Posted: June 16, 2024
Happy Father’s Day
We wish all of the father figures in the RBE community a very happy Father’s Day! You make such a difference in the lives of your kids, and we appreciate all that you do.
PAC Executive
We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to the PAC Executive, and all PAC volunteers who made the 2023-24 school year’s events a success. A relatively small number of people have put in an enormous amount of effort and time so that all RBE kids can benefit. Your work is exceptional! Thank you!
District and Ministry Celebrate Pride Month
June is Pride Month. The District acknowledges and celebrates our students, staff, and community members who are part of the 2SLGBTQ+ community. This month and every month let’s continue to work together towards the goal to ensure everyone in our District feels safe and valued.
To celebrate, the Ministry of Education and Child Care is sharing a message with school communities to mark Pride Month and celebrate diversity in our community. Read more in this statement HERE.
Lost & Found
The clock is ticking on the year, and that means it’s also ticking on our very full Lost & Found. If you’re missing a jacket or hoodie (or six), maybe come by and have a look. There are more things in there than we can count!
Early Start to Summer Holidays?
If you will be starting summer holidays before the last day of school on June 27, please make sure to gather all your students belonging from the classroom. If you have not yet informed the school of the absence, please email RBEAttendanceVoicemail@sd35.bc.caand your students teacher.
Last Day of School
Thursday, June 27 is the Last Day of School – All students dismissed at 11:30
Report Cards will be published online. Please make sure you can access your MyEd Parent Portal account before June 27th. SD35 MYEDBC Family/Student Portal Help
If you need help resetting your password please email with the following information
- Student(s) First and Last Name
- Division/Teacher
- Parents First and last name
Please let us know if you are moving away
Parents are asked to inform the school as soon as possible if/when they know that their children will be leaving our school or not returning in the fall. Please complete our withdrawal form and send it to Ms. Davies.
Construction Update
After the excitement last month of putting the first floor of our modular expansion in place, it has looked like a very quiet place lately. Looks can be deceiving, though, as the crew have been working to connect all those critical components that hide in the walls. Plumbing and electrical work that change 9 pieces into one building have been going on daily, and things are proceeding apace! We expect a day or two of disruption as the team work to connect plumbing to the main building, and to prepare for the arrival of the second storey in early July. As part of that work, some of our habitual paths through the schoolyard might be changed, so walk with your heads up! Watch for the outside staircase to vanish, too, on June 28.
Dog Cleanup
This is probably sending the message to the wrong audience, but if you walk your dog through the schoolyard or fields (or anywhere, for that matter), please make sure to clean up after it. Nobody wants dirty shoes! Oh and a question from one of our students: ‘Why do people bother putting the poop in a bag if they’re just going to drop it on the grass? Shouldn’t they take it with them?’ I pride myself on being to answer almost any question, but that one left me stumped.
Summer Library
The Fraser Valley Regional Library has a Summer Reading Club! You should join! In fact, that task will be on your upcoming ‘Summer Homework’ list. Click the image to to learn more and sign up!

Summer Fun Pass for Children and Youth: Township of Langley
Looking for opportunities for your child to get fit and healthy? The Township of Langley’s Summer Fun Pass gives children and youth the opportunity to be active and enjoy unlimited drop-in access to pools, fitness centres, and gymnasiums at TOL recreation facilities throughout the summer. Additionally, children and youth will receive free admission to Family Night and Youth Night events at The Outdoor Experience at Aldergrove Community Centre. The Summer Fun Pass is available to children (4-12 years old) and youth (13-18 years old) for a one-time cost of $25 including tax. The pass is valid from Friday, June 28 to Monday, September 2.For more info and to purchase:
Keeping Kids Healthy and Safe this Summer – Tips for Parents from Fraser Health
As summer approaches, excitement levels rise in anticipation for outdoor adventures, sports and family vacations. Summer is a time for fun and relaxation, but it’s also a time to prioritize health and well-being. Below are some tips to help your kids stay active, healthy and safe during the summer months.
Sun Protection
Help avoid sunburns by applying a sunscreen lotion with Sun Protection Factor (SPF) 30 or more to your children (and yourself) at least 20 minutes before heading outside. Seek shade and stay out of the hot sun between 11am and 4pm Look for places with lots of shade, such as parks with big trees. Take an umbrella or tent to the beach and cover up with a wide brimmed hat, long sleeves and lose-fitting long pants.
Breathe Easier
BC wildfires and dry weather conditions are common during the summer months resulting in poorer air quality. Reducing exposure to wildfire smoke is the best way to protect your and your family’s health. Stay on top of air quality advisories.
Encourage your children to drink water regularly, before they become thirsty. Instill the habit of always carrying a water bottle with them wherever they go.
Physical Activity
Parents who join in on soccer games, splash in the pool or set out on hikes with their children on summer vacation – and all year long – not only get fit themselves but provide healthy role models for the next generation. Healthy, active outdoor play is one of the best ways to improve both adults’ and children’s overall physical and mental health.
Enjoy the Bounty of the Summer Produce
Summer is here, which means fresh fruits and vegetables are in season. This makes it an ideal time to eat some delicious locally grown foods. Local farmers’ markets and u-pick farms are a fun way to enjoy farm fresh fruits and veggies while getting outside and supporting your local farmers.
Find more summer health tips in Fraser Health’s Healthy Summer Guide.
PAC News
Treat Day Order Deadline – Monday, June 17th
Please make sure you submit your Treat Day Order and PAY IT IN FULL by 11:59pm Monday, June 17th here:
If you do not, your child will not receive their treat on Monday June 24th.
Please make sure you pack a lunch and water bottle for Monday June 24th, as it is only a Treat Day.
If you have any questions please email Zoe at
You can view the full list of upcoming fun lunches and general information about fun lunches on our website here.
PAC AGM Election Results
On Monday, June 10th the RBE PAC AGM was held and the Executive PAC roles were determined for the next school year.
Please welcome the RBE PAC Executive for 2024/2025
President: Rahima Rana
Vice President: Allison Senften
Treasurer: Simran Kaur
Secretary: Sandra Borger
District PAC Rep: Tom Hancock
Hot Lunch Co-Coordinator: Zoe Ma
Hot Lunch Co-Coordinator: Brianna Yasayko
Volunteer Coordinator: Edith Mok
Member at Large: Daljit Sahota
Member at Large: Catherine Maxwell
Member at Large: Christina Bally
Thank you to all the efforts of the 2023/2024 PAC executive team who made this year a great success for the school, families and community!
Online Silent Auction
Our online silent auction is live and will run until Sunday June 23rd at 11 PM here:
There are two amazing prizes up for grabs:
- A gift voucher from Code Ninjas for 1 free month of coding classes at Code Ninjas Langley, valued at $349
- A ticket to one of the following Maker Cube Summer Camps, valued at $450
The funds raised from the auction of these items goes towards buses for field trips, educational programs and activities such as Art Start, for our school next year!
Thank you for your support!
Flip Give Fundraiser
This year, fundraising for RBE PAC is going to be so much easier with FlipGive, a free team funding app.
We can earn cash back on every purchase we make all year long! All you have to do is shop anytime with the brands you already love, like Home Depot, Walmart, Sport Chek, Indigo, Old Navy, Apple, Esso, and Loblaws. No more going door-to-door selling chocolate bars – it’s completely virtual and contactless.
Join our team now and you’ll get a $5 bonus the first time you shop:
Or enter this code: WYW49S
Want to learn more? Check out this 2 minute video:
Stay in the Know
Follow the Richard Bulpitt PAC Facebook page, our Instagram ( and now visit our website to stay up-to-date with all the details!
Quote(s) of the week

Something to read (or watch)…
- At the junction of Dad Joke and Math Class…
- You may remember I shared a link to Adam Shoalts’ Snake Quest a while back. I heard recently that he has now found all three species of rattlesnake that are indigenous in Canada. I spent most of my childhood terrified of accidentally finding one while on a camping trip. Given how much effort Adam had to put into his search, and the hours of patience, I think my fears were maybe a bit overblown. You can see an almost-up-to-date list of his finds by clicking the image below:
Things to Remember from the Calendar
Wednesday, June 19
- Parent Appreciation Coffee (at drop-off)
Friday, June 21
- National Indigenous People’s Day
Monday, June 24
- R.E. Mountain Grad Walk (10:30 or so)
- Grade 5 Farewell (1:00 pm in the gym)
- PAC Treat Day
Tuesday, June 25
- Sports Day!!!
Wednesday, June 26
- Last day to check the Lost & Found
Thursday, June 27
- Last Day of School – All students dismissed at 11:30
- Report Cards Published
Friday, June 28
- Administrative Day
Friday, June 5
- Office Closes for the Summer
Monday, August 26
- Office Reopens
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