This (back to school) Week at RBE – September 4, 2022

Posted: September 5, 2022


Welcome back!

We are so excited to have you returning to (or joining) the Richard Bulpitt Elementary family. Hopefully your summer had the perfect balance of new and old experiences, and you stayed healthy and safe. We are eager to start another year of learning with you, and to continue to be part of the team that helps your child reach their full potential! Our horizons are, of course, limitless, even if we sometimes have to weather a storm!

We are excited to be the second-biggest school in the district this year, with 620 students registered in 27 Divisions. As you can imagine, it’s going to be a busy year. Please bear with us as it may take a while to get our class grid built and balanced and permanent classes announced.

First Day & Week of School

Grades 1-5

Students in grades 1-5 return to us on Tuesday, September 6, attending from 8:45 to 10:10. If you are a returning student, you will go to your lineup spot from last year, and will dismiss from that spot also. A couple of classes will receive instructions that day about a new meeting place for the rest of the week, as we have changed a few teachers, and added a pair of beautiful new portable classrooms as well.

The vast majority will meet at their old spot for the entire first week, though. Starting Wednesday, September 7, students in grades 1-5 will attend full days (8:45 to 2:33).

If you are new to the school in grades 1-5, please meet us at the front doors on Tuesday, September 6. We will gather in the gym to meet, and then will disperse. As we determine the best groupings to work with in the first week, we will provide new instructions for drop-off and pick-up. On Day 1, pick-up will be at the front of the school, right at the front doors.


Kindergarten students begin their gradual entry to school on Wednesday, September 7, and will be in full-time attendance beginning Monday, September 19. You are going to LOVE Kindergarten!

COVID-19 Guidelines – September 2022

COVID-19 is still in our community. Our schools will continue to prioritize health and safety and follow protocols to prevent the spread of any communicable diseases. As always, we will be following the current COVID-19 guidelines in K-12 schools which are similar to how we ended the last school year. You can view the guidelines here. We are sharing important reminders for students, staff, and families, to help keep our school community safe:

    • Stay home when sick
    • Be aware of your health daily
    • Practice proper handwashing hygiene
    • Practice proper coughing and sneezing etiquette

Below is an excerpt from the guidelines on What To Do When Sick:

What To Do When Sick

Staff, students, or other persons who are exhibiting new symptoms of illness (including symptoms of COVID-19 or gastrointestinal illness) should stay home and follow the BCCDC guidance outlined below:

The When to Get Tested for COVID-19 resource or the B.C. Self-Assessment Tool provides more information on whether you should get a test for COVID-19. Those unsure or concerned about their symptoms should connect with a health care provider or call 8-1-1.

Staff, children, or other persons in the school setting who test positive for COVID-19 should follow the guidance on the BCCDC website as to how long they should self-isolate. They can return to school when they no longer need to self-isolate as long as symptoms have improved, and they are well enough to participate in regular activities. Schools should not require a health care provider note (e.g., a doctor’s note) to confirm the health status of any individual, beyond those required to support medical accommodation as per usual practice.

Thank you for your cooperation and support in helping maintain positive and safe learning environments. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school office.

Parent Consent Request

Each year, Langley schools asks families to complete a set of parent consent forms for their child. These consent forms are required by our schools to ensure the health, safety, and security of all students. Langley schools use a secure web form to collect this information. Beginning mid-September, please watch for an email request (subject Parent Consent Request) that contains one link for you to submit consents for all children in your family attending any Langley school. If your email address or contact information has changed, please call your school to correct it in our files. If you have not received an email regarding Parent Consent Request by the end of September or have any questions/concerns, please contact your school administrator. 

Thanks, Maintenance Department!

Many thanks to the women and men in the maintenance department who got our two new portables ready in time for school to open. As those of you with views of the site know, it’s a lot of work.

Accidents Happen

In the event you require accident or critical illness insurance, this plan, or something similar has been offered to families for as long as I have been an educator or student (that’s pretty long). Click here for details.

Superintendent’s Letter

Watch your email inbox for a letter from Superintendent Mal Gill sometime this weekend, if you haven’t received it already.

Quote(s) of the week

Something to Read or Watch…

The transition back to school and routines can sometimes trigger unexpected reactions in kids who have become accustomed to a very different summer experience. If you find your child (or someone else in your life) escalating, here are some de-escalation strategies for meltdowns. Click the poster to go to the source website, where you’ll find a detailed article (sadly awash in advertising, but a person has to make a living, I guess) on de-escalation.

Parent: How was school today?

Kid: ‘Fine’ (or ‘Good’, or ‘Boring’, or some similar one-word answer).

Parent: But, really, how was school today? You have to use more than one word!

Kid” It. Was. Fine.

Here’s a different way to ask that might get some more details:

Things to Remember from the Calendar

Monday, September 5

  • Labour Day Holiday

Tuesday, September 6

  • First Day of School for grades 1-5 – Students attend 8:45-10:10

Wednesday, September 7

  • First Day of Kindergarten Gradual Entry
  • Full Day for grades 1-5
  • PAC Welcome Back coffee in the courtyard after drop-off

Monday, September 12

  • Move to permanent classes (predicted)

Richard Bulpitt Elementary

20965 - 77A Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Y 2E6
Phone: 604-888-5393
Fax: 604-888-5356