This Week at Richard Bulpitt Elementary – February 23, 2025

Posted: February 23, 2025

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Congratulations to Ms. Olic and family who welcomed their baby boy, Dakota on February 18.

Diversity & Respect Week

All week, the Langley School District, and Richard Bulpitt Elementary, recognize Diversity & Respect Week. We will be sharing in activities that celebrate the wonderful diversity in our community. 

Tuesday – Rainbow Day to show solidarity with LGBTQ+ members of our community

Wednesday – Pink Shirt Day – Let Kindness Grow

Thursday – This is me! Day – share and celebrate something that makes you YOU! A hobby? Sure? Culture? Absolutely! A passion? 100%. It can be anything! But make it a representation of what makes you the special and unique person you are.

Friday – Multicultural Day – Thank you to the families who are helping us learn more about the great range of cultures that make up the Richard Bulpitt Community!

Student Inclusive Conferences

Our Term 2 Student Inclusive Conferences run the week of March 3-7, and appointment booking is open but will close this Friday. Please make sure to book your appointments and complete the family reflection forms that come home from classroom teachers. These conferences replace the old-style report cards, so your attendance is a crucial part of your child’s year of learning. And please remember that students are expected to attend.

LEAP (Langley Environmental Awareness Program)

Just last week, students at Willoughby, Richard Bulpitt, and Donna Gabriel Robins elementary schools received a visit from the Travelling Outdoor Education Roadshow. This exhibition was geared towards intermediate students and participants were able to rotate through multiple hands-on and nature inspired stations, as well as Q&A with current LEAP Outdoor Education Student Ambassadors. Unfortunately, our traveling roadshow team is not able to visit all elementary schools across the District, but we would like to extend a special invitation to intermediate families from throughout the District to attend a targeted parent information evening. This information session is for families interested in intermediate enrolment for the 2025-2026 school year (grade 5-7 students).

Please join us on Wednesday, February 26th at 5pm in the Fort Langley Elementary School Library (8877 Bartlett Street in Fort Langley).

Raising Digitally Resilient Kids

The Raising Digitally Resilient Kids parent workshop outlines how parents and guardians can support children’s well-being and help them balance the risks and benefits of digital media. Based on insights from MediaSmarts’ research with youth, the workshop provides an overview of online risk categories and provides resources and essential strategies that participants can take to manage these risks. You can find all of these resources at the link below:

The MANE Event – in support of the Langley School District Foundation


Dress in your finest Kentucky Derby-inspired attire and prepare for an afternoon of elegance, excitement, and community spirit. Here’s what to look forward to:

    • wine & craft brew tastings
    • gourmet canapès
    • world-class show jumping

The day will begin with a warm welcome and glasses of champagne to set the tone for a truly extraordinary experience. Guests will savor exquisite wine tastings from award-winning wineries, perfectly paired with gourmet canapés. This delightful combination promises to create an atmosphere of sophistication and indulgence.

Enjoy VIP access to a breathtaking show jumping event. Watch as skilled riders and horses demonstrate their talent, soaring gracefully through the air in a thrilling spectacle you won’t want to miss!

Quote(s) of the week

From the PAC

Spring Fling Meeting – Monday, February 24th

Join us virtually on Monday at 7pm via Google Meets for our upcoming Spring Fling planning meeting. We would love input on our biggest event of the year! You can find the link on our PAC Facebook page.

If you would like to be involved in the planning please join our Facebook planning group. 

Pink Shirt Day – Gourmet Donut Fundraiser

Every year we like to fundraise for the CKNW Kids’ Fund on Pink Shirt Day (Feb 26th) with our Donut Day fundraiser. After school we will be selling Pink Vanilla Dip and Chocolate Dip donuts with sprinkles from Gourmet donuts: $15/6 donuts, or $3 each.

All preordered donuts will be delivered to students right before school dismissal unless otherwise requested. Please email bulpittpac@outlook.comto make alternative arrangements.

“Day of” sales will be after school in the courtyard (behind the school) on February 26 until 3:30pm. Cash and card will be accepted.

Single donuts can be purchased day of, with a limit of 2 per person.

All proceeds raised will be donated to the CKNW Kids’ Fund.

With your help, the CKNW Kids’ Fund enhances the lives of children living with physical, mental, social, and behavioural challenges in BC communities. 

Get more information about the CKNW Kid’s Fund here:

Pokerrito & Subway Fun Lunch is this Friday, February 28th

Please look for the lunch reminder email from MunchaLunch on Thursday February 27th. If you do not receive it, it means you did NOT pay for your order, and your child(ren) will NOT be receiving their order on Friday February 28th. Please make sure you pack a lunch if this is the case. 

If you did receive the email, don’t forget to pack a snack and water bottle for Fun Lunch day. 

If you have any questions please email

If your child will be absent on Fun Lunch Day, please come to the PAC kitchen between 12 and 12:30 pm on Friday to pick it up.  If you cannot pick it up, please consider it as a donation as there are no refunds. 

If you’re able to volunteer for Fun Lunch day please email

You can also view the full list of upcoming fun lunches and general information about fun lunches on our website here.

Spring Fling Raffle Basket Donation Collections

Hello Div 10-29 parents! Your PAC committee is in full swing planning the annual Spring Fling Carnival on Friday, June 6th at the school. 

This week is the last week to bring in your donations towards your classroom’s theme. Please ensure that all donations are brought to the classroom no later then Friday, February 28th.

You can find a list of all the themes and links to the online sign up sheets on our PAC Facebook page here.

Your class parents will be picking up the donated items and making lovely baskets out of them at the beginning of March.

If you have any questions, please connect with your class parent or email us at

Thank you for your help!

General PAC Meeting – Monday, March 3rd

Please join us for the March General PAC Meeting on Monday March 3rd at 7 PM in the Richard Bulpitt Elementary School Library.  

You can enter through the main entry doors at the front of the school.

This is open to all parents of the RBE school community. Hope to see you there!

COBS Bread Doughraiser

Did you know that we have an ongoing fundraiser with the Walnut Grove COBS Bread location? Simply mention Richard Bulpitt Elementary at the Walnut Grove location when you make a purchase. They’re donating 5% back to us! Note that a minimum of $500 sales requirement is required for a Dough Raiser cheque to be issued to our school. Thank you for your support!

Are you interested in joining the PAC EXEC next year? 

Are you looking to get more involved in the school community? Do you have ideas for events or fundraisers? Our current PAC EXEC will be losing 3 members in September as their kids move on to middle school.

We will be in need of a Vice-President, Secretary, Co-Fun Lunch Coordinator and Members of Large. If any of these positions sound of interest to you, or you are simply interested in finding out what the PAC does, please email us at You can find details about the roles on the PAC Facebook page or on our website here.

Stay in the Know

Follow the Richard Bulpitt PAC Facebook page, our Instagram ( and now visit our website to stay up-to-date with all the details!

Something to read

  • As we look at a forecast with an awful lot of grey and rain (this morning being a lovely surprise to me, at least), I thought Gurdeep Pandher could brighten things up a bit:

  • Did you ever have one of those moments where your kid made your blood boil? Or even more distressing, where they ‘went off’? The Crisis Prevention Institute shares this short Top 10 De-escalation Tips document for free. It has things that are 100% helpful.
  • And finding that resource sent me down the Mirror Neuron rabbit hole this morning. I already knew about the concept, and had an understanding of how they relate to my work with kids (if I am agitated, they will be agitated, and if I see a dysregulated kid my brain will try to trick me into dysregulating as well), and of how I can leverage a distressed child’s mirror neurons to help them regulate by staying cool and calm, but there’s more.




One article got me thinking about how, when I used to watch the Tour de France bike race on TV, my legs would quite seriously start twitching when the racers were in the final sprint.

Things to Remember from the Calendar

Monday, February 24

  • Design & Assessment Day – Students do not attend
  • Spring Fling Meeting (virtual) 7pm on Google Meets

Tuesday, February 25

  • Rainbow Day – in solidarity with LGBTQ+ community members
  • Boys basketball practice after school

Wednesday, February 26

  • Pink Shirt Day
  • PAC Donut Fundraiser
  • Boys Basketball game AT Donna Gabriel Robins (walk over)
  • Girls Basketball game AT HOME vs Donna Gabriel Robins

Thursday, February 27

  • This is me! Day
  • Multicultural Day Setup after school in the gym

Friday, February 28

  • Student Inclusive Conference Booking Closes
  • PAC Fun Lunch
  • Multicultural Day (all day)
  • Girls’ Basketball Practice after school

Richard Bulpitt Elementary

20965 - 77A Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Y 2E6
Phone: 604-888-5393
Fax: 604-888-5356