Posted: January 15, 2023
News and Information
Multicultural Day 2023!
Hooray! Multicultural Day is returning! Mark the date: on Friday, February 24th, RBE will be hosting a Multicultural Day after missing the last couple of years. For those who have not been here for one of these events, Multicultural Day is a festival in the gym, celebrating the diversity of our school. Teams of staff and family members representing the many cultures that make up our school community prepare and host an interactive display in the gym, and all students come to experience and learn. In the past, we have learned about festivals, cuisine, fashion, history, games & pastimes, art & crafts, festivals & celebrations, traditions & customs. We have also had an assembly to wrap up the day, where a few student performers have shared songs or dances from their cultures with the school.
We have had cultures participate including Latin America, Korea, China, Japan, India, Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Italy, Hungary, First Nations, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and more! As we prepare for this event this year, we’d like to gather some information about cultures and volunteers needed to make this event happen. We know there must be many, as we have 35 different languages spoken at home in our school, so many cultures are represented.
If you are interested leading a team, or in working with a team of parents and/or staff to share your culture with us, please let us know by completing this form. Mr. Oliver will organize a planning meeting, and will put representatives from shared cultures in touch with each other via the emails provided in the form. **The school provides a budget for cost items involved in the exhibits.
We are looking forward to learning from you about your family’s culture and traditions.
Grade 5 Basketball – It’s a thing, now.
All grade 5 students wanting to be part of the RBE basketball teams are invited to participate. We will be starting more formal practices this week, with an eye to intra-squad and then inter-school games in February. The season wraps with a staff/student game in March. We have had a great turnout so far, and are excited for this sporting opportunity to be returning.
Canada Housing Benefit
The application portal for the one-time top-up to the Canada Housing Benefit is now open!
The Government of Canada has introduced a new affordability measure to help lower-income renters who are most affected by the rise of inflation and struggling with the cost of rent. The one-time top-up to the Canada Housing Benefit provides eligible applicants with a one-time payment of $500. It is estimated that roughly 1.8 million lower-income renters will be able to benefit from this targeted investment.
How to Apply
Applicants will be able to apply for the one-time top-up to the Canada Housing Benefit on December 12, 2022, up until March 31, 2023, and are encouraged to apply online through CRA My Account, which is the quickest, easiest and most secure way to apply for the benefit. If you don’t have a CRA My Account, register now. You do not need to wait for your security code in the mail. You can still access limited services in My Account to apply for this benefit immediately. Applicants can also sign in to their My Service Canada Account to securely access CRA’s My Account without having to sign in again or revalidate their identity.
A web form will also be available to submit applications without having to sign in to My Account or My Service Canada Account. Address and direct deposit changes will not be permitted using the web form – if applicants haven’t updated their personal and banking information, they should apply through the CRA My Account.
Applicants unable to apply for the benefit online, can call us at 1-800-282-8079 to complete their application with an agent. If you apply through My Account or by phone, and are signed up for direct deposit, you can get your payment within five business days.
PAC Update
Spring Fling Meeting – Monday, January 16, 2023
Join the meeting virtually and help us plan!

Fun Lunch – Order Deadline
Deadline to order Taco del Mar fun lunch is Friday, January 20.
IMPORTANT! Once you have successfully paid for your order you will receive an emailed receipt from MunchaLunch with the subject “Your MunchaLunch receipt.” If you do not get this email, your child will not be receiving hot lunch.
Vancouver Giants Tickets
If you ordered Vancouver Giants tickets, look for them to be delivered via email this week.
PAC General Meeting – Thursday, January 26, 2023
Please join us for the monthly General PAC Meeting on Thursday, January 26 at 7pm in the Richard Bulpitt Elementary School Library. Enter through the main entry doors at the front of the school. This is open to all parents of the RBE school community.
Stay in the Know
Follow the Richard Bulpitt PAC Facebook page ( or our Instagram (@rbepac) to stay up-to-date with all the details!
Quote(s) of the week

Something to Read or Watch…
I stumbled across this cool Twitter thread the other day. 12 of the most extraordinary bridges in the world. I like the shifting criteria for being extraordinary, and each gives me something to look up and learn about.
- I feel it unlikely that we’ll get through tomorrow without hearing about ‘Blue Monday’ (which ‘falls’ on 16 January this year) once again. Trouble is, there’s no such thing, though I guess it’s not actually a trouble then, since Blue Monday was actually a marketing gimmick from a now-defunct airline in the UK. This is a ‘down’ time of year for lots of people, though, so here’s your reminder that we are gaining 2-½ minutes of daylight each day right now. And by the end of the month, that will have added up to 42 more minutes each day.
- I also came across an interesting article about the connection between depression and cluttered spaces. It doesn’t claim any cause, one way or another, but it does share some interesting overlaps and connections, as well as hints for overcoming that cluttered space if you have one (don’t look in Mr. Oliver’s office, please).
Things to Remember from the Calendar
Monday January 16
- Kindergarten registration opens
- Basketball after school – Grade 5 Girls
- PAC Spring Fling Meeting
Tuesday January 17
- Basketball after school – Grade 5 Boys
Friday, January 20
- The Giants Game (for those who bought PAC tickets)
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