Posted: December 4, 2022
News and Information
Food Bank
Demand for food banks on the rise with 1,000 new users per month in Greater Vancouver
Food Bank demand is up everywhere this year. Richard Bulpitt Elementary has an annual tradition of collecting food bank donations leading up to the break. This year, we are collecting cash (well, School Cash Online) donations rather than food. We’ve been reading that cash donations help food banks more than food donations do, as they can take advantage of some economies of scale and can access fresh food too. If you are able to help, click here.
PAC Update
Vancouver Giants Fundraiser
We are selling tickets for the game on January 20 at 7:30pm, vs Kelowna Rockets.
General PAC Meeting – December 5
Join us in the school’s library at 7:30pmin for the last general meeting of 2022.

Click here to comment for Pancake Breakfast needs.
Purdy’s Order Pickup
Purdy’s chocolate orders have arrived! You can pick your chocolates between 7:30pm-9:30pm on Monday during the PAC General Meeting in the library. If you can’t make that time, please email to make alternate arrangements.
Stay in the Know
Follow the Richard Bulpitt PAC Facebook page ( or our Instagram (@rbepac) to stay up-to-date with all the details!
Quote(s) of the week

Something to Read or Watch…
Managing Holiday Stress – For Kids
I probably shared this last year, and I’ll probably share it again next year. This article from the Harvard School of Medicine offers ways (some easier said than done, mind you) to help manage kids’ holiday stress, because we all know it’s not just excitement that’s in the air.

Things to Remember from the Calendar
Monday December 5
- World Cup Soccer: Korea vs. Brazil – lots of our students have a high level of interest in this one! It will be on in the gym at lunch.
- Basketball Open Gym – Grade 5 boys – after school to 4pm
- PAC Meeting 7:30 pm in the library
Tuesday December 6
- National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women
- Basketball Open Gym – Grade 5 girls– after school to 4pm
- Toque Tuesday
Friday, December 9
- PAC Fun Lunch
- Report Cards published
Monday, December 12
- Basketball Open Gym – Grade 5 boys – after school to 4pm
Tuesday December 13
- Basketball Open Gym – Grade 5 girls– after school to 4pm
Friday, December 16
- Pyjama Day
- PAC Pancake Breakfast
- Last day of school before winter break
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