This Week at RBE – October 10, 2021

Posted: October 10, 2021


Homestay Families Needed

Scholastic Book Fair

Parent Teacher Interviews

Parent Teacher Interviews will be next week, on October 20 and 21. We will be set for individual appointments, either live at the school or virtually. You will be able to select a virtual appointment when you book your time. Booking opens Wednesday, October 13 and runs to Tuesday, October 19. We look forward to seeing you.

Updated COVID Daily Health Check

Our District’s procedure is for all students to complete a daily health check at home prior to entering school and/or boarding a District bus. The Ministry of Education’s Daily Health Check poster has been updated to reflect new federal regulations regarding international travel. The symptoms listed remain the same. You can find the updated print version here. The updated version is being translated into multiple languages, which will be posted to the Ministry’s COVID-19 Safe Schools website here. Families can also continue to use the Ministry’s mobile app or online version here.

COVID Contact Tracing Information

Schools in the District are continuing to assist the Fraser Health Authority in contact tracing and case management. We appreciate the ongoing cooperation from parents/guardians in this process. To help support our families, we are sharing resources from the BC Centre for Disease Control which outline the contact tracing process in schools. You can view the Contact Tracing Infographic here and Contact Tracing in Schools resource here.

Programs of Choice – Registration Period is October 4 – October 18, 2021

Langley School District offers a rich diversity of programs that are designed to meet the specific needs and interests of students. Programs include Fine Arts, French Immersion, Fundamental, Langley Environmental Awareness Program (outdoor education), Montessori, U-Connect, and Career Education Programs (secondary). The registration period begins October 4, 2021 and ends October 18, 2021. For more information and instructions to register your child, visit our District website here and review our FAQ choice programs resource here.

Terry Fox Run

Our annual Terry Fox Run will be held, rain or shine, on the afternoon of Friday, October 15. We have a school fundraising page online at the Terry Fox Foundation, and encourage families to support our efforts there. Thanks to the parent who has already donated, even before we put out the request!

Quote(s) of the week

PAC News

Hot Lunch Update
Thanks to all of our wonderful volunteers, our first Hot Lunch since March of 2019 was a huge success!  Don’t forget there is still time to order for the remainder of 2021.  Keep your eye on our Facebook page for your next chance to help out!  For any questions regarding Hot Lunch, please email to
Get ready for Neufelds! 

Our first official fundraiser of the school year is now open for orders.  Ordering will be open until end of day, Tuesday, October 26, with delivery to the school at 4:30pm on Friday, Nov 5. At this time only credit card payment is accepted.   To order, please have your friends and family follow the link below.   All orders for your friends and family should be placed under your child’s student number – please check with them or in their agendas. 
Coming Soon!
Upcoming fundraisers will include a Family Photo Night as well as Purdy’s chocolates.  Look for more information on our Facebook page and in the next edition of TWARBE
For any questions or further information, please email to

Something to read (or watch)

  • I have now lost count of how many students have approached me asking if I watch Squid Game (I don’t), though I don’t know that they’re watching it, or just think they’d like to. Those conversations got me thinking about the media we adults, and our kids, are exposed to every day. Sometimes it’s easy to lose track of how graphic some of the content that we can access is, so resources like these might be useful. Common Sense Media has age-based media reviews for families, and has info on ratings systems in Canada. TV sure has changed from my grade 5 year, when the A-Team was deemed too violent for kids, with their guns and Star Wars stormtrooper-like ability to hit nothing but ground and walls.
  • Do you like spicy food? Do you know how spiciness works? I found this little video fascinating: The Science of Spiciness!

Things to remember from the calendar

Monday, October 11

  • Thanksgiving Holiday

Thursday, October 14

  • Individual photos

Friday, October 15

  • Terry Fox Run – 1:30-2:15

October 18

October 19-21

  • Scholastic Book Fair

October 20

  • Parent Teacher Interviews – Students dismissed at 1:33
    • Interviews 2-4:45, 5:30-7:30

October 21

  • Parent Teacher Interviews – Students dismissed at 1:33
    • Interviews 2-4:30

October 22

  • Professional Development Day



Richard Bulpitt Elementary

20965 - 77A Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Y 2E6
Phone: 604-888-5393
Fax: 604-888-5356