This Week at Richard Bulpitt Elementary – February 9, 2025

Posted: February 9, 2025


Multicultural Day (part of Diversity and Respect Week)

We are on for Multicultural Day! Thank you to all who have signed up to share their cultures with us. At this point we have representation from the following: First Nations, India & Pakistan, Fiji & Philippines, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Czechia & Bulgaria, Korea, Japan, Poland, Mexico, Brazil & South America, African heritage, Russia, and Poland. More are welcome if you haven’t signed up yet. Emails will come out tomorrow to those who signed up, with more details and connecting people from the same culture.

Free! Virtual Family Math Fair

Scan or click the QR code to register.

Sexual Health Information (from Fraser Health) 

Health, safety, and wellness continue to be a priority in our schools. To help support our students and families, we are sharing important information from our community partner Fraser Health about sexual health for school-aged children and youth. Please see below for helpful reminders to support your child. 

 Healthy Childhood and Youth Development includes Sexual Health

Learning about sexual health, including understanding your body and its changes, health conditions, personal hygiene, healthy relationships, consent and sexuality, are all part of growing up. Talking about sexual health can allow young people to identify their values and develop skills that promote healthy decision making and sexuality.  

How do I Teach My Child about Sex and Sexuality? 

Talking to your children about sexual health is important. Establishing an open and trusting relationship with your child will help them know they can come to you for honest answers to their questions about sex and sexuality. 
For help on how to talk to your child and what to include about sexual health take a look at the following information: Sexual education for children – Fraser Health Authority

Learning about sexual health also means understanding sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI). Look at these two resources for more information: Sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression; Parents’ Guide to SOGI in Schools / SOGI 1 2 3

Youth Clinics  

Let your child know about our youth clinics. These clinics are located across the Fraser Health region and provide free, confidential information and education regarding sexuality and health to youth up to 21 to 24 years old (age varies by site). Learn more about the services available at youth clinics: Youth clinics – Fraser Health Authority 

Open Parachute Virtual Parent Night Presentations 

The Ministry of Education and Child Care, in partnership with adolescent clinical psychologist Dr. Hayley Watson from Open Parachute, will host three, free virtual sessions for parents, guardians and caregivers that will focus on practical skills you can teach your child and youth (ages 0-19) to prevent substance use and mental health needs. These sessions will build on a previous presentation, which focused on practical conversation tools for speaking about substance use prevention with your children/youth. The previous session is not a pre-requisite for this session. 

Key takeaways for participants during this session: 

    • Learn the factors that lead to substance use and mental health needs from a trauma-informed lens 
    • Focus on prevention rather than intervention/response 
    • Applies to parents, guardians and caregivers of all age groups (youth aged 0-5, 6-10, and 11-18) 
    • Learn ways that these skills can be applied to yourself and the rest of your family to support the mental health of parents, guardians and caregivers 

Participants must register in advance. Session dates are: 

Please share this information within your school community to reach parents, guardians, and caregivers of all ages. 

If you have any questions, please email the Mental Health and Substance Use team at

Out of catchment students – LAST CHANCE

If you live outside our catchment (there are quite a few of you), you should have received a letter from the board office via email, and again from the school on paper, detailing steps for school placement in 2025-26. I’m excited to see that some of you (25, to be exact) are slated to attend Josette Dandurand Elementary School, so I won’t be surrounded by strangers. If you did not receive the letters, please contact Mr. Oliver or Ms. Davies as soon as possible, as they contain important and time-sensitive action items if your preference is to stay at RBE. The deadline for this process is February 18, 2025. If we won’t receive those applications, students will automatically be be transitioned back to their catchment schools.

Practical Parenting Strategies for Change

Click the poster for FREE tickets.

Quote(s) of the week

From the PAC

Congratulations to our Lucky Winners from our Volunteer Gift Card Draws!

For December: Ryan Booth

For January: Stephanie Pecchia

Thank you for volunteering at our events and fundraisers! 

If you’re interested in volunteering at our events, please email Edith at Volunteers are entered into monthly gift card draws!

Fuel Hot Dog & TCBY Fun Lunch is this Friday, February 14th

Please look for the lunch reminder email from MunchaLunch on Thursday February 13th. If you do not receive it, it means you did NOT pay for your order, and your child(ren) will NOT be receiving their order on Friday February 14th. Please make sure you pack a lunch if this is the case. 

If you did receive the email, don’t forget to pack a snack and water bottle for Fun Lunch day. 

If you have any questions please email 

If your child will be absent on Fun Lunch Day, please come to the PAC kitchen between 12 and 12:30 pm on Friday to pick it up.  If you cannot pick it up, please consider it as a donation as there are no refunds. 

If you’re able to volunteer for Fun Lunch day please email

You can also view the full list of upcoming fun lunches and general information about fun lunches on our website here.

Pink Shirt Gourmet Donut Fundraiser

Every year we like to fundraise for the CKNW Kids’ Fund on Pink Shirt Day (Feb 26th) with our Donut Day fundraiser.  We will be selling Pink Vanilla Dip and Chocolate Dip donuts with sprinkles from Gourmet donuts: $15/6 donuts, or $3 each. 
    • Preorders on Munchalunch are required for orders of 6 or more donuts.
    • Students who go to after school care can pre-order online and their donuts will be delivered to the classroom before dismissal. Please email us at to let us know if you would like your child’s donuts delivered to your classroom.
    • Order pick up and “day of” sales will be after school in the courtyard (behind the school) on February 26
    • Single donuts can be purchased day of, with a limit of 2 per person.

Spring Fling Raffle Basket Donation Collections

Hello Div 10-29 parents! Your PAC committee is in full swing planning the annual Spring Fling Carnival on Friday, June 6th at the school. 

As one way to fundraise, we will have a raffle, but we need YOUR help! We have paired up your classrooms and assigned a theme for a gift basket. We kindly ask any families who are able to donate items based on the theme.

You can find a list of all the themes and links to the online sign up sheets on our PAC Facebook page here.

Donations will be collected in the classroom starting Monday February 3rd to Friday February 28th or you can also donate money towards the purchase of items on Munchalunch under the Fundraising tab until February 21st. Your class parents will be picking up the donated items and making lovely baskets out of them at the beginning of March.

If you have any questions, please connect with your class parent or email us at

Thank you for your help!

COBS Bread Doughraiser

Did you know that we have an ongoing fundraiser with the Walnut Grove COBS Bread location? Simply mention Richard Bulpitt Elementary at the Walnut Grove location when you make a purchase. They’re donating 5% back to us! Note that a minimum of $500 sales requirement is required for a Dough Raiser cheque to be issued to our school. Thank you for your support!

Are you interested in joining the PAC EXEC next year? 

Are you looking to get more involved in the school community? Do you have ideas for events or fundraisers? Our current PAC EXEC will be losing 3 members in September as their kids move on to middle school.

We will be in need of a Vice-President, Secretary, Co-Fun Lunch Coordinator and Members of Large. If any of these positions sound of interest to you, or you are simply interested in finding out what the PAC does, please email us at You can find details about the roles on the PAC Facebook page or on our website here.

Stay in the Know

Follow the Richard Bulpitt PAC Facebook page, our Instagram ( and now visit our website to stay up-to-date with all the details!

Something to read

  • I particularly like the 2-Minute Rule when talking to my own kids about quick things that need doing, but they’d really rather not, thanks.

Things to Remember from the Calendar

Monday, February 10

  • Professional Development Day – Students do not attend

Tuesday, February 11

  • Girls Basketball Practice after school

Wednesday, February 12

  • Girls Basketball Game after school AT RC Garnett
  • Boys Basketball Game after school at home vs RC Garnett

Thursday, February 13

  • Boys Basketball Practice after school
  • Hannah Beach presentation (evening, see above)

Friday, February 14

  • Spirit Day – Wear red/pink/white to celebrate Valentine’s Day

Monday, February 17

  • Family Day Holiday

Tuesday, February 18

  • Registration Deadline (for new K or for out-of-catchment students applying to remain at RBE)

Richard Bulpitt Elementary

20965 - 77A Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Y 2E6
Phone: 604-888-5393
Fax: 604-888-5356