Posted: October 20, 2024
Respectful Interactions
One of our three simple rules here at the school is ‘Take care of each other.’ We’d like to think the kids are doing a fantastic job of living this one most of the time. Based on our observations of a couple of interactions in the driveways of late, maybe the adults are doing a bit less well at it. Please remember to keep your interactions with other adults at the school respectful at all times. We all make mistakes, and we owe each other some grace when those mistakes happen.
Walk your wheels
Since we’re talking about taking care of each other, we would ask that you walk your wheels (that’s bikes and scooters, you don’t have to push the car) on school grounds right before drop-off and around pick-up. We have seen several near collisions recently, sometimes between small people, but occasionally between adults. Parents, we need you to be the first to remind your kids (including younger siblings) to walk those bikes and scooters, please, and we can be the back-up. And if parents are riding, we’d ask you to walk on school grounds, too. Thanks.
Halloween Costumes & Replica Weapons
The District is sharing a reminder that no one can have “any weapon for any purpose” on school property. This means that weapons are not allowed to be used as part of an educational project, drama production, or themed costume. Examples of weapons include but are not limited to knives, bb guns, and toy guns. At Halloween, we will specify further to add swords, axes, lightsabers, Ninja stars, Wolverine claws, and chainsaws. This may seem like overdoing things a bit, but Mr. Oliver has dealt with all of these in his 20 years in school administration. These expectations hold, whether during the school day or at the Halloween Dance on Thursday. Please leave those props at home and save them for the real Halloween.
We’d also ask that, when students wear costumes to the school on Halloween, that particularly precious or fragile components not be risked by bringing them in. We do still play outside, and costumes are often not built for durability. In fact, the wisest approach might be to be dressed so that you can wear your costume for the parade, but your regular clothes for playtime.
Also, when choosing masks, please remember that many of our students could be scared by a really, really scary mask, and we don’t really want to ruin their day. We also like to know who’s who during the day, so we’ll ask kids not to wear masks all day anyhow.
Cross Country Congratulations
Congratulations to all our Cross Country runners this year. We fielded RBE’s largest team ever this year, and our runners made us proud, running against some very tough competitions. Even better, our students finished every race smiling (mostly, though there was some gasping for breath), even when missing a shoe (that’s speed when you run out of your own shoe). We are so proud of their hard work and perseverance.
Special congratulations to the five Bulldogs who represented us at the Championship Race last Wednesday. Our runners ran like the wind, and did us proud. Way to go Madison (17th in category), Landon (25th), Logan (17th), Jun (9th) and Liam (Gold Medal)!
Willoughby Slope Boundary Catchments Information Sessions (repeat)
The District has completed more than half of the planned Willoughby Slope boundary catchments information sessions. If you were not able to attend a meeting in-person but would like to learn and engage in the process, you can watch a recording of the presentation or review the slides. This information can be found on the District website here. Families are encouraged to provide suggestions by emailing:
Quote(s) of the week

From the PAC
The Community Values Coupon Books Fundraiser is Over
All unsold books and payments: must be returned as soon as possible.
12 books are still outstanding. The PAC has to pay for any unreturned books, which takes away from the funds we have available to support programs and activities at the school.
Payments can be made with cash/cheque (payable to RBE PAC), or e-transfer to
Thank you for your support!
General PAC Meeting – Monday, Oct 21st
Please join us for the October General PAC Meeting on Monday Oct 21st at 7 PM in the Richard Bulpitt Elementary School Library.
Come meet your PAC EXEC and see what we have in store for the year!
Subway Fun Lunch Order Deadline – Monday, October 21st
Please make sure you submit your Subway Fun Lunch Order and PAY IT IN FULL by 11:59pm Monday, October 21st here:
If you do not, your child will not receive their Fun Lunch on Thursday October 31st.
Please ensure that you order by the deadlines so your child doesn’t miss out! Orders must be fully paid or they will be cancelled.
We hope that everyone enjoyed their HiFive Chicken Fun Lunch on Friday. We would like to give recognition to HiFive Chicken for donating $150 to our PAC this year.
If you have any questions or need assistance with ordering, please email Zoe or Brianna at
If you would like to volunteer for our Fun Lunch days please email Edith at
You can find the complete schedule and more information on our website here:
Halloween Dance
We are looking for volunteers for the dance!
Volunteers will get free admission to the dance, but still have to purchase tickets for their children if they will be attending.
Please check out the link and sign up wherever you can! Thank you!
Get ready for some spooktacular fun! The Halloween Dance is coming up on October 24.
- This year we’ll have two time slots: 5-7 PM, 7:30-9:30 PM.
- Everyone (adults, children, babies) needs a ticket. Costumes are encouraged, as we will have a costume contest.
- Tickets are $4 (each ticket purchase comes with a glowstick) and will be sold at the door.
- **No physical tickets will be distributed. Limited tickets available – 235 for 5-7 PM time slot, 202 for the 7:30-9:30 PM time slot**
- Parent/adult is required attend per group of kids in grade 3 or younger.
- Entry is through the front entry of the school. Doors open at 5 and 7:30 PM respectively, please don’t come any earlier.
- No weapons or cell phones please!
More information can be found in our October newsletter and our PAC website.
Special thanks to Snap ‘n Share Photobooth, owned by a RBE family, for providing photobooth services for our dance!
Spring Fling Meeting – Monday, October 28th
Join us virtually on Monday at 7pm via Google Meets for our upcoming Spring Fling planning meeting. We would love input on our biggest event of the year! You can find the link on our PAC Facebook page.
If you would like to be involved in the planning please join our Facebook planning group.
Family Photo Fundraiser – still a few time slots left!
Linda McCague Photography will be here from Nov 5-7 with a neutral photo backdrop to accommodate all families.
- Sessions will be 15 minutes long, between 4 -9 PM, in the RBE Library.
- Use the sign up genius link to book your time slot:
- Session Fee is $30 and includes one 5×7 print (photographers choice). Additional items will be available for purchase.
- Once you have booked your session, please send your $30 payment by e-transfer to no later than 11:59pm on Tuesday, October 29th.
- Any session not paid for after this time will be cancelled.
Flip Give Fundraiser
This year, fundraising for RBE PAC is going to be so much easier with FlipGive, a free team funding app.
We can earn cash back on every purchase we make all year long! All you have to do is shop anytime with the brands you already love, like Home Depot, Walmart, Sport Chek, Indigo, Old Navy, Apple, Esso, and Loblaws. No more going door-to-door selling chocolate bars – it’s completely virtual and contactless.
Join our team now and you’ll get a $5 bonus the first time you shop:
Or enter this code: WYW49S
Want to learn more? Check out this 2 minute video:
Email with any questions.
Stay in the Know
Follow the Richard Bulpitt PAC Facebook page, our Instagram ( and now visit our website to stay up-to-date with all the details!
Something to read
- Here’s a neat blog article on the value of frustrating play. It makes me think a bit of time I’ve spent tying fishing flies. I was mostly frustrated, but I kept at it, and the payoff was (occasionally) a fish that I caught completely based on my own efforts.
- Steve Wyborney has lots of good math resources. Here he has a set of videos intended to help with practising multiplication facts.

Things to Remember from the Calendar
Monday, October 21
- PAC Meeting – 7pm in the library
Thursday, October 24
- Informal Learning Updates sent home.
- PAC Halloween Dance
Friday, October 25
- Professional Development Day – Students do not attend.
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