Posted: January 8, 2023
News and Information
Black Excellence Day
Black Excellence Day is this Friday. Coinciding with Martin Luther King Day, Black Excellence Day is an opportunity to collectively honour the rich history, contributions, achievements, and joy of Black peoples here and around the world.
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten registration across the Langley School District runs January 16, 2023 thru March 31, 2023. If your child will be five years old by December 31, 2023, you will be able to register through your catchment school. Registration will take place online via email to the school. Our school will have site-specific instructions posted on our website once registration opens. For information on what documents you need and instructions on how to register, please visit the District webpage here. To learn more about Kindergarten in the Langley School District, read our brochure here. See graphic here.
Walking to school is great!
We noticed a significant uptick in families driving to school last week, even on the nicer days, and the result has been significant delays in the driveways. Please consider walking to school, or parking a block or two away and walking in. Kids learn better with their blood pumping in the morning, and not sitting in traffic will be better for parental stress levels as an added bonus. Pedestrians will continue to get preferential treatment at the crosswalks, as they’re not in climate controlled comfort, so delays are not likely to improve unless fewer cars arrive at the school. We would also remind all drivers in the area to be careful in the roundabouts, as many families are crossing on foot, and we’re hearing many impatient horns at the roundabouts as courteous drivers respect the pedestrians’ right of way.
Canada Housing Benefit
The application portal for the one-time top-up to the Canada Housing Benefit is now open!
The Government of Canada has introduced a new affordability measure to help lower-income renters who are most affected by the rise of inflation and struggling with the cost of rent. The one-time top-up to the Canada Housing Benefit provides eligible applicants with a one-time payment of $500. It is estimated that roughly 1.8 million lower-income renters will be able to benefit from this targeted investment.
How to Apply
Applicants will be able to apply for the one-time top-up to the Canada Housing Benefit on December 12, 2022, up until March 31, 2023, and are encouraged to apply online through CRA My Account, which is the quickest, easiest and most secure way to apply for the benefit. If you don’t have a CRA My Account, register now. You do not need to wait for your security code in the mail. You can still access limited services in My Account to apply for this benefit immediately. Applicants can also sign in to their My Service Canada Account to securely access CRA’s My Account without having to sign in again or revalidate their identity.
A web form will also be available to submit applications without having to sign in to My Account or My Service Canada Account. Address and direct deposit changes will not be permitted using the web form – if applicants haven’t updated their personal and banking information, they should apply through the CRA My Account.
Applicants unable to apply for the benefit online, can call us at 1-800-282-8079 to complete their application with an agent. If you apply through My Account or by phone, and are signed up for direct deposit, you can get your payment within five business days.
Multiculturalism in Langley Survey

PAC Update
Fun Lunch – Friday, January 13, 2023
First Fun Lunch of 2023 is happening this week and it is White Spot!
IMPORTANT! Once you have successfully paid for your order you will receive an emailed receipt from MunchaLunch with the subject “Your MunchaLunch receipt.” If you do not get this email, your child will not be receiving hot lunch this week.
If your child is absent on a fun lunch day, please email and we will prepare it for pick up between 12 and 12:30pm. If you cannot pick it up, please consider it as a donation as there are no refunds.
If on the fun lunch day, your child notices an error with their order, please have them communicate with their teacher. We will do our best to make sure the error is corrected.
If you would like to volunteer to help distribute lunches on hot lunch days, please email
Last Call! – Vancouver Giants Tickets – Monday, January 9

PAC General Meeting – Thursday, January 26, 2023
Please join us for the monthly General PAC Meeting on Thursday, January 26 at 7pm in the Richard Bulpitt Elementary School Library. Enter through the main entry doors at the front of the school. This is open to all parents of the RBE school community.
Stay in the Know
Follow the Richard Bulpitt PAC Facebook page ( or our Instagram (@rbepac) to stay up-to-date with all the details!
Quote(s) of the week

Something to Read or Watch…
- If you use the corner crosswalk when Mr. Oliver is there, you probably know that he’s a bit of a stickler on bike helmets for kids who are scooting, biking, or rollerblading (does anyone do that anymore?) to school. On Friday, this article came across his twitter feed: This Sikh mom couldn’t find a proper helmet for her boys. Now, she’s designed her own. This is awesome!
- Check out this amazing art project going on at the Langley Fine Arts School. Mr. Oliver was lucky to have been Elinor’s math teacher a few (quite a few) years ago.
Things to Remember from the Calendar
Monday January 9
- Basketball after school – Grade 5 Girls
Tuesday January 10
- Basketball after school – Grade 5 Boys
Friday January 13
- Black Excellence Day
- PAC Fun Lunch
Monday January 16
- Kindergarten registration opens
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