This Week at Richard Bulpitt Elementary – March 9, 2025

Posted: March 9, 2025

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Happy belated birthday to Ms. Davies & other news…

Wednesday was Ms. Davies’ birthday, so we want to wish her a happy belated birthday!

We also want to thank Mr. Olson for his work with our community over the past three months. He worked hard to connect with kids and staff, and we appreciate his contributions. He will be transitioning to full-time work at Gordon Greenwood Elementary after Spring Break. We wish him all the best in that community, and we will miss his contributions and connections with students here at Richard Bulpitt Elementary.

Also, and I am reluctant to share this good news/bad news, but this Friday will also (sort of) be Ms. Davies’ last day as a Bulldog. While she will be back for a couple of weeks after the break, she officially changes the bulk of her work to helping to open Josette Dandurand Elementary, as she was the successful candidate for the position of Administrative Assistant there. She will leave a big space to fill at Richard Bulpitt, and we know she will be fantastic at Josette Dandurand, bringing her knowledge of opening a school to that new task. She will work out of Richard Bulpitt for a bit, though, as she helps the transition for Mr. Bako, and for the new Administrative Assistant here, Ms. McLeod (no relation to kindergarten teacher, Ms. MacLeod).

Thank you, PAC!

On a personal note, I’d like to thank the PAC, and through them all of the parents at RBE, for the amazing sign. What a wonderful memento of my time with you and your kids! I’m not crying. Really.

Please be scent-aware

We’d like to remind everyone that we have some staff and students with sensitivities to scented products. While we mostly have no problems in this regard, there have been a couple of occasions recently where someone had enough scented product on to trigger a reaction. Please minimize your use of scented products, to help us keep everyone safe. After all ‘Take care of each other’ is one of our three simple rules.

Concert Tickets

Our Spring Concerts will be fast upon us in April, with K-2 students performing at 1:30 and 6:00 on Tuesday, April 8, and grade 3-5 students performing at 1:30 and 6:00 on Thursday, April 10. Tickets can be booked on School Cash Online starting Monday March 10. Please note that we are limiting initial ticket availability for the evening shows to two per family. The evening concerts always ‘sell out’ and we want to allow as many families as possible to be able to attend. If we have a surplus as the show dates approach, we will release more tickets.

Thank you to all families who make sure that their kids are here to share for the evening concert, even if they aren’t attending themselves. Everything works, looks and sounds better with a full cast of performers.

Student Inclusive Conferences

Thank you to all family members who came to the school to participate in your children’s Student Inclusive Conferences. The summary documents will be published to MyEducation BC in the coming weeks. You will receive an email notification when that process is complete.

International Student Program Homestay Families

Embark on a rewarding journey of cultural exchange! The District is seeking homestay families to host International Student Program (ISP) students for the 2025-2026 school year and beyond. There are many benefits including learning a new culture, sharing your family traditions, and developing life-long friendships. Homestay families are provided $1200 per month to offset costs. Start your journey here:

Ukulele – Another Spring Break Opportunity

SD35 Budget Consultation 2025-26

Want to have your say on the District’s budget for 2025-2026? The Langley School District is inviting students, staff, parents/guardians, and all members of the public to take part in its Budget Consultation 2025-2026 by completing this 5-minute survey here or providing feedback by email to All survey and email submissions will be accepted until March 31, 2025.

The data gathered will help provide our District Leadership Team and Board of Education with information needed to make decisions impacting education. The District is sharing videos and an infographic located on our webpage which may be helpful to you. For more information as well as translated versions of the survey, please visit our District webpage here.

Quote(s) of the week

From the PAC

The March PAC newsletter is now up on our website here.

  • Please refer to our newsletter to see our farewell message to Mr. Oliver and Ms. Davies. We wish them all the best at Josette Dandurand Elementary.

Thank you RBE families for supporting our Gourmet Donut Fundraiser!

Thanks to your generosity we are proud to say we raised over $440 from our Gourmet Donut Sales!

All proceeds will go to the CKNW Kid’s Fund. The fund supports children’s healthy self-esteem by teaching empathy, compassion, and kindness.

Panago & Booster Juice Fun Lunch is this Friday, March 14th

Please look for the lunch reminder email from MunchaLunch on Thursday March 13th. If you do not receive it, it means you did NOT pay for your order, and your child(ren) will NOT be receiving their order on Friday March 14th. Please make sure you pack a lunch if this is the case. 

If you did receive the email, don’t forget to pack a snack and water bottle for Fun Lunch day. 

If you have any questions please email

If your child will be absent on Fun Lunch Day, please come to the PAC kitchen between 12 and 12:30 pm on Friday to pick it up.  If you cannot pick it up, please consider it as a donation as there are no refunds. 

If you’re able to volunteer for Fun Lunch day please email

You can also view the full list of upcoming fun lunches and general information about fun lunches on our website here.

Spring Fling Planning

Spring Fling Planning is ramping up! We are grateful to the Div 10-29 families for donating towards their themed classroom raffle baskets.

These baskets will be raffled off at our Spring Fling Carnival on Friday June 6th to help fundraise for rainy day items for our classrooms at RBE. These items will be used by students on days that they can’t go outside to play due to inclement weather.

We still have 4 vendor market spots open in the following categories:

    • Customized products
    • Bath and body products
    • Home Decor Items

If you would like to submit a vendor application please visit this link.

If you would like to join the Spring Fling planning team, use this link.

COBS Bread Doughraiser

Did you know that we have an ongoing fundraiser with the Walnut Grove COBS Bread location? Simply mention Richard Bulpitt Elementary at the Walnut Grove location when you make a purchase. They’re donating 5% back to us! Note that a minimum of $500 sales requirement is required for a Dough Raiser cheque to be issued to our school. Thank you for your support!

Are you interested in joining the PAC EXEC next year? 

Are you looking to get more involved in the school community? Do you have ideas for events or fundraisers? Our current PAC EXEC will be losing 3 members in September as their kids move on to middle school.

We will be in need of a Vice-President, Secretary, Co-Fun Lunch Coordinator and Members of Large. If any of these positions sound of interest to you, or you are simply interested in finding out what the PAC does, please email us at You can find details about the roles on the PAC Facebook page or on our website here.

Stay in the Know

Follow the Richard Bulpitt PAC Facebook page, our Instagram ( and now visit our website to stay up-to-date with all the details!

Something to read

  • So I realize that some of these Spring Break ideas are ridiculously expensive (seaplane tour, anyone?) but others aren’t, and this is a list of some adventures that look pretty awesome, and includes several that are new to me! The Ultimate 2025 Spring Break Ideas Vancouver Guide.
  • At a meeting, we saw a tweet from Adam Grant about mental health being, not always-happiness, but the ability to be resilient to whatever emotional state we find ourselves in. I went looking, and found some other work of his, including this graphic. It was embedded in an article called ‘No, You Don’t Get an A for Effort‘, which isn’t really applicable in elementary school, but which did link some other interesting books and podcasts. It also, if you follow through to the full article in the New York Times, suggests the importance of recognizing excellence as what it is.

Things to Remember from the Calendar

Monday, March 10

  • Did you change your clocks Sunday morning? If you didn’t, you might be late.
  • Girls’ Basketball Practice after school

Tuesday, March 11

  • Boys basketball practice after school

Wednesday, March 12

  • Girls basketball game AT Lynn Fripps
  • Boys’ basketball game AT HOME vs Lynn Fripps

Thursday, March 13

  • Aché Brasil – 9:00 Arts Starts Assembly (thank you, PAC)

Friday, March 14

  • Jersey Day
  • PAC Fun Lunch
  • Last day before Spring Break
  • Mr. Olson’s & Mr. Oliver’s last day

Richard Bulpitt Elementary

20965 - 77A Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Y 2E6
Phone: 604-888-5393
Fax: 604-888-5356