This Week at RBE – April 7, 2024

Posted: April 7, 2024


Happy Vaisakhi

Vaisakhi is next Saturday. This spring harvest celebration may be best known as a celebration in the Punjab and in Northern India, it is observed by both Sikh and some Hindu communities. For Vaisakhi, communities will gather for prayers and celebratory fairs and parades. The Surrey Vaisakhi parade is enormous and fantastic. This year it will be held on April 20.

April is Sikh Heritage Month

Sikh Heritage Month is the perfect opportunity to celebrate the history, culture and traditions of Sikh communities in Canada, which are grounded in the values of service and compassion. It is also the time to highlight the countless achievements of Sikh people, whether in politics, business, the arts, medicine or education.

Sikhism is the fifth most practised religion in the world. Its founder, Guru Nanak Dev Ji, is renowned for sharing values of equality, humanity and unity throughout his life. On April 13th, Sikh communities in Canada and around the world will celebrate Vaisakhi, which commemorates the founding of Sikhism and honours the teachings and spiritual legacy off the ten Gurus and the Holy Book Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

Class/Group Photos

This Tuesday is our class photo day. Pictures start first thing, and the photographer expects to be done and gone by recess. Given how efficient this photographer is, it’s not an unlikely scenario. Please bring your biggest smile to school Tuesday morning, and be ready! There are no re-takes of these ones, so if you miss, you miss. We will be making sure the schedule gets our field-tripping classes captured before they go.

Monday’s Eclipse

A partial solar eclipse will take place on Monday, April 8, from 10:43 am until approximately 12:20 pm. This is a relatively rare event, with people likely curious and wanting to witness the event first hand. Looking at the sun directly during an eclipse can cause severe eye injury, as some of the protective mechanisms that would make us turn away from the sun may be less effective due to low light levels, according to Vancouver Coastal Health. While the forecast is for clouds and light showers in the morning on Monday, the possibility exists that we will be able to witness this event. Please ensure that children and youth are aware of the dangers of looking directly at the sun. If skies clear on Monday morning, Vancouver Coastal Health is recommending that students, especially young children, are kept inside during this time. For those who would like to witness this event, NASA is offering an opportunity to watch the solar eclipse live online.

Summer Session Registration

Summer Session registration begins next week, and we know many Bulldogs participate, so here’s what we know so far so you don’t get left out.


Parents will need their student’s PEN (Personal Education Number)

This can be found by logging into the MyEd Parent Portal.

For help navigating please visit the help page.

Registration for Summer Session will take place by the following dates:

Current Langley School District Students

Please check the district website on the date to register online

Elementary/Middle Program: Wednesday, April 17 at 10:00am

Secondary Program: Thursday, April 18 at 10:00am

Registration for Summer Session cannot be done by phone or e-mail. If you have questions, please email If you would like someone to call you, please indicate that in your email, with a name and call back number.

Registrations in available classes are processed in the order the registration occurs, on a “first-come, first-served basis”.

Registration is not open to students who are not attending a Langley School District school prior to June 2024.

Registration for all applicants closes on June 20 (Elementary/Middle) or June 21 (Secondary).

Road Safety

We’ve had some calls, lately, from neighbourhood drives, expressing concern at the number of kids darting out between parked cars and into the roads outside of school hours. Many are probably older than our Bulldogs, but maybe not all. And we care about the safety of all kids anyhow. Could you, as we will, remind your kids the following safety tips:

    • Cross at the crosswalk
    • Look both ways before you cross (not once you’ve stepped out)
    • Once you start crossing, go all the way across. Cutting back unexpectedly is unsafe.

While road safety is the responsibility of drivers, too, we want to see our students protecting themselves as well as they can. After all, no matter how ‘right’ I am, getting hit by a car still hurts.

Outside Play (from Fraser Health)

Health, safety, and wellness continue to be a priority in our schools. To help support our students and families, we are sharing important information from our community partner Fraser Health about outside play. Please see below for helpful reminders to support your child.

Get Outside and Play!

Physical activity is a necessary requirement for optimal health – and the benefits are even greater if you can do it outdoors.

Regular physical activity in childhood helps to develop cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength and bone density, and being outdoors is known to improve mental health.

There are many benefits to unstructured, outside play. When children spend time outside, they:

    1. Sit less, move more and play longer– key to cardiovascular health and fitness.
    2. Have healthier eyes– 10+ hours a week outside reduces nearsightedness risks.
    3. Sleep better– sunlight helps regulate melatonin and sleep patterns.
    4. Enjoy improved mood– exercise reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression.
    5. Feel more connected to nature– experience calm and develop mindfulness.

Planning active outings doesn’t have to be challenging or costly. Here are some ideas that you can try this week:

Find more ideas to keep your kids active through the year on Fraser Health’s website:

Schoolyard Garbage

This will only apply to none of you directly, because you wouldn’t do this to your child’s school. But some of you might be able to help. Some (probably only one or two) of our neighbours have been routinely dumping their household garbage outside our dumpsters, at the gate, on the lawn, really anywhere but in the correct spot. It’s full of medical waste, food waste, things that should be in the recycling, diapers, and more. And it’s causing some problems.

If you live in a townhouse complex to the north or west of us (the only two directions where the trip to dump on our lawn is likely shorter than the trip to the dumpster in the complex), we would kindly ask you to remind your neighbours or strata councils that such dumping draws rodents to the school (and not the bushy-tailed ones) and that this behaviour is inappropriate and gross, and could result in fines from the Township.

TC-103 (NS) Construction Zone Sign - Traffic Depot Signs & SafetyConstruction Zone

We will be adjusting permitted stopping/parking areas due to the ongoing construction project. This means there will be less space. Do not drive into the driveways unless you really must. Instead, park a block away and walk in. The weather is lovely and the exercise is healthy.


Please let us know if you are moving away

Parents are asked to inform the school as soon as possible if/when they know that their children will be leaving our school or not returning in the fall. Please complete our withdraw form and email it to

Are you going to be away for an extended period?

Please complete the Student Missing School Time Form, if your student(s) are going to be away from school due to an extended vacation, or a family leave, and email it to

Save the Date – Spring Concert

Our Spring concert will be on May 8 and 9, 2024. There will be matinee shows both days, and an evening show on May 9. Please watch for ticketing information coming out separately this week.

Measles Vaccination Information from Fraser Health

To help keep our community healthy and safe, our partner Fraser Health is sharing important information about the measles vaccine and available clinics over Spring Break. Please review the information here. And you can read the federal Health Officer’s statement on Measles that was released the other day right here

PAC News

The April PAC newsletter is now up on our website here:

Spring Fling Meeting – Monday, April 8th

Join us virtually on Monday at 7pm via Google Meets for our upcoming Spring Fling planning meeting. We would love input on our biggest event of the year! You can find the link on our PAC Facebook page.

If you would like to be involved in the planning please join our Facebook planning group. 

Umami Sushi & BP Fun Lunch Order Deadline – Tuesday, April 9th

Please make sure you submit your Umami Sushi & BP Fun Lunch Order and PAY IT IN FULL by 11:59pm Tuesday,April 9th here:

If you do not, your child will not receive their Fun Lunch on Friday April 19th.

If you already submitted your order, please double check it to make sure that your child is receiving a complete lunch. Due to the vendor change, some treat/snack items were cancelled and you may need to choose a new item.  

You can view the full list of upcoming fun lunches and general information about fun lunches on our website here.

Movie Night – Woody Woodpecker – Friday, April 26th at 6:30 PM

Come join us in the RBE gym to watch Woody Woodpecker! More details to come about the concession! 

Tickets and concession presale will be available, starting Tuesday April 9th until April 24th on Munch-a-Lunch:

Tickets are $3 per movie, and required for everyone. We are limited to selling 300 tickets due to capacity limitations.

General PAC Meeting – Monday, April 15th

Please join us for the April General PAC Meeting on Monday April 15th at 7 PM in the Richard Bulpitt Elementary School Library.

You can enter through the main entry doors at the front of the school.

This is open to all parents of the RBE school community. 

Hope to see you there!

Spring Fling Vendor Market – Looking for Vendors

We are now accepting applications for vendors at our Vendor Market at our annual Spring Fling Carnival!

It will be on Friday, June 7th from 5-9 PM. More information is available on the registration form.

This year the market will be held outside rain or shine. No exceptions will be made. You will have to walk through grass to get to your vendor spot, so please keep that in mind when deciding whether to register. Volunteers will be available to help you access your vendor spot from the parking lot.

Fill out the application form here:

You can email with “Vendor Market” in the Subject line with any questions.

Flip Give Fundraiser

This year, fundraising for RBE PAC is going to be so much easier with FlipGive, a free team funding app.

We can earn cash back on every purchase we make all year long! All you have to do is shop anytime with the brands you already love, like Home Depot, Walmart, Sport Chek, Indigo, Old Navy, Apple, Esso, and Loblaws. No more going door-to-door selling chocolate bars – it’s completely virtual and contactless.

Join our team now and you’ll get a $5 bonus the first time you shop:
Or enter this code: WYW49S

Want to learn more? Check out this 2 minute video:

Email with any questions.

Stay in the Know

Follow thRichard Bulpitt PAC Facebook page, our Instagram ( and now visit our website to stay up-to-date with all the details!

Quote(s) of the week

Something to read (or watch)…

Things to Remember from the Calendar

Monday, April 8

  • Solar Eclipse – recess to lunch, more or less
  • Spring Fling Meeting – 6pm

Tuesday, April 9

  • Class Photo Day

Wednesday, April 10

  • Drama Club after school in the music room

Friday, April 12

Saturday, April 13

  • Vaisakhi


Richard Bulpitt Elementary

20965 - 77A Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Y 2E6
Phone: 604-888-5393
Fax: 604-888-5356