Posted: October 3, 2021
New Mask Requirements
As announced Friday by the Provincial Health Officer and Ministry of Education, beginning this Monday, all students from Kindergarten to grade 12 will be required to wear masks in all indoor settings at school. Please work with us to keep everyone safe, and make sure your child has a clean mask for use at school. The government also released information Friday on how their notification and contact tracing protocols will work going forward. It is an interesting read, and provides clarity on what information will come to families and when, in the result of an exposure at school. The below infographic shows how the steps and timing of school notifications and contact tracing work.

Updated COVID Daily Health Check
Our District’s procedure is for all students to complete a daily health check at home prior to entering school and/or boarding a District bus. The Ministry of Education’s Daily Health Check poster has been updated to reflect new federal regulations regarding international travel. The symptoms listed remain the same. You can find the updated print version here. The updated version is being translated into multiple languages, which will be posted to the Ministry’s COVID-19 Safe Schools website here. Families can also continue to use the Ministry’s mobile app or online version here.
Programs of Choice – Registration Period is October 4 – October 18, 2021
Langley School District offers a rich diversity of programs that are designed to meet the specific needs and interests of students. Programs include Fine Arts, French Immersion, Fundamental, Langley Environmental Awareness Program (outdoor education), Montessori, U-Connect, and Career Education Programs (secondary). The registration period begins October 4, 2021 and ends October 18, 2021. For more information and instructions to register your child, visit our District website here and review our FAQ choice programs resource here.
For parents/guardians of grade 4 students: Foundation Skills Assessment
Each year, the Ministry of Education requires students in grades 4 and 7 to complete the Foundation Skills Assessment. Our completion window this year is October 4 to November 10. Please take a few minutes to read this letter from Superintendent Gord Stewart regarding the FSA.
Terry Fox Run
Our annual Terry Fox Run will be held, rain or shine, on the afternoon of Friday, October 15. We have a school fundraising page online at the Terry Fox Foundation, and encourage families to support our efforts there. Thanks to the parent who has already donated, even before we put out the request!
BC Vaccination Status Reporting Regulation for Students
Fraser Health is sharing information with families regarding the BC Vaccination Status Reporting Regulation for Students. Vaccine reporting, which is a regulation that has been in effect since 2019, supports the gathering of immunization data and to offer immunizations in school settings. Examples of routine immunizations offered to grade 6/7 and 9/10 students may include Chickenpox (varicella) vaccine, Hepatitis B vaccine, and Meningococcal Quadrivalent vaccine. These in-school immunizations do not include the COVID-19 vaccine. The District will continue to assist Fraser Health in this process including distributing and collecting information and accommodating public health staff on school sites. As always, our schools will continue to follow all COVID-19 health and safety protocols. Please read this letter from Fraser Health here.
Quote(s) of the week

PAC News
Something to read (or watch)
Why do the leaves change to the colours they do? I mean, I know it’s autumn, and the temperatures make things happen, but here’s a bit more detail of the chemical sort. The Chemicals Behind the Colours of Autumn Leaves. It is quite scientific, but hey, I had a grade 1 student tell me about the first dozen elements on the Periodic Table the other day, so here it is.
Are you overscheduled? Are your kids? All in the name of fun? This article looks at a historical view of kids and play, and suggests that Your Kids Can Have Fun Without Stressing You Out.
Things to remember from the calendar
Monday, October 4
- Mask requirement for all students begins today
- PAC Meeting – 7pm in the gym. Childminding available.
Friday, October 8
- Fun Lunch
Monday, October 11
- Thanksgiving Holiday
Thursday, October 14
- Individual photos
Friday, October 15
- Terry Fox Run
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