Posted: October 9, 2022
Happy Thanksgiving
This weekend, i have reflected on all I have to be thankful for, and you, Richard Bulpitt Community, are high on my list. It is so wonderful working and learning with all of you. The RBE team wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving.
Election Day: Use of School Sites
On Saturday, October 15th, many school gyms across the District, specifically in the Township of Langley, will be used as local election polling stations from 8am to 8pm. As guided by Section 81 of the Election Act, “accommodation in a school that is the property of a board of school trustees under the School Act must be made available by the board for use as a voting place.” No District sites in the City of Langley will be used on election day. Please take note of extra pedestrian and vehicle traffic in the area of these sites on election day. The District appreciates the support and cooperation from families and members of our community. The District is encouraging everyone who is eligible to do their civic duty and vote. For more information and to see the full list of sites visit our District webpage here.
Parent-Teacher Interviews
It’s already time to be thinking about Parent-Teacher Interviews. Our interviews this year will be on October 19 and 20, and so students will be dismissed at 1:33 on both of those days.
Appointment booking for interviews is done through, so you will need to make an account and connect to your children to book. Please note that family accounts on this system are reset each year, so you will have to make a fresh account. Booking will open today, and closes on October 18 at 11pm.
School Appointments – Parent Instructions
- Go to our school appointments web site for your school.
- Register for an account by clicking the “REGISTER” menu tab and filling in the on-line form. Choose a user id and password for yourself and then click the “Register Now” button.
- Add your children into the system by clicking the “Add a Student” button. Click “Insert New” button to add more children.
- Click the “date” icon beside each child’s name to schedule appointments.
- Select the staff you wish to book appointments with.
- Then click the “View Calendars” button.
- Click on available time slots to book your appointments to make your bookings.
If you have any questions about Parent/Teacher interviews, please contact your student(s) teacher –
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming…
We will have a Scholastic Book Fair from October 17-20. That’s soon! It also relies on parent volunteers to happen. If you are able, please sign up for a time slot to help us make the book fair a success. You can sign up for a time here.
Terry Fox Fundraising
Well done, Bulldogs community! So far we have collectively raised $3200 for the Terry Fox Foundation, through Toonies for Terry, School Cash Online donations, and donations for our school direct to the Terry Fox Foundation. While we’re a bit shy of our bold goal of $5000, we’re very proud of the fact that we’ve raised over $5 per student. It’s not too late to donate through the Terry Fox Foundation website, too.
Cross Country
Congratulations to our RBE Bulldogs runners who have been braving the giant hill at Aldergrove Bowl each week racing students from all over Langley. Each week, we get faster, and every week we finish tired but happy! Well done, runners!
REMINDER! Programs of Choice – Deadline to register is Monday, October 17th
Langley School District offers a rich diversity of programs that are designed to meet the specific needs and interests of students. Programs include Fine Arts, French Immersion, Fundamental, Langley Environmental Awareness Program (outdoor education), Montessori, and U-Connect.
Registration opened on Monday, October 3rd, and closes onMonday, October 17th at 12noon. For more information and instructions to register your child, visit our District website here and review our FAQ choice programs resource here.
PAC Update
Community Values Coupon Book
If you have unsold Community Values books at home, please return them ASAP so that we can redistribute them to those parents who are waiting to deliver their “SOLD” books. Those who are waiting to deliver “SOLD” books, please allow up to two weeks for delivery from the school.
Hot Lunch
Pita Pit Hot Lunch is Friday, October 14.
We are looking for volunteers to help distribute the lunches. If you can help, please email Zoe at
Halloween Dance
The Halloween Dance will be on Friday, October 28th from 6-9pm.
Admission is $5 each, max $10/family. Parents are welcome to attend and recommended to attend with their child(ren) in grade 3 and younger. Ticket sales are limited by the gym’s capacity.
We are looking for volunteers for 1-hour shifts. All volunteers will be entered into a monthly draw for a coveted gift card!
Please email if you can help.
Spirit Wear
Spirit Wear orders are now open through Munch-a-Lunch. Hoodies are $35 and t-shirts are $20. Order deadline is Friday, October 14.
Neufeld’s Orders
Neufeld’s order deadline is Monday, October 17.
Use the link below to order your favourites. Please make sure your friends and family fill out your student’s name and division number in the seller field. Order pickup will be October 27 at 4:00pm.…/2022-richard…/ref/sm
Quote(s) of the week

Something to Read or Watch…
- How are you feeling today? For those who watched the Muppet Show…

- The Kid President was a bit of a big thing back 2014 or so, but now that he has ‘retired’ from making his awesome videos, we don’t see him anymore. Here’s a throwback to his excellent video on gratitude. Think about what you’re thankful for, too, Bulldogs!
ps. I saw a recent video of him, catching up, and he reminded the audience that part of his work was work – he doesn’t actually like corn dogs much at all, but the script said he loves them, so that’s what he said.
Things to Remember from the Calendar
Monday, October 10
- Thanksgiving holiday
- Parent Teacher Interview Appointment Booking is open
Tuesday, October 11
- Cross Country meet after school @ Aldergrove Bowl.
Monday, October 17
- Neufelds order deadline.
Tuesday, October 18
- Parent Teacher Interview Appointment Booking closes
- Cross Country Championship Race
Wednesday, October 19
- Parent Teacher Interviews – Students dismissed at 1:33
- Interviews 2:00-4:45
- Interviews 5:30-7:30
Thursday, October 20
- Parent Teacher Interviews – Students dismissed at 1:33
- Interviews 2:00-4:30
- Great Shakeout – Earthquake Drill
- PAD Meeting 7pm
Friday, October 21
- Professional Development Day – Students do not attend
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