Posted: January 22, 2023
News and Information
Happy Lunar New Year!
Happy Lunar New Year, Everyone! Lunar New Year begins this Sunday, January 22nd. Lunar New Year is also known as the “Spring Festival” in China, “Seollal” (pronounced “see-OW-luhl”) in South Korea and “Tet” (prounced “teht”) in Vietnam. It is a time of family gatherings and celebrations to welcome a new year. Lunar New Year celebrations usually last for multiple days, beginning at the first new moon of the year and culminating at the full moon after it. On Saturday, many families will begin with Lunar New Year Eve dinner.
In China and Korea, 2023 is the Year of the Rabbit. The Rabbit zodiac is associated with peace, diplomacy and luck. Mr. Oliver just learned that in Vietnam, this is the year of the cat, not the rabbit, because the Vietnamese Lunar Zodiac replaces the Chinese & Korean rabbit with a cat (and the ox with the buffalo). The Year of the Cat is believed to bring good luck and smooth sailing in Vietnam. Regardless of where you or your ancestors are from, Happy Lunar New Year Bulldogs!

Multicultural Day 2023!
Update: At present, we have people confirming participation for India/Pakistan, China, Korea, Latin America, Japan, Russia. If you can offer another culture, or can help with one of the above, please indicate here.
Hooray! Multicultural Day is returning! Mark the date: on Friday, February 24th, RBE will be hosting a Multicultural Day after missing the last couple of years. For those who have not been here for one of these events, Multicultural Day is a festival in the gym, celebrating the diversity of our school. Teams of staff and family members representing the many cultures that make up our school community prepare and host an interactive display in the gym, and all students come to experience and learn. In the past, we have learned about festivals, cuisine, fashion, history, games & pastimes, art & crafts, festivals & celebrations, traditions & customs. We have also had an assembly to wrap up the day, where a few student performers have shared songs or dances from their cultures with the school.
We have had cultures participate including Latin America, Korea, China, Japan, India, Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Italy, Hungary, First Nations, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and more! As we prepare for this event this year, we’d like to gather some information about cultures and volunteers needed to make this event happen. We know there must be many, as we have 35 different languages spoken at home in our school, so many cultures are represented.
If you are interested leading a team, or in working with a team of parents and/or staff to share your culture with us, please let us know by completing this form. Mr. Oliver will organize a planning meeting, and will put representatives from shared cultures in touch with each other via the emails provided in the form. **The school provides a budget for cost items involved in the exhibits.
We are looking forward to learning from you about your family’s culture and traditions.
Parent/Guardian Info Meeting: Admin Procedure 356
The District invites interested parents/guardians, students, staff, and members of the school community to learn more about Administrative Procedure 356 at an upcoming information meeting. Administrative Procedure 356 is one of many administrative procedures and practices established by the Superintendent of Schools that directs staff on their work. AP 356 was developed to improve the District’s “guidance for staff for supporting students who have been suspended as well as developing guidelines for medical exclusions.” The meeting is on Monday, January 31, 2023 at 7pm. The location will be communicated to registered attendees prior to the event. To learn more about AP 356 and to attend the meeting, please register by completing an online form on our District website here. See graphic here.
PAC Update
Taco Del Mar Fun Lunch – Friday, January 27
If your child is absent on a fun lunch day, please email and we will prepare it for pick up between 12 and 12:30pm. If you cannot pick it up, please consider it as a donation as there are no refunds.
If on the fun lunch day, your child notices an error with their order, please have them communicate with their teacher. We will do our best to make sure the error is corrected.
Spring Fling – We Need Your Help!
We are currently looking for two volunteers to take on the duties of (1) Market organizer and (2) Raffle Organizer. If you enjoyed the winter market or last year’s Spring Fling, consider taking on one of these roles. If you have questions or are interested, please email us at or join our Facebook group. The next meeting is Monday, February 6 at 7pm on Google Meets.
PAC General Meeting – Thursday, January 26, 2023
Please join us for the monthly General PAC Meeting on Thursday, January 26 at 7pm in the Richard Bulpitt Elementary School Library. Enter through the main entry doors at the front of the school. This is open to all parents of the RBE school community.
Stay in the Know
Follow the Richard Bulpitt PAC Facebook page ( or our Instagram (@rbepac) to stay up-to-date with all the details!
Quote(s) of the week

Something to Read or Watch…
- Some people think fast. Some people think too fast. Here’s a teacher article on teaching fast thinkers to slow down. But who says that’s the role of only teachers? I’m also using the information in it to slow myself down a bit, too.
- Have you ever noticed what looks like a hardhat hanging from a power line? Turns out it really is a hard hat. Here’s an article explaining how and why those get there.
- I know I’m always telling you to go out and have adventures during school breaks. Canadian adventurer, Adam Shoalts, has adventures taken to the next level. How about paddling/dragging a canoe all the way across Canada’s arctic, all alone?

Things to Remember from the Calendar
Monday January 23
- Basketball after school – Grade 5 Girls
Tuesday January 24
- Basketball after school – Grade 5 Boys
Thursday, January 26
- PAC Meeting – 7:00 in the library
Friday, January 27
- Fancy/Crazy/Colourful Hat or Hair Day
- Taco del Mar Fun Lunch (PAC)
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