This Week at RBE – June 25, 2023

Posted: June 25, 2023

News and Information

Another Year Done

Well, that was fast. Thanks to every Bulldog and family member for a great year of learning at our school. All of us working together respectfully and wholeheartedly are making the school the wonderful place that it is. Together we are doing great things!

Last Day of School

Please note that students will be dismissed at 11:30 on Thursday, June 29. There are no classes on Friday June 30.

National Indigenous People’s Day

Was last week, and Ms. Sykes’ class made a mural to commemorate it. They painted the background, and then added their own Salish-inspired art of the animals that live in the territories we live on. Here’s a little video of the animals arriving on the mural.

SORA App (e-books for kids)

The SORA app is available free to all Langley students to access excellent reading materials all year long, including during the summer months! We have recently added almost 2000 graphic novels, comics and manga for our K to 12 audience as well as over 50 magazines K to 12 in multiple subject areas. All of these resources are simultaneous access meaning everyone can access them at the same time. 

There are three different reading levels on SORA: 

    • Juvenile: Kindergarten-Grade 5 
    • Juvenile and Young Adult: Grades 6-8 
    • Juvenile, Young Adult and Adult: Grades 9 and up 

SORA access: 

Summer Ukulele Camp

Children from Langley have participated in ukulele instruction for over 40 years. This long-standing Langley Ukulele Association tradition will continue during the week of August 21st – 25th at the Langley Fundamental Elementary School (21789 50th Ave., Langley).

    • An ‘Early Learner’ option is available for Children aged 6 and 7 (*early learners must be able to read).
    • Expert instruction by Peter Luongo and Teachers from the Langley Ukulele Association
    • ‘ALL DAY’ Camp option is available: Afternoon ‘Arts and Crafts’ or ‘Enrichment Uke!’

Afternoon Extended Camp: After a Supervised Lunch Break (1–3pm)

    • Participants aged 6 to 9 will be offered fun Arts and Craft activities
    • More capable ukulele players may sign up for ‘Enriched Ukulele instruction!’
    • Learn to play ukulele solos!!

Please see the flyer below for more information:


Lost & Found

There are still many, many items in the lost and found, ranging from winter jackets (nice ones) to sun hats. And so. many. water. bottles. Please have your child check for their items. All remaining items at the end of the year will be donated. But these jackets are awfully nice to just let go.

Repair Café (repeat)

Langley Environmental Partners Society is searching for volunteers for their upcoming Repair Cafe events, so if you or anyone you know is interested, please contact them!
On July 8th they’re hosting a bicycle repair event at James Kennedy Elementary and are hoping to find a few more people who can repair or tune up bicycles for them.
On September 9th they’re hosting a more general repair cafe, and welcome volunteers who know how to fix anything at all! This includes troubleshooting technology problems, sewing, tinkering with household goods, etc. If you’re handy at all, they could use you!
Please email or call 604 546 0339 to volunteer or if you have any questions.
They hope to hear back from you soon!

PAC Update

PAC AGM Results – Meet Your New Executive

On Monday, June 12th the RBE PAC AGM was held and the Executive PAC roles were determined for the next school year. Please welcome the RBE PAC Executive for 2023/2024.

President: Allison Senften

Vice President: Rahima Rana

Treasurer: Brianna Yasayko

Secretary: Sandra Borger

District PAC Rep: Tom Hancock

Hot Lunch Coordinator: Zoe Ma

Volunteer Coordinator: Edith Mok

Member at Large: Daljit Sahota

We still have two Member at Large positions open for our PAC Executive for the 2023/24 school year.

If you have availability to attend our monthly Monday General PAC meetings, and can be a volunteer for most of our events, please consider submitting your nomination here.


Kona Ice is coming back on Thursday June 29th after school!

Their arrival time is approximately between 11:30am and 12pm, so you can purchase yummy snow cones to start your summer off right!

Stay in the Know

Follow the Richard Bulpitt PAC Facebook page ( or our Instagram (@rbepac) to stay up-to-date with all the details!

Quote(s) of the week

Something to Read or Watch…

  • Looking for something to do this summer? Watch for the Summer Homework list Mr. Oliver will send out at the end of the week. It won’t be academic homework, that’s for sure.
  • Here are a few ideas for the summer, courtesy of the Vancouver Planner. Beaches, festivals, attractions, and more are in the 26 Best Vancouver Summer Activities. And if you want to stay closer to home, the Surrey Fusion Festival at Holland Park is always great. And I found out the other day that there’s a Fort Langley Night Market on Friday Nights in July and August.
  • While this might overlap a bit with Mr. Oliver’s Summer ‘Homework’ suggestions, it’s still worth sharing. How Wee Learn has a Summer Nature Learning bucket list. And here’s another list of pretty cool-looking summer nature activities for kids. I like the cloud scavenger hunt!

Things to Remember from the Calendar

Monday, June 26

  • R.E. Mountain Secondary Grad Walk comes to RBE ~11:15
  • Grade 5 Leaving Ceremony 1:00

Tuesday, June 27

  • Sports Day (including Parent Appreciation Station)

Thursday, June 29

  • Last Day of Classes – Students dismissed at 11:30
  • Kona Ice at 11:30
  • Final Report Cards Issued by 5pm

Richard Bulpitt Elementary

20965 - 77A Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Y 2E6
Phone: 604-888-5393
Fax: 604-888-5356