This Week at RBE – March 5, 2023

Posted: March 5, 2023

News and Information

Conferences are this week

Don’t forget that this week (Wednesday and Thursday) are Parent-Teacher Conferences or Student-Led Conferences. Detailed information on booking went out last week fin an email rom Ms. Davies. See you there!

Parent Teacher Conferences Resource

Ahead of parent teacher conferences, the District is sharing this resource which may be helpful to families. It contains a list of questions and answers to prepare families for these meetings and to support student success. Read more here.

Early Start or Late Return for Spring Break?

If your student is going to be starting spring break sooner than the last day of school (March 10)  or returning after school re-opens (March 27), it is very important to let the office and your student’s teachers know. If a child is marked absent, but the office has not received an email or a telephone call from the parent advising of the absence/tardiness, a phone call home will be made to ensure the child is safe.

Please email with the name(s) of your student(s) and what dates they will be away from school.

Lost & Found

The Lost & Found is mighty full! Please check the lost and found (inside the back courtyard doors) for any items belonging to your child this week. On Friday 10th March, we will be collecting and donating unclaimed items.

It’s Agenda Cover Contest Time!

Good Neighbours

We understand that drop-off and pick-up are busy times, and that sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures, but please do not park in neighbouring townhouse complexes to drop or collect your kids. They notice, and they call Ms. Davies to complain, distracting her from her other important work.

Report Cards dropped last Friday!

Budget Consultation 2023-2024 

Want to have your say on the District’s budget for 2023-2024? The Langley School District is inviting students, staff, parents/guardians, and all members of the public to take part in its Budget Consultation 2023-2024 by completing this 5-minute survey here or providing feedback by email to All survey and email submissions will be accepted until March 31, 2023. 

The data gathered will help provide our District Leadership staff and Board of Education with information needed to make decisions impacting education. The District is sharing videos and an infographic located on our webpage which may be helpful to you. For more information as well as translated versions of the survey, please visit our District webpage here. 

PAC Update

Click the picture to see this month’s PAC Newsletter.

Purdy’s Easter Orders

Use the link below to order your favourites. Order deadline is Wednesday, March 15. (Parent pickup is tentatively scheduled for March 30)

Please use customer #28445 when ordering.

Stay in the Know

Follow the Richard Bulpitt PAC Facebook page ( or our Instagram (@rbepac) to stay up-to-date with all the details!

Quote(s) of the week

Something to Read or Watch…

  • Our students (well, many of them) probably are not on social media yet (thank goodness), but this new initiative from the Abbotsford Police Department might be of interest, or of use to parents if you have older kids as well. It’s a No! It is meant to give kids some tools to avoid being exploited online.
  • Spring Break is coming, and that means the tiresome snow is surely on its way out, right? Over the break, we hope you have some outside fun, regardless of the weather. Here are some outdoor ideas from Healthy Family Living of Metro Vancouver.


Things to Remember from the Calendar

Monday, March 6

  • PAC Meeting – 7pm in the library

Tuesday, March 7

  • Staff vs Student (Gr5 Girls) Basketball Game after school

Wednesday, March 8

  • Entrepreneur Fair (all day in the gym)
  • Early dismissal – Students dismissed at 1:33
  • Parent-Teacher or Student-led Conferences – 2:00-4:45

Thursday, March 9

  • Entrepreneur Fair (all day in the gym)
  • Early dismissal – Students dismissed at 1:33
  • Parent-Teacher or Student-led Conferences – 2:00-4:30
  • Parent-Teacher or Student-led Conferences – 5:30-7:30

Friday, March 10

  • Jersey Day
  • Last Day of classes before Spring Break
  • Last Day of Tennis!

Richard Bulpitt Elementary

20965 - 77A Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Y 2E6
Phone: 604-888-5393
Fax: 604-888-5356