This Week at RBE – December 10, 2023

Posted: December 10, 2023



Tonight is the fourth night of Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of light. This festival lasts 8 days and nights, and marks the recovery of Jerusalem by the Jewish people in the second century BCE. Families will participate in a number of rituals including the lighting of candles and enjoying special foods together. To all of the families in our community who observe, we wish you a Happy Hanukkah!

Child Care Survey

A couple of weeks ago, we sent a survey on behalf of the government regarding child care needs in our region. We can’t post the actual link, as it is specific to our school and should be protected from bots that could corrupt its data, but the email from Mr. Oliver has the link. We know that a number of our families are experiencing difficulty in finding child care options in our community. Sharing your experience in this survey could be very important in helping to improve that situation. Please, if you haven’t done so, consider completing that survey. The fact that Mr. Oliver got a reminder email suggests that our response rate has not been very high.

The Langley Children’s Choir needs singers!

Openings are now available for singers in grades 3 to 8

What are we looking for?

    • School choir members (if your school has one)
    • Good attitude and enthusiasm!
    • Advanced vocal skills, and the ability to focus
    • A firm commitment to the group
    • Desire to develop as a singer and choir member
  What do you get out of this?
    • Make new friends who like to sing, too
    • Learn about how to sing better and learn lots of music
    • Perform at other schools (a day off!)
    • Have fun on a choir tour or camp in the spring
  • Sing at festivals and hear other great choirs


Langley Secondary School, 21405 – 56 Ave on Tuesdays,
September to May from 4:30 – 6:00 pm


$150 for one child, family rate available


Kim Hardy and Patti Thorpe (both Langley music teachers) plus accompanist Heather Hicks

How Do I Join?

Email us for an audition time!  Please include singer’s name, phone number, school and grade.  Patti Thorpe        email

Minister of Education & Child Care Visit

The Minister of Education & Child Care and our MLA visited last week. They talked with some of our students about Powerpoint projects, and about numeracy learning. Our most-excellent tour guides, Clara & Kavien showed them around the school, including the spot where our new modular expansion will be placed. It was great to be able to demonstrate the need for more space at our school in such a direct fashion. Thanks to the classes who welcomed our visitors and shared their learning, and to the teachers who made sure everything looked and went perfectly. You can read more about the visit on the SD35 Blog here.

Food Bank Donations

Our school has a long-standing tradition of collecting for the Food Bank. We will not be accepting items for the food bank, but instead will be collecting donations through school cash online, as this offers the Food Bank the most flexibility.

Lost and Found

Please remember to check the lost and found for missing items. Located underneath the inside staircase, it is packed full of abandoned outerwear (among other things our students manage to abandon outside). Like water bottles. So. Many. Water. Bottles.

Any unclaimed items will be donated on the last day of school before the winter break.

Items are donated 3 times per school year.

    1. Last day before Winter Break – December 21st
    2. Last day before Spring Break – March 15
    3. Last day of School – June 27

Something to read or watch…

  • I’ve read and enjoyed a number of books by Adam Shoalts, the Royal Canadian Geographic Society’s Explorer in Residence (how’s that for a job title?) and found his latest project. It’s a quest to find and photograph all of Canada’s native snake species in the wild. Snakes might not be your thing, so don’t click if that’s the case. documents his quest, and includes lots of cool facts about the snakes and maps of their (incredibly small) ranges. 
  • This song is by Graham Nash, from CSNY. It’s a nice little message for all of us adults.

And he made a little interview video for explaining what he was trying to get at.

And in case you don’t know ‘Teach Your Children,’ the 1970 song he wrote, here it is.

PAC News

Treat Day is this Friday, December 15th

Treat day is ONLY A TREAT, you still need to pack a lunch and water bottle for your child.

If your child is absent on Treat Day, please email and we will prepare it for pick up. If you cannot pick it up, please consider it as a donation as there are no refunds. Treats must be picked up between 12:00-12:30pm on Friday at the PAC kitchen.

If you’re able to volunteer for Treat day please email

Vancouver Giants Fundraiser – Order Deadline is December 18th

Are you still looking for the perfect gift for your loved one? We’re selling tickets for the December 29 7:00 PM home game vs. the Edmonton Oil Kings at Langley Events Centre. Tickets are $22. 

Purchase your Vancouver Giants fundraiser on Munchalunch under Open Fundraisers! 

You can also purchase tickets via e-transfer to Please put your last name and # of tickets in the notation line for e-transfers. 

Ticket delivery will be through e-tickets.

Pancake Breakfast is the morning of Thursday, December 21st

We rely heavily on volunteers. If you are available, please sign up using this sign up genius link

Stay in the Know

Follow thRichard Bulpitt PAC Facebook page, our Instagram ( and now visit our website to stay up-to-date with all the details!

Quote(s) of the week

Things to Remember from the Calendar

Monday, December 11 

  • 5th Night of Hanukkah 

Tuesday, December 12 

  • Check the Lost & Found 

Wednesday, December 13 

Thursday December 14 

  • Fire Drill 

Friday, December 15 

  • Treat Day – students still need a lunch 

Monday, December 18 

  • Holiday Sweater Day
  • Vancouver Giants Ticket Order Deadline
  • Check the Lost & Found again

Tuesday, December 19 

  • Toque Tuesday 

Wednesday, December 20 

  • Ice & Snow (Blue & White) Day
  • Check the Lost & Found yet again…

Thursday December 21 

  • PAC Pancake Breakfast 
  • Last Day of Classes 
  • PJ Day 
  • Lost & Found Cleanout Day!

Friday, December 22 

  • First Day of Winter Vacation. 

Richard Bulpitt Elementary

20965 - 77A Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Y 2E6
Phone: 604-888-5393
Fax: 604-888-5356