Posted: October 24, 2021
Kindergarten Parents:
If you have not completed the CHEQ survey below, please consider doing so. If you click the image below, you’ll go the QR’s destination.

Halloween is coming…
We are currently working on our Halloween plans at the school, and we’re pretty sure the kids are working on their own Halloween plans as well. We will have a costume parade of some sort, either live or by video, on October 29th. As you and your kids plan for that, please keep these things in mind:
- Replica weapons should not come to school Neither should real ones.
- Costumes that promote violence are not really appropriate for school.
- The COVID restrictions around masks will still apply. It might be wise to leave Halloween masks at home, or to plan on showing them off once, and then put them away somewhere safe.
- Students should NOT be bringing treats for their classmates. Please save those for October 31.
- Playgrounds are hard on costumes. To avoid disappointing costume disasters, please don’t send a treasured or hard-to-repair costume to be worn all day.
Winter Clothing Drive
A group of leadership students from R.E. Mountain Secondary, where all our Bulldogs are eventually bound, are running a winter clothing drive to provide warm clothing to kids in Alkavik, NWT. Before you lost track of those outgrown winter essentials, please consider donating them. We have donation bags in the office, and will accept donations there.

Terry Fox Run
It’s not too late to donate to support the Terry Fox Foundation and our school run! Huge thanks to those staff and family members who have already made donations! Our school’s campaign is currently at $765 raised. Let’s get that total higher, Bulldogs!
International Students’ Program – Homestay Families Needed
Click on the poster to go to the ISP Homestay Section.

Quote(s) of the week

PAC News
Something to read (or watch)
- Click the image to see a lovely video about sportsmanship. I dare you!

- Young Adults don’t read. Here’s what we can do about it. Hint: it starts young, and the ideas this article shares for young adults apply to younger readers as well.
- Thanks to Mrs. Vandenbossche who pointed me to this resource from our neighbours at Hallowe’en Tips for Children With Autism or Who Are New To Canada. I especially liked the idea of a name tag for kids who might be too shy to say ‘Trick or Treat’ that will allow them to participate silently in the annual tradition.
Things to remember from the calendar
October 26
- Neufeld Farms Fundraiser order deadline
October 29
- PAC Fun Lunch
- Halloween Costume Parade (live if good weather, video if poor weather).
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