This Week at RBE – February 20, 2022

Posted: February 20, 2022


Diversity & Respect Week 2022

Next week is Diversity & Respect Week in Langley. On ComplimenTuesday, Bulldogs throughout the school will make it rain compliments. Wednesday is Pink Shirt Day, Thursday is Rainbow Day in support of LGBTQIA2S people, and Friday is Multicultural Day. While we cannot have the giant event in the gym, we are asking students (well, families, really) to think about their heritage, and about their various identities (cultural and otherwise)

Since 2016, Richard Bulpitt Elementary has proudly posted a flag in our downstairs hallway that captured the cultural identities that make up our school community. This year, as part of Diversity and Respect Week (February 22-25) we are refreshing that flag. Rather than removing the old flag, though, we will be adding a layer, reflecting both growth in our numbers and growth in our diversity over the years, and preserving the original as a time capsule of sorts. Students will be thinking and learning about, and then representing their identities on tiles for the refresh. Watch for information requests from teachers, and for the new flag this spring.

COVID Safety Protocols

The Safety Protocols we put in place in January are now rolling back to look more like what we had before Christmas. This means classroom volunteers will be allowed back (hurray!) and spectators will be allowed to watch our last few weeks of basketball. Watch for further updates as we get them! We’re getting there… you know, back to ‘normal’!

Did you know?

When you come to a crosswalk and push the button for lights to flash, the sounds for North/South- East /West are different. Listen next time. North and south, you will hear Cuckoo, and East and west you will hear Chirps. This is so blind people can stay oriented in their independent travel. 

PAC News

  • Easter Purdy’s orders will open soon!
  • Hot Lunch will be back for March! Yay!

Quote(s) of the week

Something to read (or watch)

  • Are you tired of Wordle yet? I am not. And now, a dad from Vancouver has made a kids version called Spellie, with three different levels of difficulty, in hopes it could help the kids practice their spelling. Click here to try it. A warning though: It didn’t actually seem much easier than the original when I tried it, though the words are much simpler. And based on last Thursday’s Wordle experience, this is the case for many folks. Or maybe I was overthinking. 🙂
  • Here’s a difficult but important thing:

Things to remember from the calendar

Monday, February 21

  • Family Day Holiday

Tuesday, February 22

  • ComplimenTuesday – make it rain compliments and positivity all day!
  • Boys’ AND Girls’ basketball practice after school 2:45-4

Wednesday, February 23

  • Pink Shirt Day

Thursday, February 24

  • Rainbow Day

    wear rainbows or all the colours of them, in support of LGBTQIA2S+ people.

  • Girls’ basketball GAME after school 2:45-4 (spectators allowed).

Friday, February 25

  • Multicultural Day – lessons & conversation about the wonderful diversity in our classes – cultural, neurological, all of it!
  • Boys’ basketball GAME after school 2:45-4 (spectators allowed).

Richard Bulpitt Elementary

20965 - 77A Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Y 2E6
Phone: 604-888-5393
Fax: 604-888-5356