Posted: December 8, 2024
Early Start or Late Return for Winter Break?
If your student is going to be starting winter break sooner than the last day of school (Dec 20, 2024) or returning after school re-opens (Jan 6, 2025), it is very important to let the office and your student’s teachers know. If a child is marked absent, but the office has not received an email or a telephone call from the parent advising of the absence/tardiness, a phone call home, email and text message, will be made to ensure the child is safe.
Please email with the name(s) of your student(s) and what dates they will be away from school. You can send in one email per family, you do not need to send a separate email for each of your children.
We need the following information (IMPORTANT – please include your students last name)
- Student’s First and Last Name
- Grade
- Division
- Length of absence
- Reason (illness, late, appointment, vacation)
If your student is going to be away for 25 consecutive school days OR more please complete the missing time form please and return it to the office
(Grade 5) The Middle Years Development Instrument (MDI) is coming to your school in January/mid-March!
The Langley School District has partnered with the Human Early Learning Partnership (HELP) at the University of British Columbia to measure and promote children’s social and emotional development, health, well-being, and assets through the Middle Years Development Instrument (MDI). The Middle Years Development Instrument (MDI) is a self-report questionnaire that asks children in middle childhood about their thoughts, feelings and experiences. The MDI is the first survey of its kind to gather information about the lives of children both in school, in the home and in the community, from their own perspective. The survey questions align with the BC Ministry of Education’s K-12 curriculum, which includes a focus on promoting children’s personal and social competencies.
Grade 5, 6 & 8 students are invited to complete the MDI during class time between:
January 14th and March 14th, 2025.
For more information and to view the questionnaires:
Parent FAQs:
Information and Informed Passive Consent letters were shared via email to families on DATE. If you don’t want your child to participate, please contact your child’s teacher, fill out the withdrawal form at the end of the parent/guardian informed passive consent letter, or contact the MDI project staff at
Winter Health Tips from Fraser Health
Health, safety, and wellness continue to be a priority in our schools. To help support our students and families, we are sharing important information from our community partner Fraser Health about winter health. Please see below for helpful reminders to support your child.
Keeping Your Child Healthy During Winter (from Fraser Health)
As the chilly winter season is upon us, there’s a few extra things you can do to help keep your children healthy and well. Navigate this season with these essential tips.
Bundle Up For The Cold
Dressing appropriately for the cold weather is vital in keeping your child comfortable and protected. Wearing multiple layers is a great way to trap body heat and provide insulation against the cold.
Keep a warm hat, gloves, scarves and insulated boots handy. Remind your child to wear these items before heading outside to play or going to school.
Protect Against Winter Illnesses
Winter brings an increased risk of colds and flus. Make sure your child is getting enough sleep (nine to 11 hours for elementary-aged children), eating a variety of foods and staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Ensure your child receives their annual flu vaccine and talk to a health care provider about any additional vaccines that may be recommended. Teach your child good respiratory etiquette such as regular hand washing, covering their coughs and sneezes and staying home when sick. If they are sick and cannot stay away from others, they can wear a mask to reduce the risk of spreading their illness. Learn more about masks here: Masks (
Keep Their Bodies Moving
While colder weather may limit outdoor activities, it’s crucial to keep your child active during winter as regular physical activity boosts their immune system and keeps them energized. Encourage indoor play and activities such as dancing, yoga or interactive video games that promote movement. Look for winter programs at local community centres or indoor sports facilities.
Find more tips for a healthy winter:
A bit of winter basketball
One of our neighbours runs basketball camps over the winter break. The Shooting Camp with Impact Hoops has sections for students in grades 4-8 running in Walnut Grove. Click the graphic to go to their website.
Lost and Found
Please check the lost and found, there are lots and lots, and lots of items. Any items not claimed by Dec 20 will be donated.
Food Bank Appeal
Our school has a long-standing tradition of collecting for the Food Bank.
We will not be accepting food items for the food bank, but instead will be collecting donations through school cash online, (from Nov 18 – Jan 3) as this offers the food bank the most flexibility. While this article is from Ontario, the same principles obviously apply here in Langley.
If you would like a tax receipt, please donate directly through a food banks donation site.
Quote(s) of the week

From the PAC
Holiday Movie Night
Thank you to everyone who came and watched Elf in the gym! We hope you had a wonderful time.
Thanks to your generosity we raised over $975 to go towards classroom projects at our school! Thank you for your support!
Thank you to all of our volunteers who made the event go so well. Special thanks to Mr. Oliver and our custodians who stayed until the end.
Tracy Cakes & Booster Juice Treat Day is this Friday, December 13th
Please look for the reminder email from MunchaLunch on Thursday December 12th. If you do not receive it, it means you did NOT pay for your order, and your child(ren) will NOT be receiving their order on Friday December 13th.
Friday is ONLY A TREAT DAY, please make sure you pack a lunch and water bottle too!
If you have any questions please email
If your child will be absent on Treat Day, please come to the PAC kitchen between 12 and 12:30 pm on Friday to pick it up. If you cannot pick it up, please consider it as a donation as there are no refunds.
If you’re able to volunteer for Treat day please email
You can also view the full list of upcoming fun lunches and general information about fun lunches on our website here.
Purdy’s Holiday Fundraiser – Customer # 28445.
Our Purdy’s holiday order is due to arrive this week.
Parent pickup is tentatively scheduled for December 13, after school.
If you need to make alternate arrangements, please email
General PAC Meeting – Monday, December 16th
Please join us for the December General PAC Meeting on Monday December 16th at 7 PM on Zoom.
You can find the link to join on our Richard Bulpitt PAC Facebook page.
This is open to all parents of the RBE school community. Hope to see you there!
Pancake Breakfast Volunteer Sign Up
Our Pancake Breakfast (and PJ Day) is coming up on December 20th. We rely heavily on parent volunteers to help mix batter, cook pancakes and serve our students. We really cannot feed our 650 students without your help! If you have any time to spare, please check out our volunteer sign up page here:
Flip Give Fundraiser
This year, fundraising for RBE PAC is going to be so much easier with FlipGive, a free team funding app.
We can earn cash back on every purchase we make all year long! All you have to do is shop anytime with the brands you already love, like Home Depot, Walmart, Sport Chek, Indigo, Old Navy, Apple, Esso, and Loblaws. No more going door-to-door selling chocolate bars – it’s completely virtual and contactless.
Join our team now and you’ll get a $5 bonus the first time you shop:
Or enter this code: WYW49S
Want to learn more? Check out this 2 minute video:
Email with any questions.
Stay in the Know
Follow the Richard Bulpitt PAC Facebook page, our Instagram ( and now visit our website to stay up-to-date with all the details!
Something to read
- Check out this new accessible playground. It is just across the river in Maple Ridge. And when you’re done playing, that particular park also offers a very nice walk along the Alouette River.

I had a conversation with a student at lunch last week about how much he likes spicy food. We looked up hot peppers and how hot things really can get. According to our search, the hottest pepper in existence is the Pepper X, which I think sounds like a super villain from a comic book. And it is between 300 and 1000 times hotter than a Jalapeño. It’s even hotter than the Ghost Pepper, the Carolina Reaper, and the Trinidad Scorpion (I have to say, I think naming peppers is almost as awesome as naming paint colours. The hottest thing I think I’ve tried is a Serrano, which is only up to 9 times hotter than the jalapeño. And that tiny, tiny bit of Serrano gave me hiccups for 30 minutes; horrible, body-wracking hiccups. So tougher people than me are welcome to everything hotter.
- Here’s a little video from the Rethink Play project about the value of nature in and out of school as an ’emotional playground.’ Now, I’m not sure that ‘This,’ the office fish is nature, maybe he actually is! I definitely think, though, that climbing trees is an incredibly valuable experience. And I think the notion of finding settings where our ‘alarm’ goes down is critical for all people, and especially for youngsters who have difficulty regulating that alarm sometimes.
Things to Remember from the Calendar
December is busy, so here’s the rest of the month to allow some longer-term planning.
Friday, December 13
- PAC Treat Day
Monday, December 16
- Spirit Day – Holiday Sweater Day
- PAC Meeting (on Zoom)
Tuesday, December 17
- Spirit Day – Toque Day
Wednesday, December 18
- Spirit Day – Whoville/Grinch Day
Thursday, December 19
- Spirit Day – Head to toe Holiday Wear Day
Friday, December 20
- Spirit Day – PJ Day
- PAC Pancake Breakfast
- Last school day in 2024
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