Posted: October 23, 2022
Happy Diwali
Diwali begins tomorrow! South Asian families in our community and our school will clean and decorate their homes and workspaces, exchange gifts, share stories and meals, and light diyas (clay lamps) that symbolize the triumph of good over evil and light over darkness. Click the image below to see a super-cool time-lapse of Ms. Connolly’s students making the beautiful rice Rangoli for Diwali. Happy Diwali, everyone!

Sick is sick
We are starting to notice an increase in the number of students coming to school visibly ill, and complaining of having not felt well since the moment they got up. Please note that, while COVID restrictions are not what they were, it is still expected that students who are ill should not be attending school. They can’t learn, they suffer physically and emotionally, and they increase the likelihood of other students and staff falling ill as well. If your children are sick, please keep them home.
New Option to Access MyEDBC using your BC Services Card
On Monday, October 17, the Ministry of Education and Child Care together with Service BC is providing another option for students and parents/guardians to access MyEDBC. This new option enables students and families to link their BC Services Card Mobile Phone App to their MyEDBC account. By choosing this new method, all you would need is your BC Services Card Mobile Phone App to log into MyEDBC at any time. If a student or parent/guardian chooses this method, they will be able to go back to the old login method but will require assistance from District MyEDBC support staff. Moving forward with choosing this new option means that you will never need a username and password.
The old method of using a username and password to login to My EDBC will remain the same. There may be some students and families who do not want to use the new login method for reasons which may include:
- You are satisfied with the current process of using a username and password
- You don’t have a BC Services Card
- You don’t have access or don’t want to use a mobile phone or the BC Services Card App to log into My EDBC
Below are resources and instructions from the Ministry to help you get started.
As this is a new change, please understand District and school staff are still learning about this additional option and instructions to help support families.
Halloween is coming!
On Monday, October 31, we will have our Halloween Costume Parade in the gym. Students are welcome to wear their Halloween costumes that day, but with a couple of limitations. Students (and staff) should not bring replica weapons as part of their costume, even for the parade. We would also ask our older students to keep in mind that there are little kids here, so extra-scary costumes should be saved for trick-or-treating and not worn to school. Finally, students may wear masks during the actual parade, but we would like to see their faces during instruction and at recess, so masks will be put away after the parade. Finally, we recommend that students with particularly elaborate or delicate costumes not wear them except for the parade. We don’t want to see anything ruined by accident.
Early Learning Opportunities
We have many opportunities for families to take part in Early Years Programming in our district. All of our programs are FREE, DROP-IN, and open to all caregivers. Families are welcome to attend any of the sessions available, regardless of their catchment school.
PAC Update
PAC Spring Fling Meeting
Please join us for the second Spring Fling planning meeting on Monday, October 24 at 7pm online via Google Meets; here is the link:
Halloween Dance
The Halloween Dance will be on Friday, October 28th from 6-9pm.
Admission is $3 each. Tickets are now on sale via Munch a Lunch at under Fundraising Open! Only 500 tickets will be sold, so don’t wait to get yours!
At least one adult/parent is required to attend per group of kids in grade 3 or younger.
We are looking for volunteers! All volunteers will be entered into a monthly draw for a coveted gift card. Please email if you can help.

Stay in the Know
Follow the Richard Bulpitt PAC Facebook page or our Instagram (@rbepac) to stay up-to-date with all the details!
Quote(s) of the week

Something to Read or Watch…
- This is a bit more for little kids, but the idea of Special Time is a parenting strategy that can help kids listen better and be more cooperative when cooperation is critical for success.
- Check out the newly-updated RBE Math Zone, a place where you can find information and resources for practicing math (the “new” kind, that you and I didn’t learn in school) at school and at home.
Things to Remember from the Calendar
Monday, October 24
- Happy Diwali!
- PAC Spring Fling Meeting
Wednesday, October 26
- Cross Country Final – good luck, Ava & SJ.
Friday, October 28
- PAC Fun Lunch
- PAC Halloween Dance
Monday, October 31
- Halloween Costume Parade
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