourmet Donut Fun Lunch Order and PAY IT IN FULL by 11:59pm Tuesday, January 21st here:
If you do not, your child will not receive their Fun Lunch on Friday January 31st.
Please ensure that you order by the deadlines so your child doesn’t miss out! Orders must be fully paid or they will be cancelled.
If you have any questions or need assistance with ordering, please email Zoe or Brianna at
If you would like to volunteer for our Fun Lunch days please email Edith at
You can find the complete schedule and more information on our website here:

Are you interested in joining the PAC EXEC next year? 

Are you looking to get more involved in the school community? Do you have ideas for events or fundraisers? Our current PAC EXEC will be losing 3 members in September as their kids move on to middle school.
We will be in need of a Vice-President, Secretary, Co-Fun Lunch Coordinator and Members of Large. If any of these positions sound of interest to you, or you are simply interested in finding out what the PAC does, please join us at our next PAC meeting on January 20th. You can find details about the roles on the PAC Facebook page.

General PAC Meeting – Monday, January 20th

Please join us for the January General PAC Meeting on Monday January 20th at 7 PM in the Richard Bulpitt Elementary School Library.  You can find the agenda for the meeting on our website or PAC Facebook page.
You can enter through the main entry doors at the front of the school.
This is open to all parents of the RBE school community. Hope to see you there!

Spring Fling Vendor Market – Looking for Vendors

We are now accepting applications for vendors at our Vendor Market at our annual Spring Fling Carnival!

It will be on Friday, June 6th from 5-8:30 PM. More information, including vendor fees, can be found on the registration form.

This year the market will be held outside rain or shine. No exceptions will be made. You will have to walk through grass to get to your vendor spot, so please keep that in mind when deciding whether to register. Volunteers will be available to help you access your vendor spot from the parking lot.

Fill out the application form here:

You can email with “Vendor Market” in the Subject line with any questions.

Flip Give Fundraiser

This year, fundraising for RBE PAC is going to be so much easier with FlipGive, a free team funding app.
We can earn cash back on every purchase we make all year long! All you have to do is shop anytime with the brands you already love, like Home Depot, Walmart, Sport Chek, Indigo, Old Navy, Apple, Esso, and Loblaws. No more going door-to-door selling chocolate bars – it’s completely virtual and contactless.
Join our team now and you’ll get a $5 bonus the first time you shop:
Or enter this code: WYW49S
Want to learn more? Check out this 2 minute video:

Email with any questions.

Stay in the Know

Follow the Richard Bulpitt PAC Facebook page, our Instagram ( and now visit our website to stay up-to-date with all the details!

Something to read

  • The night skies are pretty fantastic right now, especially with the number of planets and other cosmic bodies that are visible. If you look the right way on a clear night this week, you’ll be able to see Saturn and Jupiter almost in line with each other. Here’s an article with some details. Take your binoculars out, and things will look even cooler! There’s a bit more detail in the video below.

Things to Remember from the Calendar

Monday, January 20

  • Welcome, Mr. Olson. Mr. Olson will be an additional Vice Principal to support as Mr. Oliver’s duties at Josette Dandurand Elementary start to ramp up. 
  • Welcome Ms. Morzo and Mrs. Bullock.
  • Girls & Boys’ basketball practice after school – 2:45-4:00
  • PAC Meeting – 7pm in the library  

Wednesday, January 22

  • Girls’ basketball practice after school – 2:45-4:00

Thursday, January 23

  • Boys’ basketball practice after school – 2:45-4:00

Richard Bulpitt Elementary

20965 - 77A Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Y 2E6
Phone: 604-888-5393
Fax: 604-888-5356