Posted: June 11, 2023
News and Information
Spring Fling Thanks
Huge thanks to all the organizers and volunteers who made the Spring Fling a roaring (and splashing) success! We saw miles of smiles, and had a great time playing with community members and past & current students. The student volunteers from R.E. Mountain Secondary were exemplary, and the set-up and clean-up crews were wonderfully efficient. Extra thanks to the staff (Ms. A), parents, law enforcement, and students who volunteered to go in the dunk tank.
Thanks, too, to the DPAC who provided two of the big tents to help shed the rain. Those are still in the hallway drying out, and Mr. Oliver could sure use some parent help wrestling them back into their bags Monday morning after drop-off. If you are able to help, please stick around after the bell. It won’t take a huge crew, but they’re definitely more than he can manage alone.
Fire Hall Family Night
This one sort of speaks for itself!
Calling Chess Players
The Walnut Grove Secondary School Chess Blitz is coming, and RBE students are invited. It will run from 3:30 to 6pm on Wednesday, June 21. Full information can be found here, and registration is here.
Science Camp
The Children’s Science Society of Canada are hosting a Kidz Science Camp this summer at Alice Brown Elementary in Langley City. You can register here.
Riding Camp
And here’s another summer camp opportunity. The Valley Therapeutic Riding Association is hosting riding camps for typical kids this summer (they usually run programs for kids with Special Needs). Mr. Oliver’s daughter, Katie, has ridden there lots over the years, and it is fantastic! Not cheap, but fantastic!
Sports Summer Day Camps at Alex Hope
Hello Parents at Richard Bulpitt! Our team at Walnut Grove Day Camps is hosting summer camps for school aged kids this July, just around the corner at Alex Hope Elementary school. Our week-long multisport camps include a variety of sports, games, and activities to keep your kids moving, learning, and having a blast. Our camps run each week in July on a similar schedule to school hours (9am-3pm). Designed and run by local teachers and coaches, we’ve created our high-quality programs to focus on healthy blend of fun and development. Whether your child is a seasoned athlete or just starting out, our program is designed to be inclusive and welcoming to kids of all skill levels. We want to see kids grow athletically, socially, and personally. To register or learn more, check out our website at
Reunification Drill Reminder
Don’t forget that on June 14 we’ll be doing our reunification drill at 2:00. For most of you this won’t change a thing. For those of you with children in Ms. Friesen’s class, it means we’re asking you to pick up starting at 2:00. Our drill involves us setting up our infrastructure before we begin to release students, so please don’t come earlier than that. If a real disaster happens, we won’t have warning so we can come in early. Please wait until 1:45 (the time of our simulated earthquake) and then proceed to the school. There should be greeters from our staff waiting for you as our usual access points who will direct you around to line up along the south sidewalk.
PAC Update
PAC Newsletter
Download the June PAC Newsletter here.
PAC AGM – Monday, June 12 @ 7pm
Last meeting of the year, and the most important one! Our AGM is Monday June 12th at 7pm in the Library of the school.
You must attend the AGM if you are submitting your name for nomination. All voting must be done in person. No proxy votes are allowed. If you have any questions, please email
We will also be discussing the Spring Fling carnival at the meeting, looking at what went well and what could be tweaked for next year. Please try to attend and give your feedback.
White Spot Fun Lunch – Monday, June 12
When ordering a fun lunch for your child(ren) please note the deadlines for ordering. We have to pre-order a week in advance so restaurants can prepare for the large orders we submit, especially since we now have over 600 students in our school. It is for that reason that we cannot accept last minute orders.
If your child is absent on a fun lunch day, please email and we will prepare it for pick up between 12 and 12:30pm. If you cannot pick it up, please consider it as a donation as there are no refunds.
If on the fun lunch day, your child notices an error with their order, please have them communicate with their teacher, so that the teacher can either come to the PAC kitchen, or send your child there for assistance. We will do our best to make sure the error is corrected, so your child does not go without lunch.
Taco Factory and TCBY Fun Lunch – Order Deadline
Please make sure to submit your order and payment for the Fun Lunch on by Friday, June 16.
If you didn’t receive an email with the subject “Your MunchaLunch receipt” from MunchaLunch, you did NOT pay for your order, and your child(ren) will not be receiving their order next Friday.
Stay in the Know
Follow the Richard Bulpitt PAC Facebook page ( or our Instagram (@rbepac) to stay up-to-date with all the details!
Quote(s) of the week

Something to Read or Watch…
- Want to raise flexible, resilient kids? I certainly did. This article talks about a Harvard University I got really excited about myself when I saw number 3 (Explain Things) because I thought it was going to be Explain Facts (ask your kids how long an answer I like to give about their questions sometimes), but it’s more about explaining why expectations are the way they are, and that sort of thing. Just the same, the article offers lots of ideas and reinforcement for our parenting choices. Harvard Psychologist to Parents: Do These 7 Things if You Want to Raise Kids With Flexible, Resilient Brains.
Things to Remember from the Calendar
Monday, June 12
- Grade 5 Swimming Program (all week)
- PAC Fun Lunch
- PAC AGM 7pm
Wednesday, June 14
- Reunification/Controlled Release Drill
Wednesday, June 21
- National Indigenous Peoples’ Day
Monday, June 26
- R.E. Mountain Secondary Grad Walk comes to RBE
- Grade 5 Leaving Ceremony 1:00
Tuesday, June 27
- Sports Day
Thursday, June 29
- Last Day of Classes – Students dismissed at 11:30
- Final Report Cards Issued
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