Posted: September 22, 2024
2024 Terry Fox Run
Congratulations to the whole RBE community on some excellent running Friday, and on your fantastic fundraising efforts. We raised more than we have in any of the years Mr. Oliver has been at the school. We raised so much, in fact, that we exceeded our target, so Ms. Davies will be cutting her hair off to donate to Wigs for Kids, and Mr. Oliver is working with the hairdresser to go green. Way to go, Bulldogs!
Thursday is Picture Day
Don’t forget that this Thursday is picture day. Mr. Oliver won’t be doing his hair before that….
Early Literacy Resource
The Ministry of Education and Childcare has released an early literacy resource for parents and caregivers. It offers strategies and resources to help adults support the literacy development of their kids. Click the image below for the full resource. It can be found in other languages, along with a number of other resources, on the K-12 Literacy Supports webpage.

New to District Fall Registration
Do you know a family with children in the K-12 school system that is moving to Langley in fall 2024? Please assist the District in sharing this information with any of your friends and family. The District is encouraging families moving to Langley from another jurisdiction to register their child for school as soon as possible. With high enrolment in some schools, the District is working to facilitate student placement for September entry and support a smooth transition for these new families. For more information on the registration process and required documents, visit the webpage here.
Meet the Teacher
On Wednesday, September 25, we will be hosting a Meet the Teacher event. Enjoy socializing with the community from 5:00-7:00, and visit your child’s classroom between 5:30 and 6:30. Come in and meet your child’s teacher, see the class, and have a look at the new Annex (even if your child doesn’t have class there yet). There will also be food truck dinner at the front of the school thanks to the PAC! We look forward to seeing you there.
Student Safety in Schools
The Langley School District is committed to fostering safe and caring schools that promote mutual respect, cooperation, and social responsibility, and support optimal learning. Trauma Informed Practices and Procedures promote the creation and maintenance of safe, inclusive, equitable, welcoming, and nurturing school environments. The District expects all students to follow the Student Code of Conduct AP 350.
The District is sharing a reminder that no one can have “any weapon for any purpose” on school property. This means that weapons are not allowed to be used as part of an educational project, drama production, or themed costume. Examples of weapons include but are not limited to knives, bb guns, and toy guns. Failure to follow these expectations may result in confiscation, intervention, and consequences.
Safer Schools Together
The Ministry of Education has once again contracted Safer Schools Together to offer complimentary Family Sessions, designed to support families and caregivers navigate the digital world. There is one session per month. Families can participate in as many as they wish. Sessions can be found at the link below:
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Families will learn:
- Digital media habits, oversharing, and digital addiction
- The permanence of online posts/activity
- The significance of your digital tattoo in how others perceive you (e.g., sports teams, college admissions, and potential employers)
- The importance of caring for peers both online and offline
- Geo-locational settings and the dangers of social media and cell phone misuse
- The social and legal consequences of cyberbullying behaviour as well as possession and distribution of intimate images (sexting and sextortion)
- An anonymous student reporting tool that can help you and your friends stay safe both online and offline
Communicating With Your School
Schools and families continue to work together to ensure success for students. If you have an issue or concern but don’t know whom to speak with, the District encourages you to read these helpful Communicating with your School guidelines for parents/guardians found on our District website here. As an additional reference, review this one-page resource here.
Quote(s) of the week
From the PAC
Community Values Coupon Books – Sale Date: Sept 20th – Oct 4th
- CASH – Put the money in an envelope or Ziplock with child’s name and Div on it
- CHEQUE – Payable to: RBE PAC (put child’s name and div in the memo line)
General PAC Meeting – Monday, Sept 23rd
Meet the Teacher Night – Wednesday, Sept 25th
Class Parent Representative
Fun Lunch
Don’t forget about Spirit Wear Orders!

Flip Give Fundraiser
This year, fundraising for RBE PAC is going to be so much easier with FlipGive, a free team funding app.
We can earn cash back on every purchase we make all year long! All you have to do is shop anytime with the brands you already love, like Home Depot, Walmart, Sport Chek, Indigo, Old Navy, Apple, Esso, and Loblaws. No more going door-to-door selling chocolate bars – it’s completely virtual and contactless.
Join our team now and you’ll get a $5 bonus the first time you shop:
Or enter this code: WYW49S
Want to learn more? Check out this 2 minute video:
Stay in the Know
Something to read
- I stumbled on this article on risky play. It suggests adults follow a 17-second rule before intervening to protect their kids from perceived risk. It has me trying to remember back to when my own kids were small, and whether I used that pausing strategy or tried to mitigate risk as soon as I saw it.
- This video is worth a watch for sure, and overlaps nicely with the article above.
- Granted I’m biased, but this one touched my heart.
Things to Remember from the Calendar
Monday, September 23
- PAC Meeting – 7pm in the library
- Cross Country Practice at lunch
Wednesday, September 25
- Cross Country meet after school
- Meet the Teacher – classrooms open 5:30-6:30
Thursday, September 26
- Cross Country Practice at lunch
- Student individual photos
Friday, September 27
- Cross Country Practice at lunch
- Truth & Reconciliation Assemblies
Monday, September 30
- National Day for Truth & Reconciliation – school closed
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