Posted: May 14, 2023
News and Information
Happy Mother’s Day
To all of the Moms in the RBE Community, we hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day, complete with everything you wanted. And please tell the kids that Mr. Oliver says they should for sure be doing all the dishes tonight (actually, every night, but we they have to start somewhere!).
Spring Concert Thanks
What a great time we had performing last week for the Spring Concert. We have a number of people we’d like to thank for helping to make it such a wonderful experience.
- Thank you to the cast for your extra work learning lines, and for overcoming any nerves as you contemplated performing in front of an audience.
- Thank you to all the performers who learned often-difficult new things to share.
- Thank you to families for attending. We always bring up our game for an audience.
- Special thanks to families who made sure their kids could attend the evening performance even if you didn’t have tickets for it. Things are always better with a full-sized group of performers.
- Thanks to the district team who put up the stage lights for us. What a difference those make to the feel of the show.
- Thanks to the North Langley Community Church who loaned us the staging and sound equipment for the week.
- Thanks to all teaching and support staff who flexed and adapted to fit the concert schedule, and who stayed late on Thursday for the evening show.
- Thank you to Ms. Davies who looked after all the ticketing – that’s no small job!
- Thank you to Ms. Knuttila who put on another great show, investing her time and creativity in our kids and their sharing.
Book Fair
Jump Rope for Heart is coming…
Our Jump Rope for Heart fundraiser is now underway, and we are excitedly practising our jumping skills for the event on Tuesday, May 30. We have set a fundraising goal of $2000 for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Over the next bit, your kids will be seeing the kick-off video which offers them a number of tips for staying healthy. Kids can set up their personalized fundraising pages here, and adults can make donations there too.
Please check the lost and found! We don’t need those winter jackets anymore!
PAC Update
PAC Newsletter
Click here for the May PAC Newsletter.
PAC General Meeting – Monday, May 15
Please join us for the May General PAC Meeting on Monday May 15th at 7 PM in the Richard Bulpitt Elementary School Library.
You can enter through the main entry doors at the front of the school.
This is open to all parents of the RBE school community. Hope to see you there!
Spring Fling Meeting – Wednesday, May 17
Join us virtually at 7pm via Google Meets for our upcoming Spring Fling planning meeting. We are looking for volunteers to help with small tasks.
Fun Lunch – Order Deadline Friday, May 19
Please submit your order and payment for the TCBY and Hot Dog Fun Lunch via Munch a Lunch –
Order deadline is May 19. If you didn’t receive an email with the subject “Your MunchaLunch receipt” from MunchaLunch, you did NOT pay for your order, and your child(ren) will not be receiving their order next Friday.
AVOID THE LINE-UP! Spring Fling Presale Tickets
Spring Fling tickets are now on sale via Munch a Lunch! See link here:
The deadline for early bird presale is May 31. Tickets will be distributed to your child through their teachers before the event, which is on Friday, June 9 from 5-8pm.
Volunteers Needed – Scholastic Book Fair
Our librarian, Ms. Smith, needs your help!
We are having a Spring Book Fair May 16th-18th.
She needs some extra hands to help with cash and payments from 2:33pm- 3:30pm on Tuesday, May 16th, Wednesday May 17th, and Thursday, May 18th.
If you are able to help out please email her directly at .
Stay in the Know
Follow the Richard Bulpitt PAC Facebook page ( or our Instagram (@rbepac) to stay up-to-date with all the details!
Quote(s) of the week

Something to Read or Watch…
- Happy Mother’s Day, to all of the Moms, of any type, in the Bulldogs Family.
- It’s Mother’s Day, and that got me wondering about how it all started. According to the Farmer’s Almanac, it was started by Anna M. Jarvis in 1908.
- Too hot? Here are 9 Surprising Ways to Stay Cool in the Heat from the CBC.
Things to Remember from the Calendar
Monday, May 15
- PAC Meeting 7pm @library
Tuesday, May 16
- Book Fair
Wednesday, May 17
- Book Fair
- Spring Fling Meeting (google meets)
Thursday, May 18
- Book Fair
Friday, May 19
- Professional Day – Students do not attend.
- Fun Lunch Order Deadline
Monday, May 22
- Victoria Day Holiday
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