This Week at RBE- June 12, 2022

Posted: June 12, 2022


Construction continues…

One day this week, the blacktop crew will likely be paving the landing spots for our new portables. On that day, the driveway will be congested, and the work area will be extended out into the roadway. The nature of blacktop is that, once they start work, they cannot suspend for dropoff. As a result, we will close the driveway at drop-off time if there is going to be a conflict. We would suggest that any students able to walk partway in be dropped adjacent to the fields, and then walk in to their lineups. Alternately, do a drop & go directly in front of the school where we will have crossing help. Unfortunately, we do not know what day the work will happen, as it is coordinated by the contractors. The expected duration of that work is approximately 3 hours. Thanks for your cooperation.

Lost & Found

Time is running out for the Lost & Found at the back courtyard doors, so we asked a special guest to help raise awareness of the plight of these poor, lost clothes. Please check, or have your child check, for any of their items. We have many, many jackets and hoodies. All leftover items will be donated at the end of the month, but we’re out of hangers and places to keep all the things we have accumulated, and there are more added every single day. We need the collection to be thinned. It is helpful to put your child’s name or initials on tag, as sometimes that lets us reunite child and jacket quite quickly.

Concerts & Appreciation

Thank you so much to everyone who attended our first concert in 2-½ years last week! It felt so good to have the gym full of our community again, and we loved sharing with you. As a gesture our our appreciation for your support and care, every attendee should have received a thank-you card loaded with wildflower seeds. If you didn’t make it, or you’d like another card or two, please drop by the office or ask your child to pick up some more. We have a few more to hand out, and we’d love to see them spreading happiness around the community (and maybe beyond!).

Langley City Community Day

Our community partner, the City of Langley, will be hosting a Community Day on June 18th at Douglas Park. The event features a variety of family-oriented attractions and activities that are free for everyone to participate. Read more info here.

Term 3 Report Cards

In anticipation of our publishing students’ Term 3  report cards on June 29, 2022, please log into your MyEd Parent Portal account and make sure you are able to access your account before June 29, 2022.

For information on how to access the parent portal and help to navigate the site please visit the MYEDBC –Family/Student Portal Help Page

    • For first-time users: you must use a laptop or desktop computer to initialize your Login account or reset a password. Some work computers and most smartphones may have a server firewall or popup blockers that prevent access to the website. Once your Login account is activated, you will be able to use a smartphone to access all info in the system.  After you’ve dealt with the password/security question click on the Set Preferences link in the top right. Set the Locale to Canada to get the date format in Day / Month / Year.   In the security tab of the preferences pop up you can change your password and your security question.
    • Report cards are only posted for a short period of time, it is recommended that you save a copy of your student’s report card. (Term 1 reports cards will not be visible once term 2 is posted in March and term 2 is not visible once term 3 is posted in June.)
    • Passwords are reset every 90 days

Please be advised that the Langley School District receives a high number of requests regarding the MyEd Family Portal around the Final Report Card date and therefore the response time will be longer than usual, due to the high volume of requests.

Thank you for your understanding.

PAC News

Hot Lunch

Get your orders in!

June 24 – Froyo & Popcorn

Spring Fling

Another big thank you to our school community for making the return of this event such a success even with the rainy weather!

Alternative Fundraiser

Due to the unprecedented nature of COVID-19 we have been limited in the ability to hold regular events to fundraise for our staff and students. This year the PAC would like to offer parents a new way to donate directly to the PAC, for those who do not wish to purchase goods or have limited time to participate in events.

A direct donation of $40 would be the equivalent to your child raising $275 through fundraising activities (Purdy’s, Neufelds, etc.).   Funds raised go towards supporting teachers in their classrooms, busses for field trips, programs such as Dance Pl3y, Saleema Noon and more!

If you wish to make a direct donation, please send an e-transfer to with direct donation in the Message line.  Please note, at this time we are unable to provide tax receipts.

Thank you to those who have contributed!

Next General Meeting

Don’t forget our AGM and PAC Elections will be held on Monday, June 13 at 7:30pm in the Library.  If you are interested in becoming a member of our PAC, please email to

Quote(s) of the week

Something to Read or Watch…

  • Here’s a sketchnote from Tanmay Vora summarizing an old Duke University study on happiness. Makes a lot of sense to me!


Things to Remember from the Calendar

  • We run the whole month calendar starting this week, just so you have a picture of what’s to come! Keep an eye on it all month, though, as sometimes we get new additions or have to make minor adjustments.

Monday June 13

  • PAC AGM – 7:30 pm in the library

Friday June 17 

  • Sports Day!

Tuesday June 21 

  • National Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Friday June 24

  • PAC Fun Lunch – Froyo and popcorn

Monday June 27 

  • Grade 5 Farewell 1pm (parents/family welcome)

Wednesday June 29 

  • Last Day of School – Please note change – All students dismissed at 11:30 am
  • Report Cards Published

Thursday June 30 

  • Administrative Day – Students do not attend

Richard Bulpitt Elementary

20965 - 77A Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Y 2E6
Phone: 604-888-5393
Fax: 604-888-5356