This Week at RBE – June 18, 2023

Posted: June 18, 2023

News and Information

Happy Father’s Day, Bulldogsdads!

To all the dads, step-dads, uncles, grandfathers, and other significant men in our community’s lives, thank you, and happy Father’s Day!

Monday is Juneteenth

Tomorrow is Juneteenth, the American holiday commemorating the emancipation of African American Slaves in Texas (the last state to officially enact Emancipation). It started as a community celebration in towns in Texas, and has grown to be known as America’s second Independence Day. (source: Wikipedia)

Last Day of School

Please note that students will be dismissed at 11:30 on Thursday, June 29. There are no classes on Friday June 30.

Summer Reading Club at FVRL

Keeping your kids reading over the summer is a critical help in maintaining their literacy skills. Here’s one way to find things to read.

Lost & Found

There are still many, many items in the lost and found, ranging from winter jackets (nice ones) to sun hats. And so. many. water. bottles. Please have your child check for their items. All remaining items at the end of the year will be donated. But these jackets are awfully nice to just let go.

Reunification Drill – Thanks!

Thank you all for your patience last Wednesday with our Reunification Drill. I wanted to specifically thank Ms. Friesen, her class and their families. They changed schedules to be our test group, followed their instructions, and waited patiently to sign in and retrieve their children. I’m sure it was an inconvenience (though thankfully it wasn’t raining) and I appreciate your help. Thank you!

‘When we think about a real emergency multiplying last week’s task by thirty, and with far more stress and complexity, our hearts skip a beat. The thought brought home to me the importance of having a number of reliable, nearby emergency pickup contacts for as many students as possible. After all, if one adult from a neighbourhood comes and collects children for three families, which we are fully prepared to track and manage, the size of the lineup of parents waiting shrinks by ⅔. That would make a huge difference.

We are happy to report that our plans appeared to work effectively, and that all students were reunited with their families in even less time than we anticipated. We also learned a number of things to carry forward to make things run more smoothly and safely. Look forward to more specific instructions around the release forms, and for a flowchart of ‘What If?’ that you can have for reference in the fall.

Childcare Needs (District item)

As part of the Ministry of Education and Childcare, our work to support children and families includes both education and childcare.  As we work to support families in the best way possible, we are asking families to complete a short questionnaire about their childcare needs.

This questionnaire is anonymous and is meant to inform us about childcare needs in our community.  It will help with planning and programming for the Langley School District Early Learning & Child Care team.  We work closely with our community partners and together we are working to provide quality, accessible, and affordable childcare for families.   

We acknowledge that this Childcare Needs Assessment is occurring on the lands of the Kwantlen, Katzie, Semiahmoo, and Matsqui First Nations.   

If you have any questions about the questionnaire or Early Learning Programming, please contact District Principal of Early Learning and Inclusion, Kim Anderson


Repair Café

Langley Environmental Partners Society is searching for volunteers for their upcoming Repair Cafe events, so if you or anyone you know is interested, please contact them!
On July 8th they’re hosting a bicycle repair event at James Kennedy Elementary and are hoping to find a few more people who can repair or tune up bicycles for them.
On September 9th they’re hosting a more general repair cafe, and welcome volunteers who know how to fix anything at all! This includes troubleshooting technology problems, sewing, tinkering with household goods, etc. If you’re handy at all, they could use you!
Please email or call 604 546 0339 to volunteer or if you have any questions.
They hope to hear back from you soon!

May be a graphic of text that says "LEPS Volunteers Needed Do you have knack for fixing things? Are you passionate about sustainability? Join us at Repair Café! Repair Café is community event where people can bring their broken items and have them fixed, rather than throwing them away. We are looking for volunteers who are knowledgeable in repairing items such as: Bicycle Repair: Saturday, July 8th 10am-2pm James Kennedy Elementary School bicycles electronics clothing household goods appliances •toys and more! Textile, Tech, and Household Goods Repair: September 9th 10am-2pm Firehouse Cafe 2900 272 St, Aldergrove, BC To Volunteer, please contact Sarah at: 604 546 0339"

Fire Hall Family Night (repeat)

Don’t miss it! It’s going to be fire! (The kids tell me that means ‘excellent.’

Calling Chess Players (repeat)

The Walnut Grove Secondary School Chess Blitz is coming, and RBE students are invited. It will run from 3:30 to 6pm on Wednesday, June 21. Full information can be found here, and registration is here.

PAC Update

PAC Newsletter

Download the June PAC Newsletter here.

Taco Factory and TCBY Fun Lunch – Order Deadline

Please make sure to submit your order and payment for the Fun Lunch on  by Friday, June 16.

If you didn’t receive an email with the subject “Your MunchaLunch receipt” from MunchaLunch, you did NOT pay for your order, and your child(ren) will not be receiving their order next Friday.

Stay in the Know

Follow the Richard Bulpitt PAC Facebook page ( or our Instagram (@rbepac) to stay up-to-date with all the details!

Quote(s) of the week

Something to Read or Watch…May be a graphic of text that says "WHAT YOU CHOOSE TO FOCUS ON... LOVE WORRY SELF- DOUBT GULT ANXIETY .WILL GROW"

It’s on the internet that Dad Jokes Will Never Go Out of Style. That’s great news for Mr. Oliver!

OK, I’ll stop.

Things to Remember from the Calendar

Monday, June 19

Wednesday, June 21

  • National Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Monday, June 26

  • R.E. Mountain Secondary Grad Walk comes to RBE
  • Grade 5 Leaving Ceremony 1:00

Tuesday, June 27

  • Sports Day (including Parent Appreciation Station)

Thursday, June 29

  • Last Day of Classes – Students dismissed at 11:30
  • Final Report Cards Issued

Richard Bulpitt Elementary

20965 - 77A Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Y 2E6
Phone: 604-888-5393
Fax: 604-888-5356