This Week at RBE – May 28, 2023

Posted: May 28, 2023

News and Information

Reunification Drill

On June 14, we will be conducting a Controlled Release, or Reunification, Drill. Most of the school will do a standard earthquake drill, including an evacuation. Students in Ms. Friesen’s class, and their siblings from other classes, will do the same drill to start, but will then be dismissed one by one so we can practice and assess our emergency release procedures. Please see here for details, and watch for a separate email. Parents of Ms. Freisen’s students, you can expect an additional, more detailed, message right afterwards. For reference, this is our anticipated site plan for the event.

2023-24 Calendar

To help with your long range planning, here is the Board-approved School Calendar for 2023-24. Click the image or here for a full-sized pdf.

Bike to School Week is here…

Every week is a great week for active commuting – bike, scooter, run, walk. Anything but a car or truck will do! But next week is special. It’s Bike to School Week. Make sure you register your trip with Mr. Oliver at lunch playtime each day if you commuted actively. Let’s see how many active trips we can do!

Young Entrepreneur Fair

Langley Children’s Choir

…is looking for singers! Openings are now available for singers in grades 3 to 8

What are we looking for?

      • School choir members (if your school has one)
      • Good attitude and enthusiasm!
      • Advanced vocal skills, and the ability to focus
      • A firm commitment to the group
      • Desire to develop as a singer and choir memberWhat do you get out of this?
      • Make new friends who like to sing, to
      • Learn about how to sing better and learn lots of musi
      • Perform at other schools (a day off!
      • Have fun on a choir retreat
      • Sing at festivals and hear other great choirs

Rehearsals? Langley Secondary School, 21405 – 56 Ave on Tuesdays, September to May from 4:30 – 6:00 pm

Fees? $275 for the year
Directors? Kim Hardy and Patti Thorpe (both Langley music teachers) plus accompanist Heather Hicks

How Do I Join? Email us for an audition time!

Please include singer’s name, phone number, school and grade.

Patti Thorpe email

French Immersion Parent Information Session

Do you want to prepare your child to meet the challenges of our changing world? Are they interested in learning and communicating in French, one of Canada’s official languages? Families are invited to attend our French Immersion Parent Information Session on June 7th, 7pm at the School Board Office to learn more about one of the District’s Choice Programs. Entry into this high demand program is offered at two levels available for student entry including Early Immersion, Late Immersion, with both programs continuing in Secondary Immersion. In this session you will learn more about the program, benefits for students and their families, expectations inside and outside of the classroom, and the registration process. Our District’s French Immersion and Modern Languages staff will be able to provide you with additional information and resources, as well as help answer any questions you may have. For more information and to register click here.

PAC Update

Spring Fling Presale Tickets – May 31 Deadline

Spring Fling tickets are now on sale via Munch a Lunch! See link here:

The deadline for early bird presale is May 31. Tickets will be distributed to your child through their teachers before the event, which is on Friday, June 9 from 5-8pm.

Spring Fling – Volunteers Needed!

We will need a ton of help to make Spring Fling a success this year. Please keep your eye out for the social media posts with loads of volunteer opportunities for the event. Volunteers all get 10 free tickets to enjoy at the event, and will be entered into a prize draw.

PAC AGM – Monday, June 12

Last meeting of the year, and the most important one! Our AGM is Monday June 12th at 7pm in the Library of the school.

We are in need of new Members at Large to keep our numbers at the minimum required for receiving additional funding.

You can submit your nominations here until end of day, Friday June 9th:

You must attend the AGM on Monday June 12 if you are submitting your name for nomination. All voting must be done in person. No proxy votes are allowed.

If you have any questions, please email

Fun Lunch Order Deadline – Monday June 5

To order White Spot Fun Lunch for Fri, June 12, please make sure to submit your order and payment for the Fun Lunch on

If you didn’t receive an email with the subject “Your MunchaLunch receipt” from MunchaLunch, you did NOT pay for your order, and your child(ren) will not be receiving their order next Friday.

Stay in the Know

Follow the Richard Bulpitt PAC Facebook page ( or our Instagram (@rbepac) to stay up-to-date with all the details!

Quote(s) of the week

Something to Read or Watch…

  • I came across this reading of Maya Angelou’s poem ‘A Brave and Startling Truth’ this morning. It’s maybe a bit heavy for our students, but it’s a wonderful, powerful poem.
  • Do you like quiet? Silence, even? Do your kids? I probably know the answer to that last one for many of them. 🙂 It turns out that there’s some science to silence, though, and this article talks about How a Little More Silence in Kids’ Lives Helps Them Grow. I know that the sign language approach to ‘you’re interrupting, please wait’ is very effective, both in school and on the playground, though my ASL is pretty weak.

Things to Remember from the Calendar

Monday, May 29

  • Bike to School Week begins
  • Peter Ewart Middle School visit for select grade 5s

Tuesday, May 30

  • Jump Rope for Heart

Friday, June 2

  • Last day of Bike to School Week
  • Track Meet (grade 4 & 5 team members)

Friday, June 9

  • Spring Fling (evening)

Monday, June 12

  • PAC AGM 7pm

Wednesday, June 14

  • Reunification/Controlled Release Drill

Monday, June 26

  • R.E. Mountain Secondary Grad Walk comes to RBE
  • Grade 5 Leaving Ceremony

Tuesday, June 27

  • Sports Day


Richard Bulpitt Elementary

20965 - 77A Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Y 2E6
Phone: 604-888-5393
Fax: 604-888-5356