This Week at RBE – February 27, 2022

Posted: February 27, 2022


Report Cards

Report Cards come out this week. Please make sure you’re able to log into the family portal before Friday. Information on the family portal can be found here. As we continue to work on reports, please remember that the system will put notifications of our ‘posting term grades’ in the portal. What we post as we work is not necessarily final, as we use the post function to confirm in-progress work. Reports are not official and complete until Mr. Oliver publishes them on Friday afternoon.

Lost & Found

Out Lost & Found is overflowing (and with some very nice stuff). Please have your child check for any belongings before Spring Break, when we take unclaimed items, clean them, and donate them.

2022-23 Registration Deadline

The deadline for new students to register (Kindergarten or otherwise) for the 2022-23 school year to be assured of a spot in their catchment school is March 31. While that’s more than a month away, it’s also right after Spring Break, which sort of feels like moving the deadline up to 2 weeks away. If you have a current student enrolled, and a Kindergarten student coming, registration for the younger is NOT automatic. You still must complete the registration process.

Parent & Teacher Interviews March 9 – 10, 2022

We have Student-led Conferences and Parent-Teacher Interviews scheduled for March 9 & 10. On those days, students will be dismissed at 1:33 pm. Book your appointment times at School Appointments:

    • Booking Start: Mar 1, 2022 12:00 am
    • Booking End:   Mar 8, 2022 11:00 pm

Teachers will be sending home class-specific information.

Early Start or Late Return for Spring Break?

If your student(s) are going to be starting spring break sooner than the last day of school (March 11)  or returning after school re-opens (March 28). It is very important to let the office and your student(s) teachers know.

Please email  with the name(s) of your student(s) and what dates they will be away from school.

PAC News

Spirit Wear

We have had some interest in placing a spring order for Spirit Wear.  Please email to, or message us through our Facebook page if you are interested.  We require a minimum number of items before we can submit an order.

Easter Purdys

Ordering is now open! Orders are due March 28, with delivery by April 10.  Customer #28445

Hot Lunch

Hot lunch is back!

March 4 – Panago – Ordering is closed.

March 11 – Cobs – Orders must be submitted and paid by end of day on March 4.

Spring Fling

We are so excited to be bringing this event back this year! Planning is currently under way.  If you would like to participate in the planning, please visit our Facebook page RBE Spring Fling | Facebook.

Our next meeting is this Monday at 7pm via Zoom.

Alternative Fundraiser

Due to the unprecedented nature of COVID-19 we have been limited in the ability to hold regular events to fundraise for our staff and students. This year the PAC would like to offer parents a new way to donate directly to the PAC, for those who do not wish to purchase goods or have limited time to participate in events.

A direct donation of $40 would be the equivalent to your child raising $275 through fundraising activities (Purdy’s, Neufelds, etc.).   Funds raised go towards supporting teachers in their classrooms, busses for field trips, programs such as Dance Pl3y, Saleema Noon and more!

If you wish to make a direct donation, please send an e-transfer to with direct donation in the Message line.  Please note, at this time we are unable to provide tax receipts.

Thank you to those who have contributed!

Next General Meeting

Don’t forget – our next meeting will be Monday, March 7 at 7pm via Zoom. – all parents are welcome to attend!

Quote(s) of the week

Something to read (or watch)

  • We start each day by acknowledging that our school and community, and all we do there, reside on the traditional unceded lands of the Matsqui, Kwantlen, Katzie and Semiahmoo First Nations. And we do it with students leading the way.

  • Check out the RBE Math Zone, a place where you can find information and resources for practicing math (the “new” kind, that you and I didn’t learn in school)  at school and at home.
Go to this Sway
  • I am sad and worried to have to share this. Click the image for the whole series. Source: Save the Children.

Things to remember from the calendar

Monday, February 28

  • PAC Spring Fling Meeting on Zoom.
  • Girls’ basketball practice after school 2:45-4

Tuesday, March 1

  • Boys’ basketball practice after school 2:45-4

Wednesday, March 2

  • Girls’ basketball GAME after school 2:45-4 (spectators allowed).

Friday, March 4

  • Boys’ basketball GAME after school 2:45-4 (spectators allowed).

Monday, March 7

  • Girls’ basketball GAME after school 2:45-4:00 (the last one, spectators allowed).
  • PAC Meeting – 7pm vis Zoom

Tuesday, March 8

  • Boys’ basketball GAME after school 2:45-4:00 (the last one, spectators allowed).

Wednesday, March 9

  • Early Dismissal – students dismissed at 1:33
  • Student-led conferences 2-4:30

Thursday, March 10

  • Great Big Crunch – Eat a crunch fruit/vegetable snack at 10:00, at the exact same time as kids all over Canada
  • Early Dismissal – students dismissed at 1:33
  • Student-led conferences 2-5, 5:30-7:30

Friday, March 11

  • Jersey Day
  • Last day before Spring Break


Richard Bulpitt Elementary

20965 - 77A Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Y 2E6
Phone: 604-888-5393
Fax: 604-888-5356