Posted: October 17, 2021
Scholastic Book Fair
Parents, if you are able to help out, please click here to sign up for a time.

Halloween is coming…
We are currently working on our Halloween plans at the school, and we’re pretty sure the kids are working on their own Halloween plans as well. We will have a costume parade of some sort, either live or by video, on October 29th. As you and your kids plan for that, please keep these things in mind:
- Replica weapons should not come to school Neither should real ones.
- The COVID restrictions around masks will still apply. It might be wise to leave Halloween masks at home, or to plan on showing them off once, and then put them away somewhere safe.
- Students should NOT be bringing treats for their classmates. Please save those for October 31.
- Playgrounds are hard on costumes. To avoid disappointing costume disasters, please don’t send a treasured or hard-to-repair costume to be worn all day.
Parent Teacher Interviews
Parent Teacher Interviews are October 20 and 21. If you have not done so already, please book your time. Booking is open until Tuesday, October 19. When you attend, please remember that masks are required for anyone who enters the building, per Provincial Health orders.
Updated COVID Daily Health Check
Our District’s procedure is for all students to complete a daily health check at home prior to entering school and/or boarding a District bus. The Ministry of Education’s Daily Health Check poster has been updated to reflect new federal regulations regarding international travel. The symptoms listed remain the same. You can find the updated print version here. The updated version is being translated into multiple languages, which will be posted to the Ministry’s COVID-19 Safe Schools website here. Families can also continue to use the Ministry’s mobile app or online version here.
Programs of Choice – Registration Period is October 4 – October 18, 2021
Langley School District offers a rich diversity of programs that are designed to meet the specific needs and interests of students. Programs include Fine Arts, French Immersion, Fundamental, Langley Environmental Awareness Program (outdoor education), Montessori, U-Connect, and Career Education Programs (secondary). The registration period begins October 4, 2021 and ends October 18, 2021. For more information and instructions to register your child, visit our District website here and review our FAQ choice programs resource here.
Terry Fox Run
Congratulations to all the Bulldogs who braved our 2021 Terry Fox
Swim Run today. Despite the rain, we ran, jogged, walked and splashed our way around hundreds of collective kilometres in support of the Terry Fox Foundation. It’s not too late to donate to support the Terry Fox Foundation and our school run! Huge thanks to those staff and family members who have already made donations!
Quote(s) of the week

PAC News
Something to read (or watch)
- We all sort of know that reading aloud with our kids is important. This article details how it is important, academically and socially.
- This week is Digital Citizenship Week, and this article, while claiming to focus on teens, has valuable information on how we can begin to support kids at becoming positive digital citizens. Besides, the students tell me that there are quite a few teenaged siblings who are part of our Bulldogs family. I especially liked the section called Prepare, not Protect.
- And how cool is this? LEGO is working to remove harmful gender bias from its toys.
Things to remember from the calendar
October 18
- SD35 Programs of choice registration deadline
October 18-21
- Scholastic Book Fair
October 20
- Parent Teacher Interviews – Students dismissed at 1:33
- Interviews 2-4:45, 5:30-7:30
October 21
- Parent Teacher Interviews – Students dismissed at 1:33
- Interviews 2-4:30
October 22
- Professional Development Day
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