This Week at RBE – April 23, 2023

Posted: April 23, 2023

News and Information

Learning Opportunity – FamilySmart – Youth Mental Health

May 4th from 6–8pm online – Dr. Ross Greene will be speaking about how Collaborative and Proactive Solutions can help us show our kids we care about them. Solving problems together creates connection and allows our children to be a part of finding solutions to what is causing their concerning behaviour. Dr. Greene’s work reminds us that things go better for everyone, when we solve problems together and that kids do well if they can. 

Dr. Ross Greene – Collaborative & Proactive Solutions: Moving From Power and Control to Collaboration and Problem-Solving – FamilySmart

The Sun is coming!

As the forecast appears to be moving towards sun and warm, don’t forget to make sure your child has adequate water, and some sunscreen on for our outside times. A sunhat can’t hurt, either. Mr. Oliver can’t wait to show of his new sunhat, though he maybe should be waiting for crazy hat day to do that!

We’re already planning for September 2023 (repeat)

As we work on organizing the school for September 2023, we would very much appreciate you letting us know if you are planning to move away from our school. Every seat we expect to have will be in high demand, and it helps us a lot to know in advance if students will be leaving.

Spring Concert Tickets (repeat)

We are excited to welcome you aboard Music World, Flight 223 this May. Our students and staff are working hard to prepare a sharing of some of their world music learning from this year.

Showtimes are as follows:

May 10 – 1pm matinee

May 11 – 1pm matinee

May 11 – 6:30 pm

Because we have over 600 students, tickets will be limited.

Ticket Limits – 2 tickets per family at the 6:00 pm performance, and 4 tickets per family for the 1:00pm performances. This is to ensure all families have access to tickets for the performances. Tickets are reserved/issued on a first come first served basis, whether it is the night or afternoon concert.

Tickets will be available on School Cash Online staring Monday April 17th. For fire safety regulations all attending should have a seat, excluding young infants. Please bring your receipt as proof of purchase for entry.

We ask that parents attending the concert stay for the ENTIRE concert so as not to distract the performers or interrupt the performance. This also ensures that all students have an audience, from the first group on stage until the last.

For the evening performance, students are asked to be in their classrooms at 6:15pm (no earlier please). The children will be escorted into the gym to perform. Teachers will be supervising in their classroom when students are not performing.

Doors will open 15 minutes before the performance.

Our hope is that all students will have special guests who are able to view a performance and that all students have the experience of a full audience in front of which to perform.

Thank you for your co-operation. We look forward to a successful day of concerts.

PAC Update

PAC General Meeting – Monday, April 24

Join the PAC and your principal, Mr. Oliver, for this month’s general PAC meeting. Monday, April 24 at 7pm. Meet in person in the RBE Library.

Growing Smiles – Deadline

The Growing Smiles orders are due on Monday, April 24. Order here:

Order pick up will be May 8th, at the front entry of the school at 2:40 PM.

DANCE! – Friday, May 5

The Cinco de Mayo Dance tickets are $3 and are on sale now at under Movie Night & Dance.

Join us on Friday May 5th to celebrate Cinco De Mayo with a dance and tacos from Taco Factory.

The dance is from 7-9 PM. An earlier, sensory friendly time slot from 5-6:30 PM will have dimmed lighting and quieter music for attendees.

Only 500 tickets will be sold per time slot. Everyone needs a ticket, and all children must be accompanied by an adult. The dance is open to any student of our community (siblings/family members are allowed).

No physical tickets will be distributed.

Taco bar and concession will be for sale at the dance only.

Stay in the Know

Follow the Richard Bulpitt PAC Facebook page ( or our Instagram (@rbepac) to stay up-to-date with all the details!

Quote(s) of the week

Something to Read or Watch…



Things to Remember from the Calendar

Monday, April 24

  • Growing Smiles orders due
  • PAC Meeting – 7pm in the library

Wednesday, April 26

Friday, April 28

  • Class Photos (all day, starting with K)
  • PAC Fun Lunch

Wednesday, May 3

  • Grade 5s visit Yorkson Creek Middle School (they grow up so fast!)

Thursday, May 4

  • Star Wars Day/Disney Day

Friday, May 5

  • Cinco de Mayo Dance (PAC)

Richard Bulpitt Elementary

20965 - 77A Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Y 2E6
Phone: 604-888-5393
Fax: 604-888-5356