This Week at RBE – November 17, 2024

Posted: November 17, 2024


Student Inclusive Conferences Booking

Thank you to all families who have already booked Student Inclusive Conference times. All classes should have booking times available. We would request that, whenever possible, you use the daytime slots on November 27. Also, please note that we have time for one conference time per student, so co-parenting families should be arranging to either take turns between terms 1 and 2, or attend the conferences together.

Also please note that students must attend the conference with their guardians, as the student is a significant and necessary participant in the conference.

A Crosswalk Request

We would request that if you are crossing either of our crosswalks, or are driving through, please follow the instructions of the staff member working at that spot. We end up with confusion if a pedestrian crosses from behind the guard when the guard is asking cars to proceed. When students are waiting as expected, and they see an adult cross against the signs and instructions, they can get confused. Also, the crossing guards are working hard to keep both foot- and car-traffic flowing smoothly, and unexpected stops for the cars can disrupt that quite a bit.

Communicating Student Learning (CSL) – Elementary School

Learning is a journey for all students that requires the support of teachers, staff, and families. Parent/guardian involvement is always a contributing factor to a student’s success. But how does a parent/guardian know how their child is doing? The District is sharing information about the different ways of Communicating Student Learning (CSL) to help support families. On this webpage you will find information about student inclusive conferences, proficiency scales, and self-reflection on the core competencies. These resources are aimed to help support your child. Read more here.

Student Illness (repeat)

It’s that time of year when we see a rise in illnesses impacting students and staff in our school. We are hearing from families about colds, respiratory illnesses, and stomach bugs circulating in our community. As a reminder to help keep our school community healthy and well, we are sharing this online resource from our community partner Fraser Health. Here you will find information about protecting your child from communicable diseases and managing their illness:

Information About School Status During Inclement Weather (repeat)

Snow closures and power outages are an annual occurrence in the Langley School District. So, where do you go to get information about the status of schools during periods of inclement weather? If you are able to access the internet via computer or smartphone, current information about Langley schools can be accessed on all school websites or Updates are also posted to X (formerly Twitter) @LangleySchools and Facebook at If you don’t have internet connectivity but your phone is working, call a relative or friend in an area that has not been affected by the storm and ask them to check the district website for you. Local radio stations are also informed of school status in Langley. Tune in to CKWX 1130AM, CKNW 980AM, Country Radio 107.1FM, Pulse 107.7 or CBC 690AM or 88.1FM for updates.

Please note that Langley District schools are all considered ‘open’ until a decision to close is required. Decisions on school closures are usually made by 6:30am. As always, it is a parent’s decision whether to send their child to school based on safety and individual circumstances. If you feel it is unsafe for you or your child to travel to or attend an open school for any reason, please keep your child home and report an absence to the school.

Quote(s) of the week

From the PAC

General PAC Meeting – Monday, November 18th

Please join us for the November General PAC Meeting on Monday November 18th at 7 PM in the Richard Bulpitt Elementary School Library.

You can enter through the main entry doors at the front of the school.

This is open to all parents of the RBE school community. Hope to see you there!

Umami Sushi & COBS Fun Lunch Order Deadline – Tuesday, November 19th

Please make sure you submit your Umami Sushi & COBS Fun Lunch Order and PAY IT IN FULL by 11:59pm Tuesday, November 19th here:

If you do not, your child will not receive their Fun Lunch on Friday November 29th.

Please ensure that you order by the deadlines so your child doesn’t miss out! Orders must be fully paid or they will be cancelled.

If you have any questions or need assistance with ordering, please email Zoe or Brianna at

If you would like to volunteer for our Fun Lunch days please email Edith at

You can find the complete schedule and more information on our website here:

Winter Market – Friday, November 22nd

Get into the holiday spirit and join us for the Winter Market at Richard Bulpitt Elementary, featuring local vendors (some of our own RBE students and other students in the community), coffee bar, exciting door prizes and a 50/50 raffle!

  • Visit and take a photo with Santa with cash donations, from 7:30 to 8:30 PM.
  • Entry with donation of non-perishable food item(s) or cash.
    • All proceeds raised from admission and Santa visit donations will go towards our sponsored families from the Langley Christmas Bureau.
  • 50/50 raffle tickets will be $1 each and sold only at the Winter Market. A maximum of 500 tickets will be sold. The winner must be present to claim the prize, and the draw will be held at 8:15 PM
    • BC Gaming Event Licence #156785.
    • Proceeds raised from the 50/50 raffle ticket sales will go towards buses for school field trips and rainy day funding for classrooms. Thank you for your support!

More information about the event and vendors can be found here:

Purdy’s Holiday Fundraiser – Order Deadline is December 1st

Our Purdy’s holiday fundraiser is now live, and you can order your favourite chocolates here:
Customer # 28445. 
Parent pickup is tentatively scheduled for December 13.

Flip Give Fundraiser

This year, fundraising for RBE PAC is going to be so much easier with FlipGive, a free team funding app.
We can earn cash back on every purchase we make all year long! All you have to do is shop anytime with the brands you already love, like Home Depot, Walmart, Sport Chek, Indigo, Old Navy, Apple, Esso, and Loblaws. No more going door-to-door selling chocolate bars – it’s completely virtual and contactless.
Join our team now and you’ll get a $5 bonus the first time you shop:
Or enter this code: WYW49S
Want to learn more? Check out this 2 minute video:

Email with any questions.

Stay in the Know

Follow the Richard Bulpitt PAC Facebook page, our Instagram ( and now visit our website to stay up-to-date with all the details!

Something to read

Did you know that some scientists think that a crow has the same level of cognition and problem solving as a seven-year-old human? Or that they appear in cultural references from all around the world?

If you’ve been outside the school early in the morning, or just before dusk, you may have seen our area’s murder of crows going to and from their roost. It’s pretty cool (and a bit frightening, if I’m being honest) to see, with hundreds of them swooping, squabbling, and generally giving you their own brand of side-eye. On Friday afternoon, I watched a huge group of them swooping around a big tree along 208th, probably harassing an eagle or a hawk. Seeing them got me thinking about how fascinating they are. They have distinct vocalizations and voices (I’ve picked out one of ours that sounds totally different). They can learn human words, and can tell individual humans apart. They can tell future generations about hazards (like some of those individual humans they can recognize). I’m not a huge fan of being woken up by crows or of how they tear up the lawn looking for grubs, but this stuff is pretty cool.

When we’re lucky, we also get to see ravens around our school, too, but it is not very common. Ravens, I think, are even cooler than crows!

Things to Remember from the Calendar

Monday, November 18

  • PAC Meeting – 7pm in the library

Tuesday, November 19

  • Hot Lunch Order Deadline

Friday, November 22

  • Winter Craft Fair

Wednesday, November 27

  • Student Inclusive Conference Day – Only students with booked appointments attend, and only at their scheduled time.

Thursday, November 28

  • Early Dismissal for Student Inclusive Conferences. All students dismissed at 12:33 pm.

Richard Bulpitt Elementary

20965 - 77A Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Y 2E6
Phone: 604-888-5393
Fax: 604-888-5356