Posted: June 26, 2022
Report Cards: A Mystery Story
Sometimes, technology amazes me. Sometimes it infuriates me. Sometimes it baffles me. Report Cards tend to fall into the latter categories. As teachers prepare report cards, sometimes they log into the system to recheck their work and find inexplicable question marks peppered throughout the comments. Not for every kid. Not for every subject. Just random. So they go through and delete them all. And everything looks great. Later, I log in, and there are question marks again. In new places. So I take them out, and everything looks great again. On Friday, I had a student tell me, ‘Oh, I had question marks randomly through my comments last term!’ And I know it wasn’t due to sloppy proofreading. So, while the mystery isn’t solved (it apparently happens all over the province), we can confidently tell you that you might find random question marks in the comments on your child’s report card. We’re trying and trying to make them go away, but apparently the mystery persists.

Lost & Found
The Lost & Found items have been sorted, folded, and put along the main hallway so students passed by at least three times last week. There is still a boatload of clothing there, and I’m sure it wasn’t cheap. Please send your child to check, one last time. All remaining items will be donated on June 29 in the afternoon.
Summer Homework
Each summer, Mr. Oliver and the staff try to come up with some suggestions of things to do for ‘homework’ over the summer. We’re not talking academic homework, mind you, but fun family (or solitary) activities that we think you might enjoy and that you might not have thought of. Do some, do all, do none! Whatever you want. Click here for the Summer Homework list. We hope you have fun with some of of these family-friendly ideas.
Quote(s) of the week

Something to Read or Watch…
- It’s nearly summer holiday. Now, what to do? There are, of course, lots of lists out there, some are of questionable judgement, and others are excellent. This one is OK, though it isn’t offering up the economical options. The UBC Forest Walk it refers to was well worth the money for my family a few years ago. The drive is a bit long, but the experience was worth it. This list is all ‘free’ things (though at 2.16 per litre gas, the scenic drive option sure isn’t) in the Vancouver area. And it conspicuously misses the Surrey Fusion Festival which runs July 27 and 28 at Holland Park. It is a great experience; the food is good, the music is better! There are indigenous performers, Korean performers, South Asian performers, Nepalese performers, and more! Admission was free, concerts were free, and there were food tickets the last time I attended. And of course, we’re from Langley, and there are great things to do here as well, though you probably already know them.
- It’s summer vacation, and while everyone is excited for a rest, I bet you’ll hear the dreaded phrase, ‘I’m bored,’ before too long. Boredom isn’t a bad thing, mind you. The Benefits of Boredom.

Things to Remember from the Calendar
Monday, June 27
- Grade 5 Farewell 1pm (parents/family welcome. Doors 12:45)
Wednesday, June 29
- Last Day of School – All students dismissed at 11:30 am
- Report Cards Published
Thursday, June 30
- Administrative Day – Students do not attend
Thursday, July 7
- Office closes for the summer
Friday, July 8 to Sunday August 28
- Office closed
Monday, August 29
- Office Reopens
Tuesday, September 6
- First Day of School
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